Is anyone stretching their relaxer? I need a buddy for the long haul


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Is anyone stretching their relaxer? I need a buddy for the long haul


Because of timing and conflicts I'll have to stretch my relaxer until June (21 weeks!). I'm a bit scared to be honest, but it's either that or touching up my hair twice --once after 10 weeks and another after 11 weeks. I know that sound pretty good, but when I got my touch up this past Monday after 11 weeks I really didn't have alot of growth. I mean it's weird, I could hard comb through my hair but when you look at the actually new growth it was barely and inch. My hairdresser overlapped and I really don't think she could have avoided doing so. Anyway I have a plan, but motivation will play a huge factor so if anyone is stretching their relaxer for a long while...

My 21 week Super Stretch Challenge plan
Week 1: loose buns (1 week)
Weeks 02 - 05: 24/7 baggy challenge (4 weeks)
Weeks 06 - 11: Braids with extensions #1 (6 weeks)
Weeks 12 - 16: Braids with extensions #2 (5 weeks)
Weeks 17 - 21: Braids with extensions #3 (5 weeks)

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I JUST checked out your album and I must say that you're hair is really nice! You got very nice growth during that time. I must say that your plan sound really solid, I think it's excellent for stretching out your hair between relaxers. right now I am 18.5 weeks post relaxer and things are going far. I basically keep my hair in no contact styles to avoid breakage, and to work with both textures I do braidouts and twistouts or get cornrows and single braids. I think with the plan that you have you will retain a lot of lenght without sacrificing the health of your hair. To control my new growth (NG) I use Elasta's mango butter (this stuff combats the frizzies and keeps my NG smooth). I visited my stylist the other day and he was impressed with my hair being so healthy after all this time. Trust me, you can do this!
I did my last relaxer on December 21, 2004 and am currently only 4 weeks post relaxer. I want to stretch it out to April 12,2005 which will be 16 weeks. I will try longer but that is my aim since I experience some shedding when I wait any longer than this. You can do it. It just takes lots of patience. For me a lot of cowashes. I will be getting a sew in weave and cornrows for assistance
Right now I am 12 Weeks post relaxer which is the longest I have ever gone. A stylist overprocessed my hair and I am babying it before I get another touchup.
So far so good. still soft & manageable and I wear it out everyday.
I am trying to hold out until the end of April which will be 25 weeks, if I can make it.
Right before my girlfriends and I go to Vegas.
I'm stretching out my relaxer. I got a relaxer January 1, 2005 so it's still kind of fresh, but I'm so serious about this. I decided to super stretch/ I'll be your buddy :-)
I'm in the last month of stretching mine(16 wks) and oh man, I am starting to have a time. I am tired of my hair at this point, but I am DETERMINED to make it to 16 weeks. I'm bunning it now.

Thank Gawd I know about S-curl and COs 'cause if I didn't I COULDN'T TAKE IT!! It's some extra work, but it's worth it. I'm running out of styles and options without revealing these ROOTS. I WILL be doing a full wig before it's all over with(fa sho). Next time, I may do a weave for 8 more weeks making it to 24. It's the ONLY way for me.

Yes, the shedding is getting crazy. I'm also glad that I know the difference between that and breakage.

My last relaxer was done 8 weeks post and the ones before that were done every 4 weeks precisely. So, this is a feat for me. If I can do this with my hair I can do anything.

Good luck to you!

Well my last relaxer was at December 24th so I am still good for a good while. Plus I don't plan to get another relaxer for the next 4 months, I'm hoping.
Ya'll made my day! When I came back to check and saw your responses I had a big 'ole stupid grin :D on my face.

This is the Super Stretch Challenge buddy list beginning Jan. 20, 2005
Name: Goal date (total weeks/months: current status --> time remaining)

deborah11: February (5.5? months; @ week 19 --> 3? weeks to go!)
SouthernGirl: Tentative, but in for the long haul!
kombov_dymond: February (5 months; @wk 12? --> 4 weeks to go!)
nolechik: February (4 months; @ week 11 --> 5 weeks to go!)
ms_kenesha: February (3 months; @ week 7 --> 5 weeks to go!)
hottopic: March (3.25 months; @ week 7 --> 6 weeks to go!)
Tene: February (4 months; @ week 10 --> 6? weeks to go!)
pink_flower: February (3 months; @ week 6 ---> 6 weeks to go!)
shellzfoshizzle: April (3 months; @ week 3 --> 9 weeks to go!)
Arabianprincess: April (5 months; @ week 10 --> 10 weeks to go!)
GiGi: April (4 months; @ week 6 --> 10 weeks to go!)
cutebajangirl: April (6.25 months; @week 14 --> 11 weeks to go!)
WhipEffectz1: April (6 months; @ week 13 --> 11 weeks to go!)
NYRICAN: April 12, 2005 (4 months; @ week 4 --> 12 weeks to go!)
SYLVER@: end of April (6.25 months; @ week 12 --> 13 weeks to go!)
jaded_faerie: May 1, 2005 (6.5 monts; at week 12 --> 14weeks to go!)
Tamika: April/May (6-7 months; @ week 14 --> 14 weeks to go!)
UmSumayyah: To week 16!
Champagne_Wishes: May? (5 months; @ week 4? --> 16 weeks to go!)
Nyambura: May/June (6 months; @ week 9 --> 19? weeks to go!)
mzjones: June 13, 2005 (5.25 months; @ week 1 --> 20 weeks to go!)
ballet_bun: June (at least 5 months; @? --> 20 weeks to go!)

