Is Aveda Universal Styling Cream really that great???

MadisonK said:
Yeh Honey Dew, I didn't feel that confident about what she was saying. I used the Anti Humectant Pomade yesterday on dry hair and at first i wasn't impressed, but i twisted my dry hair and this morning my hair feels very soft and non greasy. It's really shiny and smoother. And the smell is not as strong as it was initially.

So, i'll try it on wet hair and see if it's even better. Keep ya'll posted.

I am doing an Aveda run tomorrow because I need some Black Malva stuff. I remember they had a jar of the pomade available for sample. I may grab a bit to try out.
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Divine Inspiration said:
Me too. I like th consistency of it, but it's just not melting into my hair the way I'd like. I used it with Kemi oyl, and it left mt hair nice & soft, but I want to use the USC alone. Is there something I'm missing?

How much are you guys using? It melts in my hair just fine, but I only use a pea sized amount as the tube says. This creme reminds me of Qhemet's Olive Cream. It does the same. I can only use a teenie tiny bit at a time for each section of hair.
HoneyDew said:
How much are you guys using? It melts in my hair just fine, but I only use a pea sized amount as the tube says. This creme reminds me of Qhemet's Olive Cream. It does the same. I can only use a teenie tiny bit at a time for each section of hair.

Ok...I was just using a little bit (maybe a dime for my entire head) but maybe I should use even less. I can tell that a little goes a long way so I'll keep playing with it over the coming week before I let it go. Thanks HD!
Divine Inspiration said:
Ok...I was just using a little bit (maybe a dime for my entire head) but maybe I should use even less. I can tell that a little goes a long way so I'll keep playing with it over the coming week before I let it go. Thanks HD!

You know, DI, I didnot really like it the 1st few times I used it. It was not until I saw how my hair was in the days following that I realized it is good. I was on the fence about it for weeks. But, good thing is that Aveda will take it back if you don't like it. I love that!
HoneyDew said:
You know, DI, I didnot really like it the 1st few times I used it. It was not until I saw how my hair was in the days following that I realized it is good. I was on the fence about it for weeks. But, good thing is that Aveda will take it back if you don't like it. I love that!

Hmmm...ok, I'll keep my eye on it.

You know, their return policy is what made me so willing to shell out the money for it and try it. I can usually find a use for everything, even products I don't care for, but it's nice knowing that I can return it if it doesn't live up to my expectations.

Is this something you use every day as a daily moisturizer?
Divi, also you could also add the moisturizer to your palms and rub your palms together THEN apply it to your hair. It gives it a warming effect and it will melt down the consistency a little bit.
MadisonK said:
Yeh Honey Dew, I didn't feel that confident about what she was saying. I used the Anti Humectant Pomade yesterday on dry hair and at first i wasn't impressed, but i twisted my dry hair and this morning my hair feels very soft and non greasy. It's really shiny and smoother. And the smell is not as strong as it was initially.

So, i'll try it on wet hair and see if it's even better. Keep ya'll posted.

The anti-humectant (and humectant) pomades are just like grease-constency wise [except the anti-humectant is kind of griddy]. They are not supposed to be used as a moisturizer. IMO it is best to use the anti-humectant pomade on wet hair before you airdry/blowdry/rollerset/etc. It's purpose is to lock in moisture and prevent frizzies.

The humectant pomade's purpose is to add shine, define curls, and gives the hair a slight bit of moisture. I also suggest using it the same way as I mentioned using the humectant pomade above.
Divine Inspiration said:
Hmmm...ok, I'll keep my eye on it.

You know, their return policy is what made me so willing to shell out the money for it and try it. I can usually find a use for everything, even products I don't care for, but it's nice knowing that I can return it if it doesn't live up to my expectations.

Is this something you use every day as a daily moisturizer?

Yes I use it as a daily moisturizer. But, I notice that it is not enough when I am really dry, like on the day after a protien treatment, henna/cassia or something. This one is good for me when I am pretty balanced, as far as moisture is concerned. I rarely suffer from dry hair so that is why I hate to suggest it someone that wants something to combat that (but you don't have major dryness either, right?). Most times on the day after a protein treatment, I have to use one of my Qhemet products for a day or so to get me back in order. But, most times the USC is perfect for my daily moisture needs.
LocksOfLuV said:
Divi, also you could also add the moisturizer to your palms and rub your palms together THEN apply it to your hair. It gives it a warming effect and it will melt down the consistency a little bit.

Yeah, that's what I've been doing. I'm starting to wonder if I should run a little warm water over the tube first because rubbing my hands together hasn't yielded the desired results...unless I had too much. I'm going to try a pea size tonight.

HD, no, I don't have any major dryness issues. Oftentimes, I go all week without moisturizing my hair because it doesn't need it. I DC religously so I think over time, my hair has been trained to hold moisture better. These days, I may spirtz my moisture mix each evening or add a touch of Soy Replinisher but that's I think the USC would work well for me in that sense. Thanks for the feedback.
HD if you get this and really like, let me know. Heck, you know i want to know either way. :lol: I will wait until I get my spending pass in May to try this one out. My hair is getting lighter and lighter and I think this will give me a nice mild darker color.

HoneyDew said:
I am doing an Aveda run tomorrow because I need some Black Malva stuff. I remember they had a jar of the pomade available for sample. I may grab a bit to try out.
LocksOfLuV said:
The anti-humectant (and humectant) pomades are just like grease-constency wise [except the anti-humectant is kind of griddy]. They are not supposed to be used as a moisturizer. IMO it is best to use the anti-humectant pomade on wet hair before you airdry/blowdry/rollerset/etc. It's purpose is to lock in moisture and prevent frizzies.

The humectant pomade's purpose is to add shine, define curls, and gives the hair a slight bit of moisture. I also suggest using it the same way as I mentioned using the humectant pomade above.

Thanks! So, if i'm doing a twist out which product do you think will work best?
Letitia said:
HD if you get this and really like, let me know. Heck, you know i want to know either way. :lol: I will wait until I get my spending pass in May to try this one out. My hair is getting lighter and lighter and I think this will give me a nice mild darker color.

sure! I wanted to pick it up today and went to the mall totally forgetting that it was closed for the holiday. I wanted to use it for today's shampoo and condition. Oh, well I will do it sometime this week and post a review.

I used Bigen last fall and now all the hair closest to my roots are off black (compared to my oriental black sections) I, too, am looking to darken these sections but I don't want to use Bigen anymore.
OOH OOH, another Aveda USC thread! How do I always miss these? I really do love this product. I have fine hair as well, & using this has never caused my hair to be weighed down (when used correctly, a little goes a long way) I use this coupled with the Brilliant serum & my hair is always soft & moisturized with a beautiful shine. I use this combo the first few days after my rollerset & I won't have to reapply until my next poo day.
Yes, it's really that great, if you don't have it already then get to the store and pick some up. I've been using it for years, I've tried substitutes, but they're never as good as my Aveda. I can go out in humidity and even rain and my hair is still straight and shiny. And when I go to the salon the ladies ask which stylists did my hair...before my hair is done. And of course the stylists ask where I usually get my hair done although I do my hair at home. I have yet to find a better product and trust me I am a true pj, my bathroom cabinet is filled with products and I have bags full of products in my spare room and the Universal Styling Creme is still my favorite.
Khalia27 said:
Yes, it's really that great, if you don't have it already then get to the store and pick some up. I've been using it for years, I've tried substitutes, but they're never as good as my Aveda. I can go out in humidity and even rain and my hair is still straight and shiny. And when I go to the salon the ladies ask which stylists did my hair...before my hair is done. And of course the stylists ask where I usually get my hair done although I do my hair at home. I have yet to find a better product and trust me I am a true pj, my bathroom cabinet is filled with products and I have bags full of products in my spare room and the Universal Styling Creme is still my favorite.

:D Girl, I am the same way!!! The only other product that I find close to it is the Olive Cream by Qhemet Biologics, and even still I have to use more of that to get the same effect as the Aveda USC.

Aveda needs to go ahead a bring back that 8 oz bottle of it. :)

I am so excited because I am going to Aveda this evening to pick up a few things :D.
Well, l I tried the Anti Humectant again on my twists. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but it's not that great. My hair feels drier and doesn't look as shiny. I won't buy it again.

I guess I'll buy the USC now. I don't want to take the Anti Humectant back, since I took the Be Curly back Saturday for it.

