Is it just me or are black hair magazines very unhelpful? Why?

I used to love my hair magazines. I have about 7 years worth of SBH beginning with Jasmine Guy when she was on A Different World or Vanessa Williams - can't remember which one. I have all of their Aaliyah issues. I have a bunch of older hair magazines and thought about getting rid of them with my last move, but I think I sent them to my mother's house in case I changed my mind.

I stopped buying when they would give hair tips about a particular style but wouldn't acknowledge that the styles they were showing were wigs and/or weaves.
And let's not forget the 50-11 hair products that promise long strong hair if you use it. And the first ingredient is petroleum. Very misleading!!! And continues to have us walking around with unhealthy hair and scalp.
The last one I bought was when I'd just joined this forum and someone had written in to ask how they can grow their hair long. The 'expert' told her that it was genetically determined and that the length your hair had been your whole life would be length your hair would always be.

Yep...the last one I ever bought.

Hahaha... :lachen:Oh the ignorance of ignorance.
I must admit to growing up with Dax, Blue Magic, not washing my hair until it was crying for it and style as more important than hair care.

My hairdresser still insists that if dreadlocks grow long and strong with infrequent washing, then that's the way to go. I wouldn't go to her if she didn't have a knack for weave inputting and growing hands.

But I LOVE hair magazines, even if I'm not willing to spend the £3.90 to purchase one. I just love the pics. The advice is pants.. I wonder if they would hire me? I'm a newbie and I think I could do a better job.
Wasn't there a thread last year or beginnings of this year about an online magazine that offered lots of great advice? Maybe someone can remember so we can search for that thread? The member who posted it was on the editorial team I think and was looking for feedback...