Is it leave your relaxer on longer?


Hi to everyone! I found that I have to leave on a relaxer much longer than the recommended time in order to relax it (I don´t wear bone straight - more wavyish). Regardless of strength, with lye or no lye... it´s allways the same: My normal to fine hair gets only texturized if I keep the time limit - serious underprocessing here. If I keep it on longer my hair is in an o.k. shape(shine, softness, normal breakage). So what do you think; should I just go on leaving it longer? I comb it through and then smooth with my fingers. TIA
You're talking about your new growth when you say you comb the relaxer through, right?
How long have you been leaving your relaxer in longer?
What is your hair type?
And what do you mean by "normal breakage"? Do you mean normal shedding? Your hair shouldn't be breaking.

If you've been doing this for years and your hair is growing nicely and looking healthy without problems, that's one thing. Because you are asking if it's ok leaves me to wonder if you are just starting to do this. Please let us know.
No. I think it's better to use a stronger relaxer and leave it in for a shorter period of time than to use a milder relaxer that has to stay in your hair for a long time to work.
Tee said:
No. I think it's better to use a stronger relaxer and leave it in for a shorter period of time than to use a milder relaxer that has to stay in your hair for a long time to work. [/quote

If you have very resistant hair I think that it's ok to leave it on longer.

My hair is the same way, I have thick hair and NOTHING gets it straight... NO ONE can get it straight... I leave the relaxer on for 30-35 minutes and smooth and smooth and smooth, it still isn't straight... but the curls are soft and loose enough to style straight without heat.
Thanks for your quick replies ladies!
O.k. I see that I forgot to give some facts

My hair type is mostly medium 4a with some 3c in the back. For years I have been using no-lye (normally Optimum care), leaving in the relaxer for about 30 min (ca. 150% of specified time limit for coarse hair) and combing through my new growth (sometimes through underprocessed length also)... I knew nothing about hair then!

I have breakage in the ends when I comb or handle my hair (combing only when damp and with a wide-tooth comb). The pieces are about ¼ to ¾ “ long. I would consider it normal because I wear my hair open a lot so my ends tend to be on the dry side (I think I am in need of a trim, too).
My hair always grew to shoulder length but it would never become longer so I wondered if that could be linked to my relaxer habits.

Tee: Why do you think it is better to use a stronger relaxer? I thought that the results are more even with a milder one because you have more time to smooth after you applied it. And also I am not so sure about relaxer strength because often the time limit for super is longer than for regular so I would suppose that it is milder...

Purtygurly: I am so glad that I am not alone! But my hair is medium thick yet very resistant to relaxing so I don´t know how much damage I do to it. Seems o.k. though...

Any more input? TIA
sereia said:
Hi to everyone! I found that I have to leave on a relaxer much longer than the recommended time in order to relax it (I don´t wear bone straight - more wavyish). Regardless of strength, with lye or no lye... it´s allways the same: My normal to fine hair gets only texturized if I keep the time limit - serious underprocessing here. If I keep it on longer my hair is in an o.k. shape(shine, softness, normal breakage). So what do you think; should I just go on leaving it longer? I comb it through and then smooth with my fingers. TIA

[/ QUOTE ]

You may leave it in longer...Only if you think you can leave it in long enough where it won't overprocess or cause shedding, or before it starts burning your scalp.
My mother likes to leave her perms on for an hour.

If your hair is super resistant, I personally don't see anything wrong with leaving it on for some time longer, but maybe not an hour or more.
Ever since I started seriously taking care of my hair vits, healthy eating, exercising and constant moisture, deep conditionings, I noticed that my hair doesnt take to relaxers in the period of time it used to. The last 2 times I relaxed (an 8 month span) I had to leave the relaxer on longer. I was really worried about it but I knew my hair would be underprocessed if I didnt. So far, everything has been good. No extra shedding or breakage has happened. My strands still feel strong (hard to pop, when I test them) So I'd have to say that if you keep your hair in good shape, it should be ok.
Thanks again!
Honeydop, I try to live healthy too and especially since I´ve been taking biotin I noticed a significant difference in the health of my hair. CO-Washes and deep conditioning helps also.
So I will relax, lay back and let the relaxer do its thing