I'm gonna try their skin care line for acne too. (I know this is another topic. ) The ingredients look really good. Has anyone tried this too?
I'm having doubts about this product. I don't think anyone answered my previous question. How are you guys getting it to emulsify? When I squeeze the pea sized amount in my hand, it is very thick and is usually white on my hands and in my hair even though I've tried rubbing my hands together vigorously to break it down. It doesn't feel easy to rub through my hair. I doubt its getting to every strand because it doesn't seem to melt down easily. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because right now USC has been bagged up and is sitting in my car with the receipt to go back to Aveda if I can't figure out this $16.00 problem.:lol:
MadisonK said:
Well, l I tried the Anti Humectant again on my twists. Maybe I'm using it wrong, but it's not that great. My hair feels drier and doesn't look as shiny. I won't buy it again.

I guess I'll buy the USC now. I don't want to take the Anti Humectant back, since I took the Be Curly back Saturday for it.

I'm gonna try their skin care line for acne too. (I know this is another topic. ) The ingredients look really good. Has anyone tried this too?

I have not tried the skin care line, but I am interested, as well.

I am afraid to try that Anti Humectant. I need to at least check the ingredients when I go there tonight. I never gave it a 2nd look when I saw the way it looked in the jar. :look:
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm having doubts about this product. I don't think anyone answered my previous question. How are you guys getting it to emulsify? When I squeeze the pea sized amount in my hand, it is very thick and is usually white on my hands and in my hair even though I've tried rubbing my hands together vigorously to break it down. It doesn't feel easy to rub through my hair. I doubt its getting to every strand because it doesn't seem to melt down easily. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because right now USC has been bagged up and is sitting in my car with the receipt to go back to Aveda if I can't figure out this $16.00 problem.:lol:

I am sorry I did not answer. I don't think I realize you asked about that. When I emulsify it, it is still white on my fingers but it does melt into my hair. I just emulsify a pea sized amount with the tips of my fingers and gently apply it to my hair. I do this about 4 or 5 times.

Girl, if it doesn't work go ahead and take it back. You know there is no sense wasting any time on it! :lol: Not everything works for everyone, we all know that. What current moisturizer do you use that you like?
Cayenne0622 said:
I'm having doubts about this product. I don't think anyone answered my previous question. How are you guys getting it to emulsify? When I squeeze the pea sized amount in my hand, it is very thick and is usually white on my hands and in my hair even though I've tried rubbing my hands together vigorously to break it down. It doesn't feel easy to rub through my hair. I doubt its getting to every strand because it doesn't seem to melt down easily. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated because right now USC has been bagged up and is sitting in my car with the receipt to go back to Aveda if I can't figure out this $16.00 problem.:lol:

Ditto. It's just not happening for me. I made sure my receipt was in my wallet this morning because I'm planning a trip to the mall tomorrow. I'll give it one more go on my pincurls tonight...if I don't have any luck, it'll be going back to Aveda. :ohwell:
Divine Inspiration said:
Ditto. It's just not happening for me. I made sure my receipt was in my wallet this morning because I'm planning a trip to the mall tomorrow. I'll give it one more go on my pincurls tonight...if I don't have any luck, it'll be going back to Aveda. :ohwell:

Let me know how it turns out, Divine. The moisturizers that seem to effortlessly melt in my hair are the ones I use by Qhemet, B&B, Elasta QP, and Neutrogena.
HoneyDew said:
I am sorry I did not answer. I don't think I realize you asked about that. When I emulsify it, it is still white on my fingers but it does melt into my hair. I just emulsify a pea sized amount with the tips of my fingers and gently apply it to my hair. I do this about 4 or 5 times.

Girl, if it doesn't work go ahead and take it back. You know there is no sense wasting any time on it! :lol: Not everything works for everyone, we all know that. What current moisturizer do you use that you like?

I hear ya! I wanted it to work so badly!!:lol: Thats why I'm still holding on to it hoping that I was doing something wrong. Hmmm...I'm still in limbo. I'll let you know. I posted my current moisturizers when I responded to Divine. Thanks anyway, lady!
LocksOfLuV said:
i am always very leary of asking a sales associate for advice. especially on my african american relaxed hair.

a lot of them don't know nothing. i actually had to school an aveda clerk one time. she told me that the brilliant spray 'was all natural and contained no alcohol' [after i asked] and i turned the bottle around and right there was sd-40 alchol staring right at me.:ohwell:

please don't take their word as bible. get samples, search the boards, do anything. the brilliant line was infact created for 'ethnic' hair, i found this out by calling aveda myself [not the store, but the corporation] and it did the exact opposite of weigh my hair down.

with all the bad advice these stylists are givig out nowadays i am better off trusting my own judgement.

