Is it really worth it? Growth Aids....

Have You Considered that are could be Long Effects of non-human tested Growth Aids?

  • Yes! Its worth it!

    Votes: 74 51.7%
  • No! I should do some research....

    Votes: 69 48.3%

  • Total voters
we should ask Dogmd about MTG since she is a Vet and member on this lovely board.

Well since u asked.. I think they work for what they were formulated for. I personally would NOT put MN on my head because it is a drug intended to treat yeast infections. Since I don't have a yeast infection on my scalp...I wouldn't use this medicine. I too would be concerned with the long term effects as stated by the OP.

Now..I have used MTG 2 years ago...I know the product and what it was formulated for. I don't see a problem with this product or it's formulation.
It is a conditioner for hair growth. It is clearly labeled as such. Just because the label has a horse on it does not mean that is is unsafe for humans. Most animal products and drugs that I prescribe are the SAME formulations as the human formulations/ drugs . They are just labeled for animals.

FYI: It is amazing and I didn't want to believe this , but it is tougher getting the FDA to approve labels for most animal products than it is human products. I would use an animal product in a minute. ( Safer testing guidelines). You don't see dog toys getting recalled for lead poison do ya? Not yet anyway.. * knocking on some wood*
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Originally posted by Dogmd
Well since u asked.. I think they work for what they were formulated for. I personally would NOT put MN on my head because it is a drug intended to treat yeast infections. Since I don't have a yeast infection on my scalp...I wouldn't use this medicine. I too would be concerned with the long term effects as stated by the OP.

Thank you! I don't care if the person pushing MN has hair down to her ankles; there is NO WAY... NO HOW that I am putting vaginal cream on my scalp!!!
Well since u asked.. I think they work for what they were formulated for. I personally would NOT put MN on my head because it is a drug intended to treat yeast infections. Since I don't have a yeast infection on my scalp...I wouldn't use this medicine. I too would be concerned with the long term effects as stated by the OP.

Now..I have used MTG 2 years ago...I know the product and what it was formulated for. I don't see a problem with this product or it's formulation.
It is a conditioner for hair growth. It is clearly labeled as such. Just because the label has a horse on it does not mean that is is unsafe for humans. Most animal products and drugs that I prescribe are the SAME formulations as the human formulations/ drugs . They are just labeled for animals.

FYI: It is amazing and I didn't want to believe this , but it is tougher getting the FDA to approve labels for most animal products than it is human products. I would use an animal product in a minute. ( Safer testing guidelines). You don't see dog toys getting recalled for lead poison do ya? Not yet anyway.. * knocking on some wood*

..........and that right there was from the Doc!

thanks doc!
Not sure if my logic is correct, but if you are applying MN to help fight bacteria that stunts hair growth, then why not just swab some alcohol on your scalp???

Am I right?
Now..I have used MTG 2 years ago...I know the product and what it was formulated for. I don't see a problem with this product or it's formulation.
It is a conditioner for hair growth. It is clearly labeled as such. Just because the label has a horse on it does not mean that is is unsafe for humans. Most animal products and drugs that I prescribe are the SAME formulations as the human formulations/ drugs . They are just labeled for animals.

But, I was always under the impression that MTG treats skin infections and conditions, as well.

It just happens to say that is promote hair growth.

I know most of the people that use MTG don't have skin conditions, although many have reported that it has helped them relieve dandruff.

I don't use MN or MTG, but I really don't see what the difference is. Both are for skin conditions. Well, MN is for yeast/fungal infections, jock itch and such, but what about folks using Nizarol? It is an anti fungal, as well, but it also promotes hair growth. But since it is labeled to relieve dandruff does that make it better than MN, but acceptable like MTG.
IMO, i think that this topic needs to be put to rest. What some may consider to be unnatural or unsafe, not worth it or worth it is up to that person making the choice. u won't put MN on your head but you'll put it inside your most prized possession on your body. If its ok to use nizoral, what's the difference, they are used to treat the same kind of things.

