Discouraged and ready to cut it off <VENT>


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies I'm feeling incredibly discouraged. Its obvious to be that the back of my hair is growing like crazy but it seems that the side layers of my hair are at a stand still. The left side of my hair has been growing super slow. The left side of my hair seems to grow at most 1/2 inch each month or every 6 weeks but the rest of my hair grows at 2 inches per month. I dont know what to do because its that one side that I want to catch up with the rest of my hair. I refuse to cut the right side from 2 inches past APl to APL just because the other side refuses to grow right. Since I have been using the MN it started growing (went from no ng to 1/2 inch a month). What could I do to get it to start growing the way it should? I also noticed that before I started using a clarifying shampoo there was serious buildup on that side also. My cousin says it could be because I sleep on that side, but now I have stopped and its still not growing. Help...Im almost at the point where I want to just cut it all to APL but im scared the rest of my hair will grow out and the left side will STILL be at APL. I dont want to be at mid-back one day with one side at APL. I'm so depressed:cry3: What should I do?????
MissFallon said:
Ok ladies I'm feeling incredibly discouraged. Its obvious to be that the back of my hair is growing like crazy but it seems that the side layers of my hair are at a stand still. The left side of my hair has been growing super slow. The left side of my hair seems to grow at most 1/2 inch each month or every 6 weeks but the rest of my hair grows at 2 inches per month. I dont know what to do because its that one side that I want to catch up with the rest of my hair. I refuse to cut the right side from 2 inches past APl to APL just because the other side refuses to grow right. Since I have been using the MN it started growing (went from no ng to 1/2 inch a month). What could I do to get it to start growing the way it should? I also noticed that before I started using a clarifying shampoo there was serious buildup on that side also. My cousin says it could be because I sleep on that side, but now I have stopped and its still not growing. Help...Im almost at the point where I want to just cut it all to APL but im scared the rest of my hair will grow out and the left side will STILL be at APL. I dont want to be at mid-back one day with one side at APL. I'm so depressed:cry3: What should I do?????

Are you sure it isn't growing or you aren't retaining it well?

Maybe you should reconsider relaxing that area? Is it weak or ust not growing, literally?

I know my sides are sooo hard to retain. So I have to do everything EXTRA to them-extra conditioner, extra moisture, exta protein when doing protein treats, etc. Have you tried treating that side special?
I have no problem with moisture in my hair. I know its not growing because generally there is no new growth. My ends are mosturized and the ends arent split or anything, its just that there is no ng. I have gotten maybe 2-3 inches since January when I have about 7 inches of in the rest of my hair, including the other side. It seems to be doing alittle better since I started clarifying and using the MN on that side.
Wow I don't know what else to suggest. Maybe some other ladies can help you. Maybe you can try adding vitamins in your regimen. Biotin, MSM, B50 complex and silica has been known to help with growth. Good luck and I hope you find the answers you need.
MizaniMami said:
Wow I don't know what else to suggest. Maybe some other ladies can help you. Maybe you can try adding vitamins in your regimen. Biotin, MSM, B50 complex and silica has been known to help with growth. Good luck and I hope you find the answers you need.

I take 7500 mcg of biotin, 3000mg of MSM, and GNC UltraNourishHair.
middlegirl said:
Ive heard massaging the scalp helps encourage faster growth. You might wanna try that.

At this point im willing to try anything. Im pretty sure if they said lean my head to one side while humming "grow hair grow" and massaging would work I'd prolly do it:lol: Desperate times call for desperate measures!:lachen:
I don't know if I mentioned this to you or not but you do WRAP every night and that puts stress on the hair. Especially the sides. When ppl wrap they tend to wrap to one side and that could be causing. So wrap to the other side OR, and I think this is what you should do, STOP wrapping for a while. You are stressing your hair. Especially with relaxed hair, it is extremely fragile. So definitely look into more options for keeping your hair at night.