is BSL the *gold* standard for hair?


IG: rhonda_hair
so many ladies on this board are aiming for bra-strap length hair. why that particular length?

i'll begin...i never had, nor do i have, a length goal for my hair. i'm just going to let it grow until i feel that its unmanageable. i do, however, reference my hair length in respect to brastrap b/c it seems to give people a good idea of where i am.

your thoughts...
i usta think that hair that was past the shoulders was long. but since i've been on this board, my idea of long hair has changed drastically. i've seen so many pictures of ladies with beautiful bra-strap length hair, and i want that too!
Well, I like armpit length for straight hair. If I wore my hair that way, then that would be my goal. But, I plan to wear my hair curly, and for some reason curly hair looks shorter to me. So, I'd like brastrap because I want to wear my curly most of the time.
I think this has been the unoffical agreed upon length that everyone should be able to reach because of hair growth phases, etc. I can't remember the science behind it, but like everyone (barring medical problems) should be able to grow two feet of hair and for a lot of people I think that equals BSL.
I think we all have our own *gold* standards. Mine is shoulder length, maybe an inch or two past. Anything longer wouldn't be very flattering.
It isn't the *gold* standard for me. I'm not aiming for bra-clasp length...I just want it longer than it is now..which would be about 3-5 inches at the most. By the time I wait for bra-clasp hair I would be too old to enjoy it anyway.
You know, 2-3 inches above bra strap would be a good length for me. I'm not too picky on having bra strap length...I just want hair that is some what long, but most of all healthy, and full.
Bra strap all around would be gold for me and mid-back to waist length would be platinum. I think that people pretty much can agree that bra strap length is long. Anything shorter can sometimes be considered medium length by some.
swirl said:why that particular length?

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I chose bra strap length when I joined the LHCF. I had never considered it before visiting this site, but BSL seemed like a reasonable milestone once I'd read about other members reaching this length. Monkey see, monkey do.
I'm on a brastrap challenge (trying to reach by the end of this year). However, brastrap is not the gold standard for me. For me, it is just a mile marker. There really isn't much else to measure by when your hair is past your underarms. So for me brastrap marks where I am. Right now it's how many inches above brastrap, then it will be brastrap and then it will be how ever many inches beyond brastrap. Once I get closer to waist, that will be my mile will be however many inches I am above waist, at waist, below waist, etc.
Lovelylocs said:
Bra strap all around would be gold for me and mid-back to waist length would be platinum. I think that people pretty much can agree that bra strap length is long. Anything shorter can sometimes be considered medium length by some.

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That's the way I feel. That was gold for me, even before I joined this forum. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
BSL is my ultimate goal, I have never been close so its definitely going to be a challenge
Yes, BSL is the gold standard, for me... I don't want my hair much longer than that, because I like to wear my hair curly and it's hard to curl hair that's waist length!! I think my ideal style would be 'a little below shoulder length' layers on the sides (in order to get the curls) and bra-strap length hair in the back... /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Lindy said:
Yes, BSL is the gold standard, for me... I don't want my hair much longer than that, because I like to wear my hair curly and it's hard to curl hair that's waist length!! I think my ideal style would be 'a little below shoulder length' layers (in order to get the curls) and bra-strap length hair in the back... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Co-signing on everything Lindy said. She summed up perfectly what I wanted to say. BSL by 2006! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Well I'm not aiming for any length. I just want healthy hair. As of right now I'm just growing out my highlights that I hate. My hair is much thicker, shiner, and healthier without the color. This will be my first and final time putting color in my hair. Sorry I got off of track! You just don't underdstand I hate this brown :censored !!!!!

I think a person can look good with short or long hair as long as It's healthy.

Kelly may look good with that long hair but, at the end of the day it's still not her's. I think the long hair looks good on her but I would much rather see her with HER own healthy length of hair. Which does look good /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I have a magazine with kelly in it and she is sporting her own hair and she looks very pretty.

Bey is in the book too with that long horse tail looking hair. She really needs to cut down on the weave or find another stylist so it can at least look like it's real.
I agree with RealLuv about it just being a mile marker. I don't even consider bra-strap long. I just came from Hawaii and have seen what I consider to be long hair and IMO, bra-strap ain't it. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
MizAvalon said:
I agree with RealLuv about it just being a mile marker. I don't even consider bra-strap long. I just came from Hawaii and have seen what I consider to be long hair and IMO, bra-strap ain't it. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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Okaaaaaaaay...then I'm shooting for medium length hair then.
Medium length hair in 2006!
swirl said:
so many ladies on this board are aiming for bra-strap length hair. why that particular length?

i'll begin...i never had, nor do i have, a length goal for my hair. i'm just going to let it grow until i feel that its unmanageable. i do, however, reference my hair length in respect to brastrap b/c it seems to give people a good idea of where i am.

your thoughts...

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BSL is simply my first checkpoint!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
For me, BSL is the gold. When I first came here, I just wanted top of BS, now I want bottom. I chose the length fairly simply--shorter than BSL seems short to me. Anything above it wouldn't really be a goal, imo--it'd just be me letting my hair grow, as opposed to me striving for long hair. Longer than BSL is too much for me personally. Hair past that length--while I find it beautiful--never really looks styled to me. I like to wear my hair in loose curls, so longer than that wouldn't be as attractive, imo.
Oh Lick Em Stick! Dreamssold! I just saw your album for the first time! Aw hell with BSL...I just want your hair where it is now! Lovely girl! Lovely! Okay....back to the thread...*Mo is running now...*
Lindy said: [...] I think my ideal style would be 'a little below shoulder length' layers on the sides (in order to get the curls) and bra-strap length hair in the back... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Wow...that's how I hope my layers will grow out...sounds cute and will look cute once I can pull it off!
dreemssold said:
For me, BSL is the gold. When I first came here, I just wanted top of BS, now I want bottom. I chose the length fairly simply--shorter than BSL seems short to me. Anything above it wouldn't really be a goal, imo--it'd just be me letting my hair grow, as opposed to me striving for long hair. Longer than BSL is too much for me personally. Hair past that length--while I find it beautiful--never really looks styled to me. I like to wear my hair in loose curls, so longer than that wouldn't be as attractive, imo.

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BSL would be a miracle for me. Right now I'm at 16" after a mini-cut. My immediate goal is 20" and when I get there (cross my fingers) I'll see if I want to go any further. BSL on me is 24" and that's almost a year and a half away, so that's not even on my mind right now. I'll get discourage if I think that far ahead.
Bra-strap length is a goal I would like to reach but I would be happy with having hair a little past my shoulders. I haven't had long hair since I was a child and I want to see how long I can get it since I now know how to take better care of it.
Thats my first goal..but I got a loooooooong way to go /images/graemlins/nono.gif ah well no rush I guess.