Is It Still Necessary to Stretch Relaxers If...


New Member
You base every inch of your scalp with a protectant(using an applicator bottle) and you protect the already relaxed areas? The reason for stretching was to keep the relaxer from affecting your scalp for as long as possible and to prevent overlapping right?
I stretch to avoid the use of chemicals as much as possible and to protect my hair and I think some of those chemicals are going to seep through no matter how much basing you do. But, ultimately, it's a personal decision.
iiBlackBarbieii said:
You base every inch of your scalp with a protectant(using an applicator bottle) and you protect the already relaxed areas? The reason for stretching was to keep the relaxer from affecting your scalp for as long as possible and to prevent overlapping right?

IMO I think it is. Even if you cover the already relaxed areas it's hard to keep the protectant and the relaxer from crossing over into the new growth and already relaxed hair, respectively. It's much easier to distinguish between these two areas when you have an 1-2 inches of new growth as opposed to a half inch.

Some women also do it to reduce exposure to the chemical itself even if your scalp is based. Some women do it to save money. Some women do it because they realize that they don't have to run for that creamy crack every 4-6 weeks, that they are able to handle their new growth. Another plus is that you get to see a dramatic difference in growth when you get relaxed every 12 weeks as opposed to every 6 weeks (it may be barely noticable) and this can be encouraging.

I'm personally doing it for all of these reasons. If you can not stretch and reap the same benefits as stretchers then I say more power to you. As for me I will continue to stretch because I'm seeing way more results in the last year of learning to stretch than I ever have when I was relaxing ever 4-6 weeks.
I think its a personal decision as well. If a person relaxes their hair every 6 weeks they're exposing their hair and scalp to the chemicals 8 times a year!!! I would be very concerned with protecting my previously relaxed hair during the rinsing stage. Like mariaat said, it will seep in no matter what you do. the relaxer, by design is meant to penetrate the hair. I normally wait 12 weeks between touch ups, but that because its comfortable... i dont have to do any extra special tactics to get to this point and i have 4a hair. BUT if my hair is breaking and wont respond to any of my usual after 8 weeks treatments, I WILL relax it, but no sooner than 8 or 9 weeks.
Yeah I never relaxed any sooner than 8wks since I had a relaxer. I never really saw 8 wks as stretching though. 4 months and up is stretching for me:grin:. I'm currently approaching 3 months, I was gonna relax but I'll wait a lil' longer seeing that you guys are saying the relaxer will penetrate no matter what.
reasons why I stretch:
1. dislike being at the salon for 89345393488034 hours a month :lol:
2. hair seems stronger and healthier since I started stretching
3. Helps me get to know my hair better. I used to think my hair was an unmanagable mess after four weeks. But now that I am stretching, I am realizing that my hair isn't unmanagable at all. It's great!
4. I like playing with my new growth!
iiBlackBarbieii said:
You base every inch of your scalp with a protectant(using an applicator bottle) and you protect the already relaxed areas? The reason for stretching was to keep the relaxer from affecting your scalp for as long as possible and to prevent overlapping right?
I learned to stretch here at LHCF and I noticed my hair thickened and became much healthier when I used chemicals less often each year. Stretching makes it easier for me to see my new growth and relax it without worry. I enjoy Relaxer Day that much more when it's only 4 times or less each year and I do celebrate it. ;)
I also stretch my relaxers. I am trying to find the right length for my stretch. The last stretch was 13-14 weeks and I think that was too long. If I went any longer there might have been some substantial breakage. I probably would have been better just waiting 10-12 weeks. I also love the feel of my new growth and the dramatic difference after each relaxer.

This forces you to truly pay attention to your hair and to be really creative with styling after about week 7 for me. I am still working on creating a nice group of attractive styles to wear throughout my stretch.

I also start to frequent the natural hair care posts and sites after week 7. My hair is more delicate at this time, and products/techniques that are effective for natural styles seem to work best at that point.

To me stretching relaxers is like having the best of both worlds. I get to be "semi-natural" which I love :dinner: and I also have the versatility that comes with relaxers.
I stretch my relaxer for many of the reasons already stated. It is a very personal thing.

The benefits to my hair is that it is much thicker and fuller; I have more time to restore some health to my hair before subjecting it to chemicals again thereby causing much less breakage from the chemical process; having larger amounts of new growth makes my hair easier to style without the use of sprays and gels; and much less time in the salon. There’s just something about that touch-up day…takes 3–4 hours with no waiting time involved.:perplexed I mean, I love the fact my stylist takes her time to do things right as far as prep and conditioning; nevertheless, it is very wearying.

Overall, fewer touch-ups have vastly improved the quality and texture of my hair...and leaves a few extra hours in my pocket! But that’s just my $.02
I dont have a particular reason for stretching. For as long as I can remember I always relaxed my hair every 16-20 weeks depending on who was doing it (either my mom, sister, or the salon). I guess I just do it out of habit. Since I have been on the hair boards and paying extra attention to my hair i do realize that my hair grows faster when i stretch and that my relaxer hair in the first 8 weeks is usually too straight for me and I like my hair more around the beginning of the third month. I guess it has also helped with the overall health of my hair by not usuing chemicals very often.
I am stretching my relaxer because I was a relax every 4 to 5 weeks queen. Now I have found products that make stretching very simple and I love how my hair feels now that I have started stretching. Trying to decide if I just want to go ahead and transition and do away with relaxing :ohwell: