Is Aveda Universal Styling Cream really that great???


Active Member
I bought Aveda Be Curly and I don't like it. I'm going to return it tomorrow. I thought maybe I'll try the USC, but what does it do? How does it feel? Any thoughts.

I think I do well with heavier Elasta QP Mango Butter.

I love this cream. It is better than Be Curly, in my opinion. I got a sample of that and did not like it. For me USC is just a moisturizing cream, but the best one I have used. A little goes a very long way.

It is great for my texlaxed hair because it does not revert it after I flat iron it. I can apply it daily with no reversion. I love it. :D
I love it too! I would marry it and have its' babies if I could!:lol: No, but it is very moisturizing, yet light. I was using Garnier & Fructis Length and Strength leave-in for awhile, but it weighed down my hair and would make me have to wash sooner b/c it caused my hair to hold smells. It really is worth the money b/c a lot can go a long way. I'm such an aveda junkie! I just bought some bath wash today b/c I was there and didn't need any hair products! :look:
MadisonK said:
Thanks, Ladies!

Does it add shine or help define curl? Is the smell strong? If so, does it fade?

It does add shine but the shine isn't like a blinding shine. Not sure if it defines curls, I think it does say that on the tube. Regarding the smell, I like it. IMO, I don't think the smell that strong. It does fade away after a while.
I've only been using it for a week and my hair loves it!!!

Girl, don't get us Aveda girls started up in here! :grin:

I am an Aveda fanatic. I use their hair, body, and face products.

The USC is the bomb, it is absolutely worth the money!!!!
I tried it a while ago and wasn't impressed...but all the wonderful reviews make me want to buy another tube and try again using a different method of application. Hmmm I have to go there to get some facial care stuff today...maybe I'll give it a whirl :lol:
What's the best way to use it...on wet or dry hair? I just recently bought it. Its really thick and hard to emulsify. So its usually still white on my hands. It doesn't seem to disappear in the hair instantly. I need some tips. I mean so far it seems okay but I want to be in LOVE with it for $16.00.
mkstar826 said:
I tried it a while ago and wasn't impressed...but all the wonderful reviews make me want to buy another tube and try again using a different method of application. Hmmm I have to go there to get some facial care stuff today...maybe I'll give it a whirl :lol:

woah girl!!! your hair is growing. beautiful!!1:eek:
Based on all these reviews, I'm very interested in trying this :scratchch

I'm curious though...since its a styling cream, does it leave some sort of 'hold' on the hair?? And also, do you get best results using it on wet hair, and touch it up on dry?
Hey guys,

I was set on purchasing USC after reading about it here and got excited when I read this post earlier this afternoon! I drove to the AVEDA institute to buy and I just so happened to ask one of the stylists what he thought about it. He didn't know much but discouraged me from the Brilliant line and didn't have many good recommendations for Black hair. He called another girl over who said , "No, it's heavy and will weigh down your hair". Again, she couldn't direct me to any good AVEDA products. Finally, he called over one last girl who came over and told me "No. Don't buy. Go and get Mizani H20 intense if you want moisture". She gave me some good tips about protein/moisture balance, but all three people I talked to (all African American) told me not to buy and that I could find better products than AVEDA for my hair. I was shocked because I thought they would at least try to make some sort of sale and direct me to another product. But no, they had little good to say. Needless to say, I didn't buy :ohwell: . It doesn't take much to weigh down my hair so they scared me away. I dont think I'm getting that Mizani either though cause I think it may have weighed my hair down. I'm just gonna focus on moisturizing poos and conditioners (trying Keracare for next wash) that lock in moisture throughout the week.:look:
Wow now that's interesting, SmartAlek. All I use on my hair Aveda stuff and my hair has never looked or felt better. Don't let them scare you away, they might have their own personal agenda going never know. There are more than enough examples on this board of black women who love Aveda products and have had fantastic results...and I'm not just saying this because I love Aveda :lol: I'm saying it because your experience just sounds really odd like there was more going on that you knew.
MadisonK said:
I bought Aveda Be Curly and I don't like it. I'm going to return it tomorrow. I thought maybe I'll try the USC, but what does it do? How does it feel? Any thoughts.

I think I do well with heavier Elasta QP Mango Butter.

