Is it absolutely mandatory to trim split ends?

Is it mandatory to trim split ends?

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Hey Everyone,

Lately, there's been a lot of discussion about split ends. So I want to know is it <font color="red"> absolutely positively necessary </font> <font color="red"> </font> to cut them off??? I had extensions for about a year, and then I decided to cut off all the perm ends. So aight, I'm natural right, everything should be great, right? Nope. I decided to cut another 1.5 inch off because the ends were really rough (my fiancee thought I was going crazy). Now I have about 6 inches of hair, but I still have split ends. Not all of the strands are split, but I'm not going to lie, alot of them are. The problem is that the split ends are like 1-2 inches from the end of strands and I really don't want trim that much off. I know, I'm pitiful.

But honestly, do I really need to cut them off. Is there anything I can do to keep my hair healthy without taking off the split ends?

I don't know why my ends are so split. Any ideas?

I sleep with a satin cap every night and I moisture with Healthy Ends about every other night. How can I prevent split ends?
Well, you can't "repair" split ends and make that hair healthy again.

But to answer your question, No, you don't "have" to trim split ends.

The first step to preventing split ends is to start off with hair that has no split ends. Then, moisturize your ends with an oil or cream. I find oil works better for me.

Are you using any heat in your hair? Is it possible the extensions lead to some damage? Are you using a satin cap at night? It may be that even though you are now taking good care of your hair, that you may not have gotten rid of all the damage - thus, you aren't at a clean start.

Still, the choice is yours. If the splits don't bother you then you can keep them. Otherwise, for healthier-looking hair, you may want to trim them.

There are a ton of threads on split ends here. Try the seach for more info.

Good luck!
They will eventually break off on their own. But the thing is, the longer you let the split stay, it may continue to travel a little up the strand which means the breaking point will be farther up.
Karonica said:
But the thing is, the longer you let the split stay, it may continue to travel a little up the strand which means the breaking point will be farther up.

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Yeah, that's what I'm scared of. I do think the extensions might have caused the split ends. Unfortunately, this was before I found this site so I didn't moisture the braids.

Yes, I sleep with a satin cap every night, and I moisture my ends about every other day. Hmm, I don't use heat at all because I twist my hair immediately after washing and then I wear a twist out.

I was just hoping that I could keep the split ends at it's current length, and then once my hair gets longer cut it off. Maybe, I'll get the courage to give myself a massive trim before my next wash. Oh, I need to check to see when the next full moon is....
Sorry Rai, I know that sucks. I don't think it would kill to wait a bit until you get some more growth and than trim a little at a time.
Rai...I am always fighting split ends we are in the same boat. Like you, I do everything that I am suppose to do moisturize...ect...but I still get them.

I am seeing them a lot less now since I started parting my hair in sections for conditioning and adding oils. I also moisturize twice a day. Washing in cool water helps too.

I don't think it will hurt anything to wait a little bit for a trim. I was getting one every 3 months...but I knew I would never really retain any length by doing this. The back of my hair tends to grow faster...and my stylist is forever trying to even it up with the my font and sides which are a couple inches shorter. Just make sure while you are stretching out your trims...that you keep your ends well moisturized. Instead of moiturizing every other day...I would do it every day...especially since it is Summer now. I find that spritzing my ends with distilled water and sealing them with a good oil like coconut...or amla oil really helps. Also keep in mind that it is impossible to get rid of every single split end with a trim (especially if your hair is in layers...or you have shorter pieces). If you start to see a lot of splits up the shaft on the hairs that you're know it's time for that trim.
Good luck to you. Supergirl had a good post on this subject. I will give it a little bump if you haven't read it yet...
I accidently voted no, but I DO think it's necessary to trim split ends. If not, your hair might split even further up your hair shaft.

Ends can split from overuse of heat appliances, excessive exposure to air and clothes, and not taking good care of your hair.

Before you trim your ends, make sure your ends are split/damage. Frizzy/dry ends just need moisture, protection, and good care! ;)
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I think it is necessary to trim split ends. Split and knotted ends cause more tangles in my hair. When I had a perm, my split ends made my hair harder to comb.
missykeyana said:
I think it is necessary to trim split ends. Split and knotted ends cause more tangles in my hair. When I had a perm, my split ends made my hair harder to comb.

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Absolutely. If you want health AND length, the split ends must go.
Dolce_Dawn said:
missykeyana said:
I think it is necessary to trim split ends. Split and knotted ends cause more tangles in my hair. When I had a perm, my split ends made my hair harder to comb.

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Absolutely. If you want health AND length, the split ends must go.

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I snip a slit as soon as I see it. Maybe you don't need to aggressively trim but what good are you doing if the split travels 3-4" up your strand? Take off the splits you can see at least to prevent further harm and damage. If you aren't exposing the ends to heat you should see less splits. Conditioning washes help too, coupled w/less shampooing. Also refrain from towel drying your hair and seal your ends after cleansing.
I'm in the same boat as you, Rai. I am natural, and last month I got a ton of hair cut off, but my ends are split again. Also, it's not just the ends, but up along the shaft. Sometimes I think, what's the point of cutting it all of the time if it will just start splitting again? I remember somebody posting an article where Ouidad said that cutting curly hair because of splits is pointless because splits can occur anywhere along the shaft. You might as well shave your head.

