Is it necessary to go to a stylist

Is it necessary to use a stylist/go to a salon?

  • Yes- better to have a pro that knows what he/she is doingq

    Votes: 8 3.6%
  • No- don't trust stylists/a DIY person

    Votes: 94 42.3%
  • For certain services only: color, perms, cuts, etc

    Votes: 120 54.1%

  • Total voters
I have not found a hair stylist that will give my hair the TLC like I do! I take better care of my hair than any stylist I have experienced with.
i'm a DIYer... not good at cutting hair into actual styles though, especially not on my own head! :nono: and i have never been able to get a home box color to really give me the results i want... so if i decide to try color again i'll leave that one to the pros too. :yep:

i'm not all that great at cornrowing and sometimes i'm just too lazy to braid up my own hair, so i let someone else do it. usually other kitchen 'ticians though, cuz they're cheaper... :look: they know my standards ahead of time though. you ain't about to mess up mah hurr :lachen:
It's not necessary but it is nice to go. I've never had a bad experience and I love going to the salon. It's very relaxing and theraputic to have someone else do my hair. Hopefully I can go more often in the near future. I will definitely go to a stylist if I need a cut for style or color. Those are the only two instances where I feel going to a stylist is necessary for me.
I voted for certain services. I will only go to get my hair trimmed. That will be a WHILE from now.
Going out to dinner, having a maid , or getting a professional massage is not necessary but those are things we prefer to pay others to do sometimes.

We can all go to school and learn many trades and be the DIY girl for everything or we can work in a profession we like/love get paid and have others pamper us.
Going out to dinner, having a maid , or getting a professional massage is not necessary but those are things we prefer to pay others to do sometimes.

We can all go to school and learn many trades and be the DIY girl for everything or we can work in a profession we like/love get paid and have others pamper us.

ITA. I learned to diy out of necessity and then I ended up the go to person for my family. But I've got nothing in the world against stylist services and when I find a good one I'll be happy to outsource my own hair care.
For relaxers and trims I prefer to go to my stylist, she understands my hair, listens to me and I've had good results since I started going to her.
For rollersets,styling and dyeing my gray hairs I'd rather do it myself.
I definitely prefer my stylist for relaxers and trims. I don't really like having other people put in my cornrows though, I feel they are too rough with the hair.
I am lucky enough to have a stylist who knows how to handle hair. I am typically a DIYer, but I go to her for touch ups and when I have a night out on the town and want to look extra cute :)
i wouldnt color my hair, but if i ever have a change of heart then i'd go to one for professional color...and a real cut...not trim...and they have to be knowledgable in the care of curly/natural hair
Right now, I only go to a stylist to maintain my layers. I am NOT about to go up into my hair and start chopping it. I don't have the skills or the proper tools to cut them in the angle that she does.
Nope. Typically they damage my hair and i can do that by myself, I dont need to pay $50 to have someone else damage it!
I think there is a lot of room for improvement and success for stylists that study the "non classic" approach towards our hair as well. By that I mean studying ingredients, practices, focusing on the health of hair instead of focusing on the look, knowing different brands, herbs, oils, knowing natural hair as well...

...In Europe that day is far. LOL OR I haven't been lucky enough yet.
I have been caring for my hair by myself for the past 3 years and my hair has never ever looked better.
Achieving long layers by myself has been challenging and not easy though, and I wouldn't attempt colouring my hair by myself. I still believe there are some things that you can't improvise.
Definitely not necessary for me. I've just added up how much I was spending for going to the stylist every 2 weeks, plus 4x a year for a relaxer.

Normal charge: 30.00
Perms: 60.00

60*4= 240

total = 900

so me doing my hair myself, i'm saving 900.00 which is more than my rent by 100.00. so I'm definitely benefiting during my hair myself. If I need a cut, then I'll go to great clips down the street and get a trim or I'll ask my mom or aunt to do it for free.