Is getting your hair thinned a good idea?

<font color="purple"> </font> hair is either a type 2B or 2C about an inch or two past my bra strap and extremely thick. since summers commin` up i was wondering if anyone thought that it would be a good idea to get it thinned. like everyone else i've had some pretty bad hair experiences in the past so i figured i'd talk this one over first
thanks! *
Welcome to the boards lilcountryblonde

Question--what does "thinning" your hair mean? Do you mean relaxing it?
im not sure exactally how the hairdresser does it but they basically just cut some short layers into the underneath section of your hair to give it a thinner look without putting any harsh chemicals on it. think it sounds like a good idea?
Find out EXACTLY what the procedure is BEFORE you allow them to do ANYTHING to your hair!!! Ask questions until you are 100% comfortable with what they plan to do. Right now, you sound as if you aren't sure what they will be doing. For THIS very reason, you do NOT need to do this right now. Please find out more information.
thanks patience, it seems like everyone else knows as little about this procedure as i do! if you find out anything about it please let me know!
lilcountryblonde said:
thanks patience, it seems like everyone else knows as little about this procedure as i do! if you find out anything about it please let me know!

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No problem. Hmm, sounds like that's motivation to NOT have this procedure done. Plenty of folks would LOVE to have thick hair. Why do you want to thin yours out? It's going to thin as you get older anyway...why rush the process?
I wouldn't do it if you are trying to grow it longer (not that you need to) because your hair will be all uneven. My friend used to do 'ghetto thinng' in the summer (shave the nape area). It looked okay because she always wore her hair down, plus her hair always grew back fast. But, if you are wanting to grow it long, this could set you back a little. What about braids? Ponytail? I would try a style where you can maintain your hair and still stay cool in the summer.
I think they did this on Extreme Makeover and the girls hair looked good the day they styled it, but it seemed like it wouldn't look good once a normal person tried to style it on a daily basis.
Neen said:
I wouldn't do it if you are trying to grow it longer (not that you need to) because your hair will be all uneven. My friend used to do 'ghetto thinng' in the summer (shave the nape area). It looked okay because she always wore her hair down, plus her hair always grew back fast. But, if you are wanting to grow it long, this could set you back a little. What about braids? Ponytail? I would try a style where you can maintain your hair and still stay cool in the summer.

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Welcome to LHCF!

I agree with Neen. There are many styles can do for the summer to keep yourself cool, if that's what you are trying to accomplish. Half updos (wearing your hair half up and half down) will give you the look and feel of thinned out hair, for example.