Now with supplements, scalp massages, and drinking lots of water, I'm just hoping that my hair will grow faster than it will split.
I was examining my hair the other day, and saw i have some split ends in the front of my hair and some of them go pretty far up, but i realized they have probably been there a long time and didnt hurt nothin all this time, so im not gonna go cuttin it all off now. i think it just depends, if there is massive breakage, then yeah trim...but a few splits i dont think can even ever be totally avoided. i didnt even know i had them till i really looked and they havent hurt anything so far
I think you should cut them I just got a chopp and it was 2-3inches by back feels so bare
I actually don't mind the cut because my ends look sharper now and more healthy... but i think your hair will grow quicker once your trim them
TripleP said:
but i think your hair will grow quicker once your trim them

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Can someone explain the statement above? I'm split end challenged.

I'm wouldn't call what I have a "problem" but I do find it an "issue".
I don't have a head full of split ends but as I search through my hair I find one or two. I was thinking of just snipping the few I see (with a professional pair of scissors of course) right above the split. What do you guys think?
StarQuality said:
TripleP said:
but i think your hair will grow quicker once your trim them

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Can someone explain the statement above? I'm split end challenged.

I'm wouldn't call what I have a "problem" but I do find it an "issue".
I don't have a head full of split ends but as I search through my hair I find one or two. I was thinking of just snipping the few I see (with a professional pair of scissors of course) right above the split. What do you guys think?

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If you only have a few then yes, cutting just those few should be fine.
Rae,Trim them, please!! My ends were split little over than a year ago, from not properly handling the excessive heat of the “Dominican blowouts” My hair was cut into a should length bob then which I loved.

Well, when I went to see another hair dresser about my hair (split ends), she said, well it’s summer time, you’ll be okay for now, let it grow and then we can cut them when Winter comes and if you see hair breaking, don’t be discouraged. Well, being gullible, I trusted her. I kept relaxing my hair and she did not trim my split ends. By fall I noticed that my hair was looking alittle thin, but I again I trusted her judgement to not cut, though my hair was breaking. When December came and it was time for my touch up again, would you believe that my hair in the back and bald spots. In some places I had NO HAIR! The split ends traveled up my entire hair shaft. Well all of this caused me to just go natural. I haven’t had a perm since then and my hair well the perm hair that thinned out is even thinner. Luckily my new growth is growing in!!

I know it may be hard, especially since you just did a trim, but in my opinion, cut it now or you might end up rocking a TWA.
blkbeauty said:

Well, when I went to see another hair dresser about my hair (split ends), she said, well it’s summer time, you’ll be okay for now, let it grow and then we can cut them when Winter comes and if you see hair breaking, don’t be discouraged. Well, being gullible, I trusted her. I kept relaxing my hair and she did not trim my split ends. By fall I noticed that my hair was looking alittle thin, but I again I trusted her judgement to not cut, though my hair was breaking. even thinner.

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I think it's funny you say this. Half the time, we are so attached to our hair length that this is exactly what we want to here from stylists....that there is no rush to trim. Usually we are the ones protesting the scissors even though the ends are damaged and really need to be snipped.

When I say "we" I am talking about my own experiences and those of people I know. Maybe there are just stylists out there who are unnecessarily scissor happy.
I agree, NubianAngel - I think sometimes we look for people to say "it's ok not to trim." But the thing is that it's OUR hair and we have to make the ultimate decision. If you do decide not to trim the split ends, they may make the decision for you...if you get what I mean.
Okay, I know it took me a while but I finally found the courage to trim off my ends.
Actually it does not look much shorter and my hair looks a whole lot better. In fact,my hair is not shedding yet.
I think in order to stop the shedding it was necessary for me to trim my ends. Thanks for the advice everyone.
I would say yes. I think you can revive and rebuild damaged ends, but split ends can not be somehow magically melded back together. Therefore, only one of two things will happen. It will stay split and the hair will look a mess OR it will split up the shaft until it eventually breaks off. This will leave a half (or thereabout) a strand of hair which wil be thin and if there are more than a few of these, the hair will still look a mess. So, I would cut the split ends. Just a dusting, but I'd get rid of them, nevertheless.
I would say yes---definitely! One thing about split ends is they never get better. Cut them off and keep on trucking. Try to prevent split ends by using lots of moisture and limit direct heat.
hairlove said:
I agree, NubianAngel - I think sometimes we look for people to say "it's ok not to trim." But the thing is that it's OUR hair and we have to make the ultimate decision. If you do decide not to trim the split ends, they may make the decision for you...if you get what I mean.

Bingo! Trim them. Trust me, you won't regret it.
hairlove said:
I agree, NubianAngel - I think sometimes we look for people to say "it's ok not to trim." But the thing is that it's OUR hair and we have to make the ultimate decision. If you do decide not to trim the split ends, they may make the decision for you...if you get what I mean.

Bingo! Trim them. Trust me, you won't regret it.