Is it true that once you marry sex goes away?

I don't turn him down, but I don't intiate (did I spell that right?) either. He has a problem with that. he wants me to, but I don't have the energy. I have explained this to him, but he just doesn't get it. I feel like my body doesn't belong to me anymore since Dec 2005. He feels rejected or like I don't want him because I don't ask for it. He wants me to do all of this freaky stuff and I feel like at this point it is kinda gross. I don't feel like at like an adult film actress in the bedroom. I just feel like somebody's mother. When we do get together in that way, the baby is moving and kicking and I feel like someone is in the bed with us.
During pregnancies... sex drives differ I think... First pregnancy...had to have my husband almost daily! This pregnancy...don't even think about touching me!! Kinda weird...he definately doesn't understand and was looking forward to me being pregnant again.. poor thing!!
The children's father and I went a year without sex...from the time I was about 5 months pregnant until Christmas the following year and baby was 8 1/2 months old. That was the longest.

I married someone who told me that twice a week was excessive (becuase I would have been ready everyday) but it was not the least bit uncommon for us to go weeks and months without sex.

That has little to nothign to do with why our marriage failed except I definitely think it was a symptom of the lack of intimacy and communication. You know, if I'm not doing EET and I'm going through all of this mess, too? I may as well be alone. I've had more sex since I left him but that's really not saying much.
Dlewis- you ridin' the short bus today?

The longest was after my 2 c-sections- 8 weeks.

It doesn't have to diminish after marriage. I think going without for 2 weeks is too long.
Dlewis- you ridin' the short bus today?

The longest was after my 2 c-sections- 8 weeks.

It doesn't have to diminish after marriage. I think going without for 2 weeks is too long.

I asked it before and no one answer. Once I sounded it out I got it. :lachen:

I was thinking Eastern European Time, what does that have to do with this?
I'd say a couple weeks because of deployments etc.
Now besides that usually no more then a week and then we usually make-up for it within the following days,hours.
I don't turn him down, but I don't intiate (did I spell that right?) either. He has a problem with that. he wants me to, but I don't have the energy. I have explained this to him, but he just doesn't get it. I feel like my body doesn't belong to me anymore since Dec 2005. He feels rejected or like I don't want him because I don't ask for it. He wants me to do all of this freaky stuff and I feel like at this point it is kinda gross. I don't feel like at like an adult film actress in the bedroom. I just feel like somebody's mother. When we do get together in that way, the baby is moving and kicking and I feel like someone is in the bed with us.

Shortdub, I'm sorry you feel this way....:sad:. Is it a lack of desire?
A week is too long? Not for me and my hubby. We work opposite schedules and I work and am a student and have two children. I am also on the youth ministry staff at myu church. There are times when the body isn't up to it. My husband comes in and I'm sleep and he doesna't bother me. He knows what schedule I keep. Sometimes, before when he gets a chance to go in late. We sneak a quicky in before we have to pick up the children from summer camp. It makes up for the lost days! LOL!
a month - because he was out of town @ work

3 non period days

we have a 4 and 5 year old
Does childbirth count? For our first child we waited 8wks. I was scared!! For the second, we waited 6 wks almost to the dot and the 3rd we waited 5wks.
Could'nt take the begging any more,lol.

Not including childbirth, Hubby and I were apart for 7 months!! During our moving transition from Cali to TN he had to go ahead due to his new job. He oversaw the building of our new house while I stayed in Cali with the kids and oversaw the selling of our condo and so the kids could finish up school...It was pure torture! During the 7 months we managed to travel and get together 3 times (a lousy weekend each time) and the spacing averaged about every 2 months. By then, we both were so...excited to see each other...Let's just say we tried to make up for lost time and then some. We had to resort to phone and webcam action,lol... Now that we're all back together, the longest we've gone without :lick: has been 4 days....once a month when ol aunt flow shows and thats mostly because I don't really care for the mess...Hubby's never lacked umm....motivation...To the point where sometimes I'm the one begging off, lol.