Is she over-reacting?


New Member
I have a friend who is in a long distance relationship. She's in one of the services, and met her bf in Europe, but for obvious reasons she travels around. They are committed to making it work and have talked marriage.

They seem really happy and trust has never been an issue (she's a good friend and tells me EVERYTHING, so she would have told me any bad stuff).

His best female friend has just gotten back from South America where she was for over a year (we'll call her J), and they hung out this week. He dated J when they were like 15- 17ish (and they had a WILD sexual relationship), he thought she was his first love, until she broke up with him. He says it was just childhood love not real love like he feels for my friend, and that he considers my friend his first love. Anyway, his best girl friend J has been dating his best guy friend (B) for the past 3 yrs (they lived together too) but they broke up over the summer. My friend has had a problem with the way he describes J, always putting her on a pedestal like she's perfect, he only says good stuff and overall she just doesn't feel comfortable with there relationship b/c even though it's years later (there all 25), she's still a girl he had a sexual relationship with.

My friend has never met J or even seen a picture of her. So she was like "take a pic monday when u hang out and send me a pic of her so I can finally see what she looks like". Well when he sent the pic, all heck broke loose:ohwell: J was in his room sitting on his bed, fully clothed and all, but my friend is like "why is she in your bedroom???" She is beyond mad. He lives in a HUUUGE house, its so big it has 4 sets of steps (yeah, that big) so for them to be hanging out in his room to her is unnaceptable, he has 3 living rooms, including one with a pool table and big giant tv (the obvious choice to hang out in you would think).

They were supposed to come to Greece with me and my fiancee, but she has canceled them going and basically broken up with him. He keeps calling me telling me she's over-reacting, and I do feel bad for him, b/c he is a really nice guy and he really does seem to love her 100%. He says why would he take the pic and send it to her if antything was happening, but she says he was just to dumb to realize. He also says he was just making music (he has a studio set up in the corner of his room) but she's not having it. She feels why would you make music when you haven't seen your friend in a year?

I don't know what to tell them!! I want them to work out, but then I really don't know what to say about the situation to either one of them to help.
If she has enough issues with J that she breaks up with him over a picture of her that he took specifically to send her that shows J (who he has known for over ten years!) in his bedroom.......then it seems like she's making this a choose her or choose me situation. :ohwell:

She isn't willing to marry him while he's still friends with a childhood ex. Do I think she's in the right? No, but it ain't my relationship, either. *shrug* If it bothers her enough to end the relationship, then maybe it should be ended.

I dunno.
I'd say yes and no. I think he should've been more aware of the implications of having a woman in his bedroom (alone), no matter how innocent the situation. A few years ago I would've thought differently, but as I've gotten older I'm realizing that perception is just as important as reality. The bedroom is probably the most intimate room of the house because it's a person's private space. So for him to have another woman in his private space is a bit insensitive and just careless on his part. Is it worth breaking up with him over it? Nah, I don't think so.
I agree with cheetarah1980's yes and no. I can understand why she might feel uncomfortable, but I don't think anything was really going on...I would wait and see. He has to put himself in her shoes. Men are so dumb sometimes when it comes to things like this.
I understand her feelings but I think she's just very jealous of their past even though both of them have put it to the side.

Honestly, chick must look good as hell too since she's so curious to know how she looks and then flips later.
I think that your friend was looking for something to flip over. Why did she even ask to see a picture of the friend? I personally don't think anything is wrong with having someone who has been your best friend for 10 years in our bedroom and, especially if they have never had a conversation about her saying this is inappropriate, she isn't giving him a fair chance. I feel sorry for him.
I'm not sure I would have broke up with him over it, but I understand how she feels. She should not have been in his bedroom :nono: sitting on his bed. I personally would have a difficult time being in a relationship with a man who had that cushy a relationship with any woman, not to mention an old flame with whom he'd had a wild sexual history with.
I just don't know. They dated a while ago, but he still considered J his first love and wanted to get back with her UP UNTIL 3 years ago, when she started dating his other best friend (which he was really upset about and it ruined his friendship with both for awhile, but they worked it out). Him and my friend have been dating for 2 years. Him and J last slept together 4-5 years ago from what he has said.

My friend will be the first to admit she's jealous of there relationship and there past together. I think she should just meet J and see how they are together, then she will see whatever needs seeing. Other than that my friend is a very nice, loving, sweet person.

I've been to his house, and it's 4 stories, so to me that is also why it's odd they were in the bedroom, which is on the highest level. I've been in his bedroom (with my friend) and it IS a very private space. There's no reason to be on the bed when the music equipment is in the corner, that's her main thing, and it's what I agree with.

She is serious about ending the relationship, and I just don't know what to tell her. I think they are a great couple, but then it is her relationship, not mine.

I am kinda mad though that I have to replan my vacay :wallbash:
Hmm... honestly, if she's just that jealous, it's good she broke it off. The chances of him and J hooking up and getting it on at least once while his woman is on the other side of the planet are pretty good. If she feels like him cheating with his ex is a likely scenario and she doesn't want to wait around for the other shoe to drop... *shrugs* then the wisest choice is to end it now instead of trying to play Magnum P.I. from across the world to see if he's cheating. Just end it now.
Wouldn't be me. :nono: That is just plain disrespectful. What's wrong with some "women" nowadays? I wouldn't dare step foot in another man's bedroom that isn't family or my FH! And I would DARE another woman to step foot in my FH's bedroom. :perplexed Ain't nothing in there that another woman needs to see. As someone has previously stated, it's not always about what's going on, but about how something looks. And that looks just plain bad. Why would she need to be in his bedroom? AND on his bed? I wouldn't be surprised if something went down after the photo shoot. :nono: In all fairness, I'd probably flip out, too. I also would have more of an issue due to the fact that they have been sexually active in the past.

I also find it disrespectful for a man to constantly hang out with a female friend and their girlfriend/wife hasn't even met them. But I guess that's a different issue...
Wouldn't be me. :nono: That is just plain disrespectful. What's wrong with some "women" nowadays? I wouldn't dare step foot in another man's bedroom that isn't family or my FH! And I would DARE another woman to step foot in my FH's bedroom. :perplexed Ain't nothing in there that another woman needs to see. As someone has previously stated, it's not always about what's going on, but about how something looks. And that looks just plain bad. Why would she need to be in his bedroom? AND on his bed? I wouldn't be surprised if something went down after the photo shoot. :nono: In all fairness, I'd probably flip out, too. I also would have more of an issue due to the fact that they have been sexually active in the past.

I also find it disrespectful for a man to constantly hang out with a female friend and their girlfriend/wife hasn't even met them. But I guess that's a different issue...

I feel what you're saying. This story would have most people uncomfortable like Donnie and Marie Osmond lol... to the bolded, there were female friends my DH hung out with that I never met, but that was because he was stationed in an area I didn't have much access to. When you're military, it can be like that sometimes. And I had a condo, but I had no furniture, just a TV a cable box the internet and an air mattress. My only friend in the area at the time was a guy and he hadn't really met my husband yet and we'd hang out in my room and sometimes one or both of us would fall asleep. When my husband was in dorms if he hung out with people, it was more or less in that small dorm. It's just the nature of our situation... but I didn't get "worked" up over it. And the guy friend is mad cool with my husband, all three of us can chill... but I will admit, there was never a "history" between us like in the OPs scenario... so it's still different.

However, I get the feeling that because of their sexual past, there's almost NOTHING her boyfriend can do about this girl that would make the girlfriend feel better. I don't want to say "Oh she's just insecure", because while that could be a factor, it's not the main factor... it's the principle of the WHOLE situation - how perfect he portrays the chick to be, how close they are after their sexual friendship, and all the history. I guess it's the fact that no matter what, in the back of her mind he'll always be looking to this ex as a potential flame, especially if the spark is still there.