I completely agree and I feel the same way about hair stylists. It's surprising to me to know that these people went to school to be professionals in this industry but don't take the time out to really know what they are talking about. If I had the technical skills along with my current knowledge about hair product dos and don'ts, I'd be a bad (bad meaning good) stylist.
MadisonK said:
I went to Aveda today. The sales woman told me to get the Anti Humectant Pomade instead of the Universal Styling Cream. She said the pomade is a heavier version of USC. So, I bought it.

I did a search and I read that the Anti Humectant is good for humid locations. I live in LA and it's not humid here. I read that you should use the Humectant pomade if you live in dry areas.

So, basically now I'm COMPLETELY confused by all things AVEDA! :perplexed

I wouldn't use the Anti-Humectant Pomade as a moisturizer. It is much heavier than the USC. Although it imparts shine, it does not provide much moisture. Take a look at the ingredients. One of the first ingredients in the USC is water. I've used the Ant-Humectant Pomade in the past as a styling product....for instance, when I'm wearing my hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Cayenne0622 said:
I hear ya! I wanted it to work so badly!!:lol: Thats why I'm still holding on to it hoping that I was doing something wrong. Hmmm...I'm still in limbo. I'll let you know. I posted my current moisturizers when I responded to Divine. Thanks anyway, lady!

I use Qhemet's stuff, too. I think the USC is kinda like the Qhemet Olive Detangler a little.

OT, but I just got back from Aveda $60 poorer. :look: :) Black Malva poo/con and the Brilliant poo/con sets.

Anyway, they had some thing where you could get free travel sizes of the DR shampoo and conditioner if they give you a hair consultation. Anyone ever do that? I did not because I am like this :sekret: when I shop and don't like really being bothered unless I ask for help.
comike said:
I wouldn't use the Anti-Humectant Pomade as a moisturizer. It is much heavier than the USC. Although it imparts shine, it does not provide much moisture. Take a look at the ingredients. One of the first ingredients in the USC is water. I've used the Ant-Humectant Pomade in the past as a styling product....for instance, when I'm wearing my hair pulled back into a ponytail.

Thanks Comike!

Yeh, i could see the Anti Humectant working much better for straight styles or ponytails. I'll keep it for that purpose...'cause it certainly doesn't add ANY moisture!

I went back today and was thinking about trying the USC, but after not being impressed with the Be Curly or Anti Humectant, i think I'll take a break.
HoneyDew said:
I use Qhemet's stuff, too. I think the USC is kinda like the Qhemet Olive Detangler a little.

OT, but I just got back from Aveda $60 poorer. :look: :) Black Malva poo/con and the Brilliant poo/con sets.

Anyway, they had some thing where you could get free travel sizes of the DR shampoo and conditioner if they give you a hair consultation. Anyone ever do that? I did not because I am like this :sekret: when I shop and don't like really being bothered unless I ask for help.

I got the free coupon in the mail for these. I just told the associate I wanted the DR samples so I didn't have to go through that consultation crap. :( I'm in there a lot so I just got that and the USC and left.
Cayenne0622 said:
Let me know how it turns out, Divine. The moisturizers that seem to effortlessly melt in my hair are the ones I use by Qhemet, B&B, Elasta QP, and Neutrogena.

I've decided to return it. I have the Soy Replenisher which I'm in love with, and today I received End All from Hair2Heaven, and I'm in love with it too. I'm just not up for fighting and manipulating to get the USC to work for me right now. I'll be returning it tomorrow.
Divine Inspiration said:
I've decided to return it. I have the Soy Replenisher which I'm in love with, and today I received End All from Hair2Heaven, and I'm in love with it too. I'm just not up for fighting and manipulating to get the USC to work for me right now. I'll be returning it tomorrow.

DI, what's the Soy Replenisher? TIA! :)
I apply the USC to my hair after washing but I only apply it to my ends. A little goes a long way. The USC is one of my staples because it keeps my ends almost split-end free. Its the best!