Is it safe to take all this vitamins?

cafe au lait

New Member
Hello everyone. Are there any side effects to combining too many vitamins?
my usual vitamins are:

zinc-c +golden seal + echinacea + lapacho + vit. c
vit. E
pure cod liver oil +evening primrose oil
fish oil
gingko biloba

I currently bought these for my hair growth:
chelated copper
chelated manganese
flaxseed oil
pantothenic acid
amino acid
choline + inositol

I take some with my lunch and the others at dinner time.I feel like a rattle snake after taking them and I also feel a mild headache. BUT I feel it will be worth it in the end. I just want to know if any of this drugs counteracts with another. I know zinc don't mix well with iron. any input will be greatly appreciated. TIA
I would like to join the super grow out challenge. but I am not sure if I am too late and I have no idea how to go about it.

Wow...I would be careful. I mean, only because I was taking GNC ultranourishair, Women's One-a-day tablets, and BNC biotin 2500 for about 2 days, and all of a sudden I got some REALLY major stomach pains!! I had diarrhea for 2 days afterwards. TMI I know...but I just figured I had to alert everyone. My stomach was seriously aching me. I figured that it might have been taking too many pills at once, so I immediately stopped taking the GNC ultranourishair. Now I just take the women's one a day tablets and the Biotin pills just once a day, and my stomach pains have stopped.
I'm not 100% sure if my stomach ache was caused by those combination of pills or not, but I wasn't taking any chances.

All I'm saying is that you want to be careful with taking so many pills. You don't want to get sick. Long hair just isn't worth it. Make sure you read up on those vitamins, because sometimes vitamins (even "natural" herbs and pills) can make you sick when interacted with OTHER certain vitamins.

Plus, a lot of the nutrients you need for your hair are already in one tablet form. For example, GNC ultranourishair seems to do well for some people, maybe biotin pills, or flax seed oil pills.

My advice: take a daily multivitamin tablet like one-a-day, or even flinstone vitamins (lol) ,and then take maybe another vitamin for your hair specifically like biotin or flax seed oil, etc. BUt I wouldn't overdo it at all.

Remember, you can also get healthy hair nutrients from the foods you eat too. Like, eggs for protein, meats, greens, vegetables, fruits, etc.

That's just my advice. :)
Yes be careful. It is better to take comprehensive vitamin instead of whole lot of single ones. Some vitamins and minerals need others to work with them. Finding a company with a good track record and proven combinations is good. Adding the single vitamins to supplement what your taking is OK. But be careful you do not want to waste your money since the body will discard excess vitamins and minerals. :look:
If you don't throw up from all of that, it may be okay.
vit. E- only take 15mg a day. If you take over a 800-1000IU you can cause possible hemorrhage.

biotin- is cool and doesn't really have a toxicity level, but make sure you only take 30ugs.
pantothenic acid-I see know problem.
amino acid- is need for protein. If you do take amino acids make sure you take complete amino acids.
choline + inositol- If you take this only take 425mg a day. High doeses can cause you to have a fishy body order, hypotension, or vomiting

All and all I would be very careful of taking all these supplements, because excessive amounts in one area can hinder another vitamin from completing is function. Example, too much Vitamin E causes the vitamin K metabolism from happening.

I have a lot of information on all these vitamins and what not, but i'm studying it right now for my midterm, so maybe later.
I would research some of them to see whether or not its safe to take all these together. It may be easier to buy a hair vitamin instead of many different ones, because lots of hair and nail vitamins already have like 200-400% of the daily value of biotin, for example, so there's no need to buy a separate biotin tablet, because whatever the body doesn't use, its excreted by the kidneys (water-soluble). Some have yeast in them...not necessarily Brewer's Yeast, but hey-its yeast!

I tried to take gingko biloba for memory and it gave me headaches (it increases the blood flow to the brain=headaches in some. The bottle said to discontinue if headaches started, so I did). I'm on an anti-inflammatory daily, which can increase bleeding tendencies, so the gingko and that were a bad combo. careful, and if you start to have side effects, cut back on them. Here are some supplements I take daily, and since I tried to find out what each does (including ingredients), I don't have any side effects so far, and I've been on them for about 1.5 months:

1.GNC Ultra Nourishair x1
2.Centrum MultiVit w/Lycopene x1
3.Alfalfa 650mg x3
4.Calcium 600mg x2
5.Flaxseed Oil Softgels 1000-1200mg x1
6.Folic Acid 1 mg x1

You may want to try the lowest dosage like 1 tablet a day if the label recommends 3 a day, then gradually work your way up if you don't have any problems. That's what I did with the recommends like 3 tabs 3 times a day-that is too much. I only take 3 tabs a day, and its fine. GNC Ultra Nourishair says 2 a day...I take 1 because in combo with my reg multivit, that is too much. Hope this helps...sorry so long! :p
Goodness!! My stomach would be torn up from all of that! Why dont you find something that has a several in one vitamin, like a mulit vitamin or a hair vitamin. I am sure this is costing alot as well.
i think u should ease up and all those hair growth pills could cause a beard....:wasntme: lol...but really juss because they r vitamins doesnt mean they cant cause an adverse reaction
Thanks for all of your responses. I know what you are all saying. I thought it was a bit much, all of this vitamins are combined together in some hair vitamins out there, so I felt they would work better individually, have more strenght. I have been watching myself for any signs of abnormality, but so far apart from the tingles i felt after taking them and the mild headache. I feel ok. I will keep watching though; since my body is new to all these hair vitamins I currently purchased, it might need sometime to get use to them. In a month's time, I will see how they work for me. If they didn't do much for my hair then I will cut them out is so hard to choose a hair vitamin from a particular company because they all promise the same thing. I will keep everyone posted

I would be careful taking all of that. You might want to increase the amount of water that you're drinking. At one point I was taking a multi, a hair vitamin and a B-vitamin and I got some pretty bad headaches... I wasn't drinking enough water. The same thing happened recently when I was taking B-100 vitamins and a multi+biotin.
Wow, you felt tingling and got headaches after taking these vitamins?? Hmmm...I'm no doctor, but I'd probably cut back on some of those vitamins. If I remember correctly, vitamins and supplements aren't supposed to make you feel anything. I mean, if you're getting side-effects from the combination of those vitamins, then I'd probably cut back on some, or cut them out all together.

Go get some already-made hair vitamins at your local GNC or vitamin shoppe. THose vitamins have at least been tested and have safe levels of combined supplements so that they can give you the correct dosage to take.

That's just my opinion though...
mrslee said:
Goodness!! My stomach would be torn up from all of that! Why dont you find something that has a several in one vitamin, like a mulit vitamin or a hair vitamin.

I was thinking the same thing.
cafe au lait said:
Hello everyone. Are there any side effects to combining too many vitamins?
my usual vitamins are:

zinc-c +golden seal + echinacea + lapacho + vit. c
vit. E
pure cod liver oil +evening primrose oil
fish oil
gingko biloba

I currently bought these for my hair growth:
chelated copper
chelated manganese
flaxseed oil
pantothenic acid
amino acid
choline + inositol

I take some with my lunch and the others at dinner time.I feel like a rattle snake after taking them and I also feel a mild headache. BUT I feel it will be worth it in the end. I just want to know if any of this drugs counteracts with another. I know zinc don't mix well with iron. any input will be greatly appreciated. TIA
I would like to join the super grow out challenge. but I am not sure if I am too late and I have no idea how to go about it.


I would consult with a GP because some vitamins may reaction strangely with your body.