The text which is helping to cure my PJism is DON'T GO SHOPPING FOR HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS WITHOUT ME. I am going to buy the book, my present copy, the original publication was borrowed from the library {a good 'check before buying' book source.} Aveda, I've found is owned by Estee Lauder and the products are $$$$ as users know. The contents are not so great and can be found for less $$ in other products except Sap moss which has no documented hair moisturizing benefit. I'm also not an Estee fan. I'm happy it works for some but I will not be buying it.
Sure, I know the author of DGSFHCP without me has both objective and subjective knowledge which may be suspect but so far I like her encyclopedic compendium of product info.
Yeah MKSTAR, I never expected to see AVEDA employees so anti-AVEDA! But it's all good, since I think I may go anoter route for the moisture. I used AVEDA Damage REmedy intensive treatment and it seemed to be good, but I think I used it too often and the strong protein treatment was making my hair brittle. I may try that again, this time using it on only a monthly or every 6 week basis instead of every week. I need to get that book BrooklySouth is talking about because I have a small fortune in hair products, most of which may not be beneficial for my hair! But, hey, you live and you learn :grin:
I just read some of the "search inside" pages of this book (DON'T GO SHOPPING FOR HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS WITHOUT ME) on Amazon. It sounds like the writer is on target.
I'm interested in the USC. Is there a product that's similar or does it stand alone? In the past, I used the humectant pomade, but that dried out my hair.
SmartAlek said:
Hey guys,

I was set on purchasing USC after reading about it here and got excited when I read this post earlier this afternoon! I drove to the AVEDA institute to buy and I just so happened to ask one of the stylists what he thought about it. He didn't know much but discouraged me from the Brilliant line and didn't have many good recommendations for Black hair. He called another girl over who said , "No, it's heavy and will weigh down your hair". Again, she couldn't direct me to any good AVEDA products. Finally, he called over one last girl who came over and told me "No. Don't buy. Go and get Mizani H20 intense if you want moisture". She gave me some good tips about protein/moisture balance, but all three people I talked to (all African American) told me not to buy and that I could find better products than AVEDA for my hair. I was shocked because I thought they would at least try to make some sort of sale and direct me to another product. But no, they had little good to say. Needless to say, I didn't buy :ohwell: . It doesn't take much to weigh down my hair so they scared me away. I dont think I'm getting that Mizani either though cause I think it may have weighed my hair down. I'm just gonna focus on moisturizing poos and conditioners (trying Keracare for next wash) that lock in moisture throughout the week.:look:

How could he discourage you if he did not know much and could not make suggestions for Black hair?

That is very odd. It is also odd that they suggested Mizani H20 intense creme because of the mineral oil and petroleum content.

Also, the USC does not weigh hair down. You use a few drops of it and that's all. Personally, alone I don't think it is very helpful for a person with dryness problemsm, but better when used with a good deep conditioning regimen. It does not revert hair that has been flatironed, either.
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HoneyDew said:
How could he discourage you if he did not know much and could not make suggestions for Black hair?

That is very odd. It is also odd that they suggested Mizani H20 intense creme because of the mineral oil and petroleum content.

Also, the USC does not weigh hair down. You use a few drops of it and that's all. Personally, I don't think it is very helpful for with a a good deep conditioning regimen. It does not revert hair that has been flatironed, either.

I agree with your post HoneyDew. The first sentence stuck out to me like a sore thumb!
He said he didn't know much about the Brilliant line because he didn't use it on the few Black customers he had. And I could tell by his mannerisms and him pointing to other products that he did use but he still wasnt assertive in the quality of the other products either.

When I asked for recommendations he would stall and say "Let me get one of the black girls over here to help". So he never really recommended anything for my hair and he just seemed turned away and shaking his head against the Brilliant line as did both of the girls he brought over. When I asked all to point me to products they were successful with, they would look from person to person or just hesitate, stall, or tighten their faces. Maybe its just a general consensus in that particular salon...I don't know any other reasoning that my have prompted them to act that way like mkstar suggested may be possible.

If I find a good product, I will pay the money no matter the cost (unless its just way outta my range)...but I have to truly be impressed and I was looking for the testement of those that I figured may have had extensive experience with this product. But with AVEDA being a little on the expensive side and him and the other chicks being "iffy" as to the quality of other products and actually suggesting outside products, I was hesitant to shell out the dough.

I recall using something Mizani before and I believe it did weigh my hair down. I went to a beauty supply after leaving AVEDA and read the products and they sounded oily and heavy. I agree about the moisture being taken care of by deep conditioning. I got my hair done at this new salon Thursday and my hair is wonderfully moisturized without the use of anything other than the products used in the salon which did not include any application of anything after I came from under the dryer (besides a finishing mist). She suggested Keracare products so I am gonna give them a whirl to see if I can achieve the moisture that I left the salon with while keeping my hair flowy. I was interested in the USC to use when my hair my not be so moist towards the end of the week or between visits. I prolly end up trying it anyway. Since my hair is fine/thin, I am afraid of anything that will leave it flat and when they told me it would weigh my hair down, I hit the door.