The purpose of this buddy list is to help and support :clap: each other in our goals to stretch our relaxers. Please post questions, comments, advice as often as you wish. I will ask for updates once every two weeks and/or whenever a buddy has reached her target date. I'm so happy I have that Michael Jackson song floating around in my head "you are not alone, I'm am here with you..." cheezy huh :lol:

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im on week 12....and wont be relaxing or texturizing till May 1st =) So im going for 26weeks relaxer free....i think i can do it =)...i also will be getting my hair corn rowed, weaved and wearing a bun for those last 2 weeks. =) before relaxing
I didn't know you wanted a date...ummmmmm lets see. I've never done this before so I don't know date to tell. I got my last relaxer on January 1, it's been 3 weeks since my last relaxer. Let's say I'll stretch it out until the middle of April (dang thats a long time from least for me it is...:-\) Yea...April. I can do it! That's 12 weeks. Pencil me in for 12 weeks!!!!!!!!!! ;-D
If it's not too late, I would love to join the club!! I'm currently 11wks post, and I'm striving to go 16wks (4mos). I've just being doing (co washes) & (poo/co/deep co) every week. The co washes have helped tremendously and whoever suggested using DDTA is my new bestest friend b/c $1 goes a long way for a conditioner that works that well!!!
shellzfoshizzle, this your info on the list was updated.
Nolechick, I added you to the list. What is DDTA?

Well, I myy last relaxer was October 18, 2004 and I am currently 13 weeks post relaxer. Originally, I wanted to go until July 2005 but if not then I will settle for April when I will be six months post relaxer. If I get to Aprila nd decide I would like to go with the original plan then I will go from there. However, you can pencil me in my six month mark in April. I currently have cornrows with weave.
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Well I am on week 10 and I don't know when I'll get my next relaxer. Maybe some time in February or later than that.
My last touchup was November 22 so I guess I'm about 9 weeks. I'd like to see if I can stretch until late May/early June (around the end of my baggie challenge). I hope I'm not too late to join your buddy list, MzJones.:)
My last relaxer was oct 6th 04 right now I am 14 week post relaxer and plan to relaxer the first week of may or in mid april. which would be 6-7 months post relaxer.
My last texturizer was 19 weeks ago--sept 10, 2004. I plan on getting a touch up within the next couple of weeks because my hair is now starting to shed--not major shedding, but enough for me to know that in a couple of week, sheeding may become more of a problem. I think i will touchup twice a year. I maintain my hair by using protective styles--up, back and ocassionally my fake pony, but mostly my own hair b/c I am sick of the phony pony. I am just extremely careful when washing and comb very gently with fingers and big comb.
Me too!!

I just decided today, although I haven't decided for how long. I'm going to just see how long I can go- hopefully until June!
My last relaxer was october 15th, and i plan on not relaxing until April at the earliest and I hope to hold out a year. I'll check in but I am just straight weaving and braiding so I'll be a boring participant lol.
SouthernGirl said:
Me too!!

I just decided today, although I haven't decided for how long. I'm going to just see how long I can go- hopefully until June!

I'm trying to wait until June too. Wishing you LUCK! :)
Count me in too! My last texlaxer was the 1st week of Dec 2004, and I am planning to go until the first week of April 2005 - 16weeks.
Hey Mzjones...."DDTA" is Daily Defense Tender Apple Conditioner. It's usually sold everywhere & sells for $1. I was reading up on old posts I had to catch up on & someone mentioned that it worked wonders on their 4b hair (and she was natural). I decided to give it a shot and it didn't let me down. I'll now alternate b/n that & probably Mane n Tail for my co washes....but I may give Suave Milk n Honey another shot.
Right now I am on week 7....The last touch up was on Dec 6, 2004..I am trying to strech until March...You are not alone....I been doing alot of braids...weave....that is pretty much it...I don't touch my hair once it is in a braid or weave...
I am trying for 12 weeks, I am on Week 7, so I have 5 more weeks to go. This would be my longest stretch EVER! My newgrowth feels manageable with my routine; I am just scared of breakage because I don't want the positives *more new growth/less overlap* to outweight the negatives *breakage*.

I will be maintaining with heat and MAYBE braids *I'm not a good braid person I end up taking them out in like 2 wks. and wasting my money*
The longest I purposely went was 24 weeks. Right now I'm planning on 16. I used to do every 12 which worked fine too, but every 16 will be cheaper--esp. if I do phytorelaxer, which is expensive stuff.
I need to vent....I'm on my 10th week since my last relaxer and lordhuvmercy...I'm dying! I mean I know I can pull through until April but why does the new growth of 4a hair tangle so dang bad....GEEZ! I got my K-cutter I put in my conditioner worked the comb through with plenty o'slip rinse air dry and everything is smooth like butter then I proceed to style. The minute I'm done setting a style. My hair acts like it doesn't know whats what...Like I just didn't spend 20 minutes detangling the ish!!!! It looks cute but don't try to part it or touch the new growth in anyway...Why do I have to fight with my new growth ev'ry day! It only stays detangled for 45 minutes... DAYUMMM!!!!

I guess this is one big statement not really a question...

BTW, I'm stretching until April 16th...I think I might need a buddy and some prayer to pull through...