It is Really Necessary?

I operate under the principle: "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"

I only consider doing the extras if there is something going on that needs to be addressed. For example: when the cold weather started, I noticed my scalp was dry and even saw some flakes (probably from the dry indoor heat). Normally I don't prepoo at all but I started using EVOO on the scalp as a prepoo and its working wonderfully.

In the summertime I sweat a lot so I tend to wash my hair more often. My hair dries out if I use shampoo too often so that's when I will do the co-washing instead.

So basically I try to keep it simple and add other items as necessary.

Exactly! I can understand in a scenario like this.
I don't do all the extra stuff either. Even though I have tried some of these things like co-washing and airdrying, I never stuck with it because it wasn't best for my hair. And I like to keep it simple and I don't like fooling with my hair all the time.

The "keep it simple" technique is the best approach for me, too.