I think it is time for everyone who doesnt use it and wouldnt use it to get over the next woman using. TO EACH HIS/HER OWN!!!
The only growth aid I EVER truly believed in was Surge.

From then on, I've been skeptical about any growth aid simply because I believe that healthy hair practices lead to growth, not topical growth aids. I recently purchased one that has been raved about on this board, but to be honest, I'm not even consistent with it because I don't believe it will do anything extraordinary.

I mean, with all of the growth aids out there, how come no one is reaching their hair goals in a matter of months? I've yet to see anyone grow 12 inches of hair in a year despite gaining a supposed inch per month.

I think a lot of it is subliminal. I mean we contribute our hair growing to these growth aids, but all along we stepped up washing, moisturizing, protecting our ends, and laying off heat --- all of which contribute to healthy hair not the magic potion in a bottle!
I 100% agree. Healthy hair is consistent and norishing practices. I honestly believe when you try to mess with God's natural cycle, it backfires everytime.

The only growth aid I EVER truly believed in was Surge.

From then on, I've been skeptical about any growth aid simply because I believe that healthy hair practices lead to growth, not topical growth aids. I recently purchased one that has been raved about on this board, but to be honest, I'm not even consistent with it because I don't believe it will do anything extraordinary.

I mean, with all of the growth aids out there, how come no one is reaching their hair goals in a matter of months? I've yet to see anyone grow 12 inches of hair in a year despite gaining a supposed inch per month.

I think a lot of it is subliminal. I mean we contribute our hair growing to these growth aids, but all along we stepped up washing, moisturizing, protecting our ends, and laying off heat --- all of which contribute to healthy hair not the magic potion in a bottle!
you know what i'm gonna say....


Yep:yep::yep:! I agree totally.

At the beginning of my hair journey, I tried MN for about 2 weeks, then stopped. I freaked out after I started getting amount of hair growth was worth that!:nono:
Yes, I too have discontinued use of MN also :perplexed, too much weirdness :ohwell:

I have jumped on the vit bandwagon though:

So far I have chosen to take:
Flax Seed Oil
MSM (I just ordered it)
IMO, i think that this topic needs to be put to rest. What some may consider to be unnatural or unsafe, not worth it or worth it is up to that person making the choice. u won't put MN on your head but you'll put it inside your most prized possession on your body. If its ok to use nizoral, what's the difference, they are used to treat the same kind of things.

I think it is time for everyone who doesnt use it and wouldnt use it to get over the next woman using. TO EACH HIS/HER OWN!!!

ITA! I'm happy with my MN at the moment. I like to try things out for myself before putting them down.
I think I'll only use growth aids until I get my desired length, then I'll cut back on them. I don't see it as necessary to continue to use them once I've achieved my goal, so I'll either use them up or give/throw them away. I hadn't planned on using them long term.
I 100% agree. Healthy hair is consistent and norishing practices. I honestly believe when you try to mess with God's natural cycle, it backfires everytime.

What about relaxers? If one can slather the creamy crack up and down the length of one's hair, surely one can use antifungal cream on one's scalp.
A lot of people wonder why you can put NIZORAL on your head to treat a topical fungal infection so why not MN? Well, you can use NIZORAL on your scalp, but NIZORAL is a very strong drug that is meant to be applied to treat a specific fungal condition of the scalp for a LIMITED time only, then it is supose to be discontinued once the problem is resolved. I think the OP was asking about using growth aides and the side effects that could be associated with them and their long term usage. Hair can only grow so fast. Are people really using MN for years or are people using it until they get the results they want??

Sadly, I have seen oral nizoral causing liver failure in some of my patients even when used as prescribed on a short term basis. :sad:

MN is available in the form of a cream suppository, and injectable medication, and a powder for the skin,and here are some side effects for those that are wondering...

Many of the women on this board and other boards are using this medication everyday, sometimes 2x daily for extended periods of time. I can't even imagine this being a safe thing to apply to your scalp everyday at the concentrations people are doing it. There are just to many side-effects that I would be concerned about knowing this drug in the matter that I do. I am concerned for others who are using it "off-label" , so that is why I am taking the time to type this. I am not typing anything new...just the facts as are required to be published by FDA in regards to this medication.