Oh yeah, one of the girl said she used it before around her edges but she would never put it on the length of her hair. That may just be her experience. I am certainly not a proponent against AVEDA as I have used their facial products and one tube of the DR intensive treatment. Just thought it would be interesting to share the experience that I had today. My guess is every product wont work for every person, so it is most beneficial for us all to share our varied stories.
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i am always very leary of asking a sales associate for advice. especially on my african american relaxed hair.

a lot of them don't know nothing. i actually had to school an aveda clerk one time. she told me that the brilliant spray 'was all natural and contained no alcohol' [after i asked] and i turned the bottle around and right there was sd-40 alchol staring right at me.:ohwell:

please don't take their word as bible. get samples, search the boards, do anything. the brilliant line was infact created for 'ethnic' hair, i found this out by calling aveda myself [not the store, but the corporation] and it did the exact opposite of weigh my hair down.

with all the bad advice these stylists are givig out nowadays i am better off trusting my own judgement.
Yep, I agree with you locksofluv. I just felt so bombarded with a negative response so I thought maybe to leave it there. I did ask for a sample since I am apart of that pure priveledge program...but they said that they didn't have any. I just learned today that Trade Secret will take back products that you are not satisfied with so maybe this is true for AVEDA too. That way, if somethings just does not work at all, you can take it back and get your money :)

LocksOfLuV said:
i am always very leary of asking a sales associate for advice. especially on my african american relaxed hair.

a lot of them don't know nothing. i actually had to school an aveda clerk one time. she told me that the brilliant spray 'was all natural and contained no alcohol' [after i asked] and i turned the bottle around and right there was sd-40 alchol staring right at me.:ohwell:

please don't take their word as bible. get samples, search the boards, do anything. the brilliant line was infact created for 'ethnic' hair, i found this out by calling aveda myself [not the store, but the corporation] and it did the exact opposite of weigh my hair down.

with all the bad advice these stylists are givig out nowadays i am better off trusting my own judgement.
SmartAlek said:
Yep, I agree with you locksofluv. I just felt so bombarded with a negative response so I thought maybe to leave it there. I did ask for a sample since I am apart of that pure priveledge program...but they said that they didn't have any. I just learned today that Trade Secret will take back products that you are not satisfied with so maybe this is true for AVEDA too. That way, if somethings just does not work at all, you can take it back and get your money :)

yep aveda will take back a product no matter how much you used as long as you ave the receipt and the original packaging.

good luck.
I went to Aveda today. The sales woman told me to get the Anti Humectant Pomade instead of the Universal Styling Cream. She said the pomade is a heavier version of USC. So, I bought it.

I did a search and I read that the Anti Humectant is good for humid locations. I live in LA and it's not humid here. I read that you should use the Humectant pomade if you live in dry areas.

So, basically now I'm COMPLETELY confused by all things AVEDA! :perplexed
MadisonK said:
I went to Aveda today. The sales woman told me to get the Anti Humectant Pomade instead of the Universal Styling Cream. She said the pomade is a heavier version of USC. So, I bought it.

I did a search and I read that the Anti Humectant is good for humid locations. I live in LA and it's not humid here. I read that you should use the Humectant pomade if you live in dry areas.

So, basically now I'm COMPLETELY confused by all things AVEDA! :perplexed

They tried to push that on me, too. But, I am not a pomade person. I could tell by the looks of the stuff that it was not my sort of thing and got the USC instead, although the salesperson tried to insist that I would like the poade. I had to just tell her that I was not interested! She was actually getting on my nerves. Anyway, that was my first time buying the cream and I like it. I agree with LocksOfLuv, they really honestly don't know everything and you have to do your own thing when you go into these places.
Cayenne0622 said:
What's the best way to use it...on wet or dry hair? I just recently bought it. Its really thick and hard to emulsify. So its usually still white on my hands. It doesn't seem to disappear in the hair instantly. I need some tips. I mean so far it seems okay but I want to be in LOVE with it for $16.00.

Me too. I like th consistency of it, but it's just not melting into my hair the way I'd like. I used it with Kemi oyl, and it left mt hair nice & soft, but I want to use the USC alone. Is there something I'm missing?
HoneyDew said:
They tried to push that on me, too. But, I am not a pomade person. I could tell by the looks of the stuff that it was not my sort of thing and got the USC instead, although the salesperson tried to insist that I would like the poade. I had to just tell her that I was not interested! She was actually getting on my nerves. Anyway, that was my first time buying the cream and I like it. I agree with LocksOfLuv, they really honestly don't know everything and you have to do your own thing when you go into these places.

Yeh Honey Dew, I didn't feel that confident about what she was saying. I used the Anti Humectant Pomade yesterday on dry hair and at first i wasn't impressed, but i twisted my dry hair and this morning my hair feels very soft and non greasy. It's really shiny and smoother. And the smell is not as strong as it was initially.

So, i'll try it on wet hair and see if it's even better. Keep ya'll posted.