Is it possible for your hair to just stop growing suddenly? HELP ME!


Well-Known Member
I have not seen any new ng in about a month I usually get about 2 inches per month and my hair had no new ng for the whole month of June. Could my hair have just stopped growing? I know ppl are gonna reply that it could be my ends but my ends are healthy and I know my hair is not growing because there is no new growth. This started happening when I stopped using the MN, could my hair be dependent on the MN and is not growing because I am not using it anymore? I am so confused, I just wanna know what might be going on?
Your hair is growing, but remember u just relaxed and got growth? Remember in Target when I was like I can see all ur ng?
*ElleB said:
Your hair is growing, but remember u just relaxed and got growth? Remember in Target when I was like I can see all ur ng?

And it was right after that when it stopped growing. I'm gonna wait for two weeks and see, but it's not growing. WTH is going on with my was doing so good. Plus i'm mad I didn't reach my goal.
Try not to worry. Maybe your hair was in a resting phase? Man if you got two inches EVERY month for a year, wow 24 inches?!! Are you taking vitamins or have you changed your diet? It could be growing in softer than usual and blending in with your newgrowth too. Give it another month or so and I bet it'll start growing like a weed again.
hopeful said:
Try not to worry. Maybe your hair was in a resting phase? Man if you got two inches EVERY month for a year, wow 24 inches?!! Are you taking vitamins or have you changed your diet? It could be growing in softer than usual and blending in with your newgrowth too. Give it another month or so and I bet it'll start growing like a weed again.

How long is this resting phase gonna last because I need to be full bsl by September and at this rate ill be here forever. I haven't changed my diet or started any new vits. I take GNC UltraNourishHair, Biotin 5mg, and MSM 3000mg.
I'm sure your hair will grow longer just fine as soon as you let go of the need for your hair to be a certain length by a certain time. It's ok to want your hair to be a certain length but needing it to be or trying to make it happen by a certain date or time is a whole different energy and the struggle only works against you. It's when we let go that it happens.:)
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Trust me MissFallon, your hair is growing!! The MSM is probably just starting to kick in and now your new growth is so soft, it looks like your hair is not growing. That happened to me too and I was so pissed because I thought my hair didn't grow for 6 months but when I relaxed, it was evident that my hair had grown. I didn't want to relax either because the texture of the NG was so soft.

Just calm down and keep up your routine. If your hair is not falling out, you will be pleasantly surprised when you next relax.
Isis said:
I'm sure your hair will grow longer just fine as soon as you let go of the need for your hair to be a certain length by a certain time. It's ok to want your hair to be a certain length but needing it to be or trying to make it happen by a certain date or time is a whole different energy and the struggle only works against you. It's when we let go that it happens.:)

You always give such wonderful advice.
ivanay said:
Trust me MissFallon, your hair is growing!! The MSM is probably just starting to kick in and now your new growth is so soft, it looks like your hair is not growing. That happened to me too and I was so pissed because I thought my hair didn't grow for 6 months but when I relaxed, it was evident that my hair had grown. I didn't want to relax either because the texture of the NG was so soft.

Just calm down and keep up your routine. If your hair is not falling out, you will be pleasantly surprised when you next relax.

I just relaxed on Monday and it is the same length as it was a month ago when I straightened it with the flat iron. My ng that I had is soft but in no way as soft as the relaxed part..I can tell the difference.
MissFallon, you are just going to have to be patient. Trust that when it is time to relax again you will have newgrowth to relax. Think about it, in all the time you've been on this board has anyone's hair just completely stopped growing for months on end? Is there one relaxed head on here that has not relaxed for months and months because their hair just stopped growing? Your growth has likely slowed or stalled but trust that it will start up again. Like Isis said, you have to let the date go. Try to ignore your hair as best you can for the next month or so. If after two or three months you have no growth everyone on here will be up in arms but just one month is too soon to be alarmed. Your pretty hair will continue to grow and you will make bra-strap, try not to worry.
Hi Fallon,

I can remember on occasions when after 3 or 4 weeks I didn't get any new growth and I thought ... man I'm half way to my next relaxer, am I going to get any growth?

Then the next week, new growth just popped out. :lol: . Seriously, it's weird. Sometimes my hair pops out centimeter by centimeter other times it's not visible until it all pops out at once. Like overnight in a blink.

I'm not sure what's going on scientifically ...maybe Sistaslick can explain that phenomenon.