I hope this helps someone... I am not trying to discount that people are seeing growth from using this poduct, I just want eveyone to be careful. I am a doctor; albiet animal doctor, but medicine is medicine and side effects are side effects. I wish everyone a healthy head of hair and an healthy body to put the hair on. :ohwell:
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What about relaxers? If one can slather the creamy crack up and down the length of one's hair, surely one can use antifungal cream on one's scalp.

Because the relaxer is made for the hair. But the MN is made to do something else.

Sometimes when you use products to do one thing when they are meant to do something else, it doesn't mean that you will get the same non-threatening results.
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Because the relaxer is made for the hair. But the MN is made to do something else.

Sometimes when you use products to one thing when they are meant to do something else, it doesn't mean that you will get the same non-threatening results.

Thank you! And relaxers help managability. You arent using them to speed along the God given average of about 1/2 per month, give or take a bit. But they also contribute to breakage so they arent the best choice either.
What about relaxers? If one can slather the creamy crack up and down the length of one's hair, surely one can use antifungal cream on one's scalp.

I have new growth so I want to relax the curl make it more manageable I may subject my hair to break but thats about it, if its applu currently. That been proven.

I dont have fungus on my head so I dont need to put antifungal vaginal cream on my head and subject my head to headaches that I have no idea whats going on around my brain.
Yeah I feel ya. I mean the MN or even all the other growth aids may not do anything right now, and what I mean by right now is the next 1-2 years, but it might certainly be harmful over an extended period of time. Or maybe the negative reactions can show up later, like 3-5 years from now.

I mean think of it this way, just because we can swim in chlorine water doesn't mean we can drink bleach? Get my point?

Probably not :newbie:
IMO, i think that this topic needs to be put to rest. What some may consider to be unnatural or unsafe, not worth it or worth it is up to that person making the choice. u won't put MN on your head but you'll put it inside your most prized possession on your body. If its ok to use nizoral, what's the difference, they are used to treat the same kind of things.

I think it is time for everyone who doesn't use it and wouldn't use it to get over the next woman using. TO EACH HIS/HER OWN!!!

ITA! For Heaven's sake......GET OVER IT!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
I think what you said is very true, I use MN and havent had any problems at all. I havent used it long enough to be concerned about the long term effects. MN is used in some others products that I have seen that are sold in stores, but what we have to remember is all the other things that we are buying, might not be safe also and could affect certain things. What we have to remember is I guess if its a growth aide only use for a certain period of time. Alot of the ingredients in hair growth products and hair care products in general we sometimes dont know what all those ingredients are, but its just what they put in their product.

For example there are products out there that have cancer causing agents in them and one is Hask Placenta Henna 'n' Placenta Conditioning Treatment. :nono:

So I guess the answer is we are chancing our lives with anything that we use because we never know when we are using something that is not good for us because its in a product unless you do research on every ingredient name before you buy it and all products are not tested on humans and alot are not tested on animals.

I guess we just have to be more careful these days!:yep:

I saw a product in the BSS by Ampro that was labeled as a growth aid. It is a grease. I looked at the ingredients and it actually said "estrogenic compounds" in the list! :nono: They need to take that stuff off the shelves! I wanted to complain to the owners, but you know how the owners of those Korean places are. All about the $$$ They would never remove it.

Edited to add:

Here it is: They need to stop making that stuff!!
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Dryness and tightness of the scalp create dandruff, damage hair follicles, and inhibit the natural growth of healthy hair. As you massage Nature Growth's combination of vitamins hormones, Aloe Vera and oils into your hair and scalp, you feed it the moisture and conditioners it needs to stop tight dry scalp and splitting breaking hair.



