Is it just me or.....


New Member
Hey y'all is it just me or do you girls also hate getting a touch up. Ok let me explain...I love how my hair shines and glistens after a touch up but I find myself more and more - as Im trying to reach my goal hating anytime I get touch up. Why - because Im addicted to new growth, Im so anxious after every relaxer to feel my new growth again because it makes me feel good and makes me feel like Im making great progress, if you know what I mean.

Dont get me wrong a touch up is great and all, but I love me some new growth, can't wait til I reach bra strap. Maybe I'll feel differently about a fresh perm then, nah I dont think so.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Touching my new growth makes me feel like I'm getting closer to my goal. When I don't have any, I touch my scalp everyday and I wish that I had some NG that said "Hey, you're getting there!":lol: