Is it just a male pride/ego thing?


New Member
My SO proposed on August 9th. (We were bumming around my apartment, watching all 3 Matrix movies, and right before Neo goes to the Machine City in the last movie, he paused and said "Will you marry me?". Not a typical proposal, but we're weird like that.)

Now, it was no surprise that he was going to propose. We'd talked about getting married for a couple of months now. We even started planning the wedding and set the date (we're kinda backwards).

I picked out my engagement ring about 3 months ago. When he asked, he hadn't bought the ring yet, so after I said yes, he went online and bought it (he hates going to stores). We're such backwards people.

Anywho, because I know jewelry, I pretty much knew what to expect. I'm not the kind of girl who likes big, shiny or ostentatious jewelry, so this ring is PERFECTION for me.

So it arrives at his apartment via UPS. He didn't want to open it, I guess he wanted me to have the thrill of opening the little box, blah blah blah. Well, I was geeked when I got it, and put it on immediately and was a veritable ball of excitement.

But..... He looked disappointed. He knew I loved the ring and that it was the perfect one for me, but he said he thought the diamond would have been bigger (given the price). I told him that he was paying for the name, not the diamond. He says he knows that, and he's glad I'm in love with the ring, but he still wishes that it was bigger.

When I asked why, he said, "Because, when other dudes approach you, I want them to see that ring a mile off and be like, 'Dang, I can't do that for her', and then they'll leave you alone. Plus, I know I can afford something more expensive."

I told him that was ridiculous for 2 reasons. First, I love this ring, and I don't like big flashy stuff, so it's perfect for me, and I'm thrilled that he got me exactly what I wanted.

Second, I'd rather he take the additional money he had been expecting to spend, and buy me a good refrigerator or washer and dryer. I don't need bling, but I need clean clothes and a refrigerator that can store party platters. :grin:

He said he appreciates my frugality, but it's a "man thing". What does that mean??

FYI, here's a pic of the ring. :love3:

Aw, that's a fly ring. Tiffany? I love their styles.

And congrats!!! ;)

And yeah, it's a man thing. :rolleyes: Appreciate it. :lachen:

Just explain to him that you won't wear anything flashy, so buying something flashy for you is a waste of money, as it'll stay in the box at home, and still won't scare the other mens off.

I suspect you'll have to find ways to allow him to spoil you that fit in with your frugality, though - keeps him feeling special. ;)
the ring is pretty i like simple also and you are darn right that money could be used for something else not to mention that a ring dont stop these unscrupilous negros these days
Thank you JustKiya!! And yep. I love a woman who knows her jewelry stores! LOL

When he brings it up again, I'm gonna tell him just what you said. If he gets me anything that's too flashy, it'll stay comfortably nestled in its box, hidden from me, him and all the mens out there in the world.
That's a very cute ring. Sounds like you have a good thing going for you, congrats!
First and foremost :congrats::clapping: . Yea!!! Second, it's a male ego thing. He'll come to grips with your choice.
I understand how he feels. My SO said that same thing. My max for a ring is wayyyyy below what he wants to spend *sigh*

BTW Congrats!!!! :yay:
I understand how he feels. My SO said that same thing. My max for a ring is wayyyyy below what he wants to spend *sigh*

BTW Congrats!!!! :yay:

Thank you LunadeMiel! I would think that men would be super happy when women want something that is less expensive. Call me crazy!
I love the design of that ring! Really original! Congratulations, girl!

That is definitely an ego thing. You know how guys have that Alpha male issue. To him, this ring is probably also a representation of his ability to provide - something that, for most men, is a gauge of their manliness and strength. This is a prime example of evolved mating.
Congrats!! Men are funny like that. My Hubby surprised me a 2weeks before our wedding and replaced my center stone with a larger one. I was happy with what I had, but he made a similar statement as your DF. I guess they dont want to be perceived as broke or cheap by others so they feel the need to impress with the diamond they give you.
Yes, its truly a man thing, so let that cave man bang his chest, lol....
Congrats!! Men are funny like that. My Hubby surprised me a 2weeks before our wedding and replaced my center stone with a larger one. I was happy with what I had, but he made a similar statement as your DF. I guess they dont want to be perceived as broke or cheap by others so they feel the need to impress with the diamond they give you.
Yes, its truly a man thing, so let that cave man bang his chest, lol....

Thank you and congrats on your wedding!! I like the cavemen bit. You're right. I'll let him beat his chest and I'll hold my tongue. :yep:
its ego...nurture it vs stroke will soothe it doesn't have anything to prove to anybody and a nurtured ego will realize that within time.....a pumped up one just gets bigger and more out of hand...let him beat his chest for being the man who gives his woman exactly what she wants and heart desires not a man who gives his woman something that isn't awesome or as meaningful to her as much as its for others outside of her to be in "awe" of "him" ...that means it isn't about you or the "love"

its about him getting some validation for HIMSELF in disregard to how YOU feel about the ring and in the the only thing that matters in the whole thing is what it represents to you BOTH as a couple

you don't have to bash his ego or stomp on his pride, its a conditioned mindset of alot of males and usually a womans ego is just as big with the bling, size, cost and what it represents to others and what THEY will think about it vs the symbolism of their love together and desire to become a union with each other......

just keep letting him know just how much you appreciate this special gift and how honored you are that he is so catering to your likes and desires, how important that is to you and how thats one of the many reasons you love him and want to commit to him
He sounds like a sweetheart! I am more of a flashy person but we all have our own individual tastes and you should wear what makes you happy and what you are comfortable with. The ring is very beautiful and I think he will be surprised at the ooohs and awwws that you will get. People do notice big diamonds but they also notice beauty and style:yep:. Well, congratulations, and I wish you two all the best.
Congrats on your engagement. Very cute ring.

I have nothing to add about your fiance's ego :giggle:
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Have him get a flashy band to go with the ring that will help ... Yes, it's a man thing because men want other men to know a block away that you're taken.
Your story was definitely different. But, I love it! I can tell your marriage will last a lifetime. Keep it up. Best Wishes.
I LOVE your ring!
it's so pretty and feminine
can't add to the wisdom... but I must admit I love your proposal story
it's so adorable in the middle of scifi movies ..

we're weird like that
oh adorable
something to tell your grandkids you benmg a grandmom before you even walk down the aisle
lol :)
Congrats and tell him that he can use that money to buy you other pieces in the future. A woman needs a jewelry COLLECTION not a piece

And I'm with you b/c I'm frugal too
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Many many well wishes.

Its so a man thing. The ring is just as important to them as it is to you. Bigger is better for them. Cant be mad at it either.

Would you consider upgrading a little bit to make him feel better? Heck, I would :lachen:

My SO already told me his ring budget so if he wants ICE, I wont complain. :D
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