Dryness and tightness of the scalp create dandruff, damage hair follicles, and inhibit the natural growth of healthy hair. As you massage Nature Growth's combination of vitamins hormones, Aloe Vera and oils into your hair and scalp, you feed it the moisture and conditioners it needs to stop tight dry scalp and splitting breaking hair.

wth? damn. whose hormones are they using?:perplexed
I personally use MN but I don't see much of a risk with it because I also have found shampoos that contain miconazole nitrate as the main ingredient which aids against dandruff. They had to go through some kind of approval right?! If I felt my health was in danger, I would discontinue using it immediately.
Im trying Mn . I think my ultimate goal is to regain the 2 inches I had to cut cause of mechanical damage. I figure if its safe enough to use on the highly absorbent Vajayjay and can get into the blood system quicker vaginally- it can't have any teratogenics or mutagens cause people who want to eventually get pregnant will use it. I really know a woman who used it often during her pregnancy cause she got alot of vaginal infections- not cause she wasn't handling her bizness but because the ph in her vajayjay changed. Im willing to be a guinea pig on this one- the worse that can happen is that my scalp wont get a yeast or fungal infection. JMHO
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I have used MN though not regularly and not currently. For a long time, I had an area (right nape area) in which hair would grow, itching would start and then the hair would break off. I got so frustrated that I would just have my hair cut very short and the back shaved so that it would at least be even. I never had the issue while growing up as my hair in that area was always full and healthy. But recently, no matter what I tried, the condition would occur over and over.

After joining this board, I read the MN testimonials and figured that I would try it. I now have healthy hair on all areas of my head, including that one. I stopped using it after the issue was solved. Considering that I'd tried everything (including prescription Nizoral), and experienced no side effects (headaches, etc) I don't have any regrets.
I'd never even heard the term "growth aid" till I joined her about 4 months ago. After reading some threads I decided to try BT and I can say that it definitely made a difference in not only the growth rate, but also the texture of hair I grew while using consistantly. I went from mid-neck in June to APL now - which is not to say that my hair wouldn't have gotten here eventually. But since the original cut was a disaster I wanted my length back as fast as possible. I never experienced any side effects from using - I always used scented so the sulfur did not bother me, and in fact seemed to help keep my scalp healthy. My only caution would be that if you relax, make sure you wash your hair thoroughly and stop using 1-2 wks prior b/c the reaction btw sulfur and relaxer can cause burning and relaxer resistance.

MN was prescribed to me by my derm. a few years back in pill form. She told em to crush it and put in this hair lotion. The hair lotion had alcohol so it was drying. I never thought to just get MN creme form until I saw it on the boards. I will not use it forever but I am enjoying the benefits for now.
I just want to agree with the original poster of this thread.

SOme people may say that they will use MN because it is safe to be used on our most prized and delicate area of our bodies... but even when that is necessary, it's supposed to be used for 3 to 7 days MAX!! NO ONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD USE MICONAZOLE NITRATE IN THEIR VJAYAY DAILY FOR 3 MONTHS OR LONGER!?! RIGHT?!?! :nono: So why do we use that logic to convince ourselves that it's ok to use on our heads for that long?

Ok, it obviously isn't a poison when used as directed... but long term, it probably is (again, this is it's only prescribed or recommended to be used for a max of 3 to 7 days!) It may be ok to use it temporarily on your scalp - at a lower concentration- for the length of time that its prescribed elsewhere.. but using it more frequently than that just might cause more harm than good. Our bloodstream could become toxic and irreparable damage to be done to our LIVER.:perplexed

I know, I know, with such great results.. we don't want to believe that it's causing us any harm - especially when we can't FEEL any MAJOR or immediate side effects (slight headaches, for those who get them, may not be that much of a problem to us) But ladies, please think twice about using this looooong term! I'd say 1 month max for a serious problem area.. (nape or bald spot)... but then discontinue use. Of course, this is just my two cents!!!

THanks to everyone here who posted. I'm 3 years late to the party (I see this was posted in 2007).. but I appreciate this thread very much!!!
I have used MTG and it's human counter part (sulu max gro) for a period of time. It did exactly what it said it would do.

MTG was originally created for humans, it became more popular when used for horses.

I have no opinion on MN.