Is It Necessary...?


With Love & Silk
for hair stylists to use a rattail comb to rollerset, or period for that matter?

My stylist uses a rattail comb often and I haven't spoken up about it. I was thinking maybe it gets the hair smoother for the rollerset. But when I rollerset my own hair at home, my wide tooth comb works fine.
Sorry, I haven't been to a stylist in soo long, mostly because it's not in my budget. But I know what your talking about because I remember thinking it was normal and that the stylist knew what she was doing. I was never one to really speak up about it either. Some of the ladies have had success speaking up and offering their own combs. Maybe you should share your thoughts with your stylist.
I always use a raittail comb for my rollersets, and I find it does make a difference in how smooth my hair comes out. But, I'd say if you get good results with your wide tooth comb, ask her to use that!
I see all the dominican ladies using rattail combs to rollerset, even on natural hair. It seems to get the hair smoother so it will lay nicely on the roller. I have found that the denman d3 brush gets the hair really straight and smooth for rollersetting.
Supergirl said:
My stylist uses a rattail comb often and I haven't spoken up about it. I was thinking maybe it gets the hair smoother for the rollerset. But when I rollerset my own hair at home, my wide tooth comb works fine.


Everytime I go to my stylist for my touch-up, I have wondered myself why she uses it (only b/c I am thinking will a bunch of hair end up it it). That never happens, and I also never say anything even with my tiny reservations. I guess if it has been working for so long, why ask why? I am with you on this one though (I go home and use what works well for me, just like my stylist uses a tool that works for her).

Que sera, sera
