Is it really worth it? Growth Aids....

Have You Considered that are could be Long Effects of non-human tested Growth Aids?

  • Yes! Its worth it!

    Votes: 74 51.7%
  • No! I should do some research....

    Votes: 69 48.3%

  • Total voters
I thought this was a pretty simple answer that I found on bhm (I don't know if I can link it here :look: But the thread is called "An Explanation for why MTG and MN work")

Hay ladies, it's Sidney. I am a newbie but I have been lurking on this and other forums for more than a year. I want to address why MTG and Miconazole Nitrate do worK!

First of all, I tried MTG. And like many of you, I got patches of new hair growth. After being phased out by the funk, I decided to just use the sulfur oil.

Also, you know the ladies that co-wash all the time and get super growth, well here's why.

All the people who have chronic hair loss, usually have some type of persisting fungal or bacterial infection. MTG contains cade oil, which kills this bacteria and fungi. Helping the hair to grow. These nasty bacteria not only block your pores, inhibiting growth but they also can eat your hair! EeeW! so disgusting. (See the links below). They probably also secrete nasty toxins and wastes after they are done feeding off your scalp. They scalp is moist and is a great environment for them to thrive.

Also, look at women of other races. They wash their hair frequently, getting rid of these nasty microbes, and lo and behold, they have long hair. Black women wash less frequently. You ever had that nasty, stinky hair from not washing it, well that is a tale-tale sign that there is a fungus on your head.

Minonazale Nitrate is also antifungal, so it keeps the scalp clean and allows your hair to grow. Use sulfur? Well I just read online today that Fungi hate Sulfur and there is a sulfur containg product called "smelly soap" that is used to kill these fungi, hence MTG helps since it has cade oil and sulfur. By the way, if you are using MTG, u should shake it up to make sure the sulfur at the bottom is getting on your scalp. Well, this is just my two cents. sorry its soo long. Off to wash my hair, again!


I've used mtg and now use my own sulfur-based mix. I've also used MN for a minute. I've seen growth and had no headaches associated with MN (although I didn't use it straight). I say, research and do what feels right for you. You are always going to have naysayers and cheerleaders. But I can't say the longterm effects question never crossed my mind. I was thinking about this just recently. But, can I stop breathing air when I know that it's full of carcinogens? I can be a steward of my own health to the best of my understanding. Beyond that, I gladly put my trust in God. So far, I still have one head, a healthy heart and a sound mind and I'm thankful.
NJoy or any one else that makes their own sulfur mix do you mind sharing you recipe? What do you mix? and how do you apply it. TIA
NJoy or any one else that makes their own sulfur mix do you mind sharing you recipe? What do you mix? and how do you apply it. TIA

I mix a tablespoon of sublimed sulfur with 8oz. of oil. I use Hairveda or Afroveda Shikakai oil. I also have Bee Mine. I apply it to scalp only by pouring a little in my hands and massaging it in. The applicator bottle method was too much oil dripping for me.
I was going to chime in, but some other ladies have already said what I was going to say. MN is in the same family as other -azoles used in baldness-fighting (and I think dandruff-fighting) hair products. The docs, biologists, and chemist I've discussed MN with said using it SHOULD be safe. Should is the conditional word used in the absence of concrete fact. My hair doesn't get a lot of "extra stuff". I like to make stuff or buy organic. I used dilluted MN for about 6 weeks and experienced growth (and my hard to fill in edges finally filled in again--noticeable within 3 weeks). I never got headaches. I'd never use it undilluted, daily, or for prolonged periods of time, though.

I've never used MTG, but as previous posters pointed out, it's FDA approved for animals (meaning it's safe for us, hence the emergence of overpriced products like OCT).
My personal experience has been that cleaning up my diet and eating lots of protein along with working out regularly has by far been the best most effective growth aid I have experienced since I was in my teens.
I don't use either of these growth aide-especially the one for your vajayjay, eww... But there is a another growth aide called Mega Tek. It is a protein based product and I have been using it for about two years. It has definitly improved my health of hair and promotes growth too. But I also take vitamins and try to eat healthy. I have not had any side effects or anything like that. It's only like 22-30 bucks (depending on where you order it from) for like an 16oz. bottle.

Edited to say that the ladies commenting on toxins being in everything we use make valid points. I understand that you don't want to knowingly use toxins or harmful products on a continual bases but if you're going to worry about it all of the time, you might as well live in a box because you're always going to be exposed to something. Just my two cents.
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sometimes I think Im just being greedy using growth aides (i normally get ~ 0.5 inch per month) and a bit over 0.75 inch with my MN/sulphur mix or MT/sulphur mix

but as stated many times before in this thread, to each their own
Sim I didn't know that you post here!

I don't know if some things work for me. Megatek for example hasn't done anything in the 11 weeks since I last relaxed. Funnily enough, I thought it helped me last year but this time around... nothing. I'm going to use Claudie's exclusively for the next 7 to 8 weeks. It's worked before and it should do some good again.
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I think the reason drug manufacturers say not to use something like MN over a certain amount of time is not because of harm it may cause, but it's because if it doesn't clear up your problem within that timeframe you may have misdiagnosed your problem and you wouldn't want it left untreated.

Example: you think you have a yeast infection so you treat it with MN but it doesn't go away. Probably because it's another problem like BV or an STD that is left untreated.

That's just my opinion. I don't have a problem using it. Can't say I'd use it for years but a few months at a time, yeah.