Is it necessary to go to a stylist

Is it necessary to use a stylist/go to a salon?

  • Yes- better to have a pro that knows what he/she is doingq

    Votes: 8 3.6%
  • No- don't trust stylists/a DIY person

    Votes: 94 42.3%
  • For certain services only: color, perms, cuts, etc

    Votes: 120 54.1%

  • Total voters
Yes, it's best to go to a stylist who knows what they are doing if you don't.

Now if you know how to care for your hair and get the same results, there is no need to waste your money there. Invest it in the products that they use on your hair instead.
I go to the beauty shop by spells. I never allow the stylist to do any kind of chemical treatment. When i was allowing the stylist to do my relaxers all of my hair would fall out. I couldn't understand, anywho, I may go just to get a roller set with the itty, bitty roller so i can sport a fro but that's it.
I picked go for certain services. I go to relax, get a cut, or if I decide to get a color. I love my stylist because she's great with hair and does what i ask. I do go less now, because i can do the simple rollersets and flat irons, but i still go.
It's not necesary for me, but sometimes I miss the salon. I just love seeing people's hair get done.
But other than that, no. The reason being that I have never had any of them ever give me any of the advice and/or info that I have received here. And it is really nice to have your hair dne by someone who isn;t secretly jealous of your length/texture.
It just always seemed to me that the salons were just in it to make more and more money and never offered me any constructive advice. One client in and one client out.
So if my hair is really only my concern then why do I need to go to anyone else?
When I am brave enough to self relax my hair, then I can officially say I am a DIY chick. But I am loving the fact that I'm taking care of my hair in between visits to the salon for a touch up only. My hair is definitely healthier now. In my opinion, a stylist would only be necessary for special occasions or for a relaxer, if you are not 100% DIY.

Ditto! (but I won't be attempting self-relaxing any time soon!)
No, I don't go to the stylist. Since I have been natural I do my own hair. I have had too many bad experiences:burning: with stylists so, I will continue to do my own hair.
Hello, I'm a newbie here.

I picked go for certain services. I only go once every two years to get a layered cut. everything else I do myself.
It is necessary for me to go to a stylist for any chemical service. I have had too many setbacks with messing around with chems.
I do my own relaxer and maintenance. I only go to stylist for a hair trim since I have yet to learn how to do that. And I made sure that I found one that will do a TRIM not a chop.
i made a vow to never step foot in another salon; I plan on doing my first self-relaxer in may....thanks to this forum, i know it can be done!
There are certain things I won't do myself. Like color, cut, or any chemical process. I mean...I might put a rinse in, or trim, but I can't see the back of my head and I would prefer to leave it to someone who can.
I didn't vote because my answer is No, it's not necessary if you know what works for you and your hair. I have always been able to do what the stylist does and sometimes better.

This goes for manis and pedis too.
I'm a serious DIYer...if I don't know how to properly do something, I will go to a stylist ONCE. I memorize the process and do it myself the next time.

For example, when I initially got my hair colored, I went to a natural salon, I paid attention to the products they used, and the process of properly applying the color....Nearly 2 years later, I do it myself:grin:

The only people I completely trust with my hair are ME, MYSELF, AND I:yep:
I'm a serious DIYer...if I don't know how to properly do something, I will go to a stylist ONCE. I memorize the process and do it myself the next time.

For example, when I initially got my hair colored, I went to a natural salon, I paid attention to the products they used, and the process of properly applying the color....Nearly 2 years later, I do it myself:grin:

The only people I completely trust with my hair are ME, MYSELF, AND I:yep:

I with you on this :yep:.
No one does me and my daughter hair but me, I use to be a hair stylist so I know how to properly care for our hair, I am a DIYER For Life lol.
I've found a good stylist but I don't go to her often. Before it was sporadically just to ensure tha my hair was healthy and all that because I didn't know whet to look for.

But as I've begun to educate myself I'm aware of my hair---so I don't really need her. Maybe for trims but somebody has a thread in here about self-trimming so...
Anywho I don't think it's necessary--if you can do it yourself. And you have the ability to maintain and cultivate healthy hair...why pay someone else?
I'm a DIYer through and through.
The only reason I would go to a stylist is for the split-ends I might have in the back (I just can't see back there), and to even out my hair when I reach my goal.

And if they were a contributing member to this forum!

I think if you fins a stylist who focuses on the health of the hair and not just the style of the hair then it would be a good idea. That is my goal. I plan on attending hair school this summer and also getting a degree in chemistry. I want to be able to care for the health of the hair and create an all natural haircare product line

You don't happen to be in the Chicago area, do you? :grin:
I'll go to A stylist (there is only one that I trust!) if I want a full, bouncy, flowing straight look because I cannot achieve this at home. However, I always wash, condition, and detangle really well before going. This way I don't have to wory about losing too much hair because I don't comb my hair that often and I know excessive tangles can drive even the most patient stylists into a mad combing/yanking/raking/pulling rage.

Everything else I do myself; natural salons are a complete rip-off, IMO.
I'll go to A stylist (there is only one that I trust!) if I want a full, bouncy, flowing straight look because I cannot achieve this at home. However, I always wash, condition, and detangle really well before going. This way I don't have to wory about losing too much hair because I don't comb my hair that often and I know excessive tangles can drive even the most patient stylists into a mad combing/yanking/raking/pulling rage.

Everything else I do myself; natural salons are a complete rip-off, IMO.

Guuurrrrrlll You ain't never lied:ohwell::yep:
I'm not comfortable putting chemicals in my hair so I personally need a stylist for my relaxer. Other than that I say no I don't need a stylist.
I think that I don't need stylist for my relaxer but I will not recommend to relax at home if you are not able to do it well .
I need a stylist for braids .
So sometime we can need a stylist .