Is co-washing with Cholesterol too much?


New Member
Hi ladies,

I've been co-washing with Lustrasilk Cholesterol for a month. My tangles just rinse away. Do you think cholesterol is too heavy for a daily wash?

One summer I slept with it in overnight SEVEN days a week and retained all my growth, so I can't imagine just cowashing would hurt anything. I'd see it as a bit of a waste as it's usually used as a DC. Just keep an eye out for mushy hair. HTH. :grin:
How does your hair feel? I say if your hair seems to be thriving, keep on truckin! If not, well you know what to do:yep:
Thanks ladies. Wow, retained all of your length? I may have to try that. My hair feels so good wet, but it still feels like straw when dry. I'm so tired of hair drama. I think I may just do crown n' glory for a while. I just can't figure this growth/retention thing out. I texlaxed back in February and I don't think I have even 1 inch all over. I didn't even think that was possible. :ohwell:

Sorry, I'm having a meltdown.
i do this sumtimes too... i think it's probably more beneficial than anything because it makes detangling a breeze which means less stress and breakage! go for it girl!
If you're using the aloe... there is a small amount of mineral oil in it. It's the 6th ingredient from the last, right before the preservatives.

I'm not sure if that's enough to cause build up on the time. Just thought I'd bring it up!
Bumping sunshinelady are you still co washing with cholesterol. I have been thinking about cholesterols lately and i never thought of co washing with it.