Is DCing wishful thinking ? Interesting articles

thanks simjim!

yea i usually don't post in the hair section anymore lol but as far as DCing...yeahh, no. My hair never really made a difference when i experimented with it as far as feeling softer,etc. I do co wash a couple times a week and moisturize daily with a spritz then seal with heavy oil(s). if my hair is feeling dry, its either because its time for a cowash or product hair is almost always plaited up under a wig. i wear it out a couple times a month depending what season it is.

the only time i do DC is either before and after a heat app(1x a year), if i happen to get braids or something, or if im bored:lol:. i have DC products i use just to get rid of them.
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MizzBrit oh great for this fast reply!!!
I can't cowash that much cause i live in a hardwater area. don't think it will be good to be this kind of water so many times.:nono:

I think you really have a KISS regimen, cowashing, spritz and seal.
this is great.
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Bumping. I think I'm going to try steaming, heat capping and shower-only deep conditioning with the same conditioner to see if it makes a difference. I still want to deep condition but I'd prefer to see if it works the same as just doing it in the shower or if I have to have some kind of heat outside of my shower steam.

Edit: I agree with the poster who said the quality of the deep conditioner makes a difference.
I can't speak to the science because I'm not a scientist but I think that the care we take when handling our hair whether it's DCing for an extended time or finger detangling or steaming or whatever flavor of caring for our hair, I think it's the "care" and consistency that counts. Just my 2 cents.
I've tried multiple conditioners with and without heat and can definitively say I feel a difference in my hair. I'm a firm believer in scientific evidence, but my anecdotal evidence is enough for me to know that heat and a quality DC are crucial to my hair.