Is anyone just starting their transition?


Peeing in my shower
Hi all! I've been browsing the boards for awhile but just recently joined. I have decided to transition from relaxed to natural. Today I purchased a pound of shea from nasabb, and 2 juicy shampoo bars from KBB. My hair is chin length at this time, I'm growing out from a short cut from last summer. I don't know what my hair type is so I'm interested to see what my natural texture will be like. I plan on doing a long term transition and would really love to have a few transition buddies if anyone is interested. I have a sew in weave right now that I plan to take out in about a month and then I'll try the low manipulation styles. :spinning:
I'm looking forward to embracing my natural hair!!
Welcome I am new to and transitioning. Well I am 3 months into my transition, but still it is new. Funny I want to do my weaves/half wigs starting September, so for now I am/have been doing low manipulation. You should come over to this thread
So many helpful tips, I am trying to read the whole thread now which will take me at least a week I am sure but hey with transitioning I have nothing but time right?
Been on the board 1 year this month but just decided to transition last week. I'm texlaxed with full shoulder length hair. I plan to transition for 1.5-2 years and slowly trim along the way. I will be wearing buns & twist outs mostly. I airdry mostly and only use heat a few times a year.
Congrats to you ladies for making the decision to transition! You can do this. I think first you have to make a mental transition, and then the rest is easy! Good luck!
I'm reluctantly transitioning.
My last relaxer was in May right before my wedding.
Now that I'm pregnant I don't think I want to color or relax my hair.
Plus it's been a dream of mine to finally SEE my natural texture.
So I'm 80% sure my next move is to get tree braids in the next month or so.
I'm right there with u....

Um wow. Mr. Ed called, he wants his tail back! :lachen: You definitely have a horse's mane growing down your back!!! If I had your length I would be struggling with it too :grin: But if you did it as a relaxed head I know you are more than capable of doing it as a natural head!
Today I also decided to transition. I currently have braids but I haven't had a perm since April. I'm also curious to see what my hair texture is like it has been so long. I don't mind joining you on this journey
Thanks for all of the responses. I spoke to my husband about it a week ago and he's all in, my mom is natural so I know she'll be supportive. We're moving to Spain next year for about two years so I'm trying to try different products now so I can stock up before we move. I'm excited, and scared:perplexed. Kayex, thanks for the link!
I'm right there with you. I recently made the decision to transition. Only 7 weeks post right now though. I plan to do a long term transition as well. My hair is currently at the top of my shoulders..
I'm a new transitioner! I decided to go natural at the end of May and I plan to transition for 18 months before I chop off the relaxed ends. I'm so excited to finally be free from the burden of relaxers and see my natural texture! :grin:
I'm 3 months post. I have transitioned and gone back to relaxing so many times. This time I really feel mentally ready to remain natural. I am learning healthy hair practices and I am finally able to see the fruits of my labor. My transition style is flat twists in a bun. I can't use extensions because they make my scalp itch. It is wonderful to me because I'm learning how to do natural styles. I suck at braiding, but I'm learning to master flat twists.:clap: Thanks to the ladies here and You tube videos, I'm learning that natural hair is versatile and that I don't have to use heat to make my hair strait. You will find a lot of advice and support here.:yep:
I'm transitioning too for now. I am about 5 weeks post. It's easy up until the 6,7,8 month where I'm itching to see length. So I'm tentative about it. I want to do 15-24 months. I BC'd before and I don't want to go that short again.
I'm right with you. I'm only 2 months into my transition and my new growth is already causing major tangles at the demarcation line. I already know I have a very tight, kinky-curly pattern.
:hiya: I'm new to the board and just starting my transition as well. I'm 2 months post right now but luckily I've already learned how to manage my new growth since I have stretched for 5 months in the past. V05, S-Curl, Fantasia IC gel, cowashes, & bunning were my best friends during those months lol. A TWA wouldn't fit my face shape & size too well so I will be long term transitioning too. My hair is a little bit past shoulder length and I doubt I will be BC-ing before my straightened natural hair is the same length.
Count me in!!!!!! I will be your transition buddy! Last relaxer 7/09. Lets keep each other strong! Will do buns, flexi rods, and twist outs. Only straightening every few months to trim.
I'm transitioning again, I haven't posted any recent pics but soon as I get time I will. How often do you guys co wash and with what product?
I am 24 weeks post as of today. I'm not newly transitioning but if you have any questions i'll be happy to try and help. Send me a pm anytime :)
I'm sooo undecided about what i want to do with my hair!!! Relaxing is old news and im not one of those people who has ever had great results relaxing anyway, so i might as well bite the bullet.

I have to be honest, one MAJOR concern is how im going to style my hair in the meantime and look presentable... hell even sexy if i go out.

Braidouts cause major tangles and matting, CO washing does the same :ohwell:

I dont like the thought of wearing fake hair during my transition... i'd be too self concious. :look:

I'm 4a/b so the difference in texture means WAR

I'm 10 weeks in (usually strecth to 10-12 weeks) so its business as usual at this point. The GOOD thing about transitioning is that its a one time thing, and once its over, its over. If i could snap my fingers and replace my near APL length hair with 6 inches of natural hair.. i'd do it in a heartbeat.
I'm transitioning too. I'm 3 months in also. I worry about being able to stick it out, because I'm nearly BSL :sad:. I don't know how I'm gonna feel once I get 3 or 4 inches of new growth, because if I relaxed, it would put me between MBL and WL. I don't know if I'd be able to cut all that off and start over :nono:.

I feel like this relaxer is holding me "hostage"! :wallbash:
I am also new here and after seeing multiple threads full of beautiful natural hair really makes me want to transition to natural as well. I haven't had a relaxer in about 6 weeks but for now I want to see how long I can go without relaxing.
Welcome to the transitioning club :) I decided to transition when I was 7 weeks post-relaxer, now I'm 7.5 months (32 weeks) post relaxer, time flies!

If you're not used to stretching relaxers, it might prove to be a challenge once in a while but honestly it's been fun for me so far (longest I stretched relaxers was 19 weeks). I decided to transition without wigs, weaves or extensions... I love curly styles (braidouts and twistouts and I do rollersets once every 3-4 months) and I recently tried braids without extensions and that lasted 2 weeks with a total of 5 cowashes - definitely a transition style I will be going back to often. Check out my fotki for style ideas, etc

Transitioner's Support Thread:

Good luck and have fun :)
Um wow. Mr. Ed called, he wants his tail back! :lachen: You definitely have a horse's mane growing down your back!!! If I had your length I would be struggling with it too :grin: But if you did it as a relaxed head I know you are more than capable of doing it as a natural head!


Right now I am just doing WnG and trying to deal with tangles. If I can survive another month, I'll start roller setting again for the fall and winter. My goal is to make it to December without a relaxer. If I can make it until then, I'm going to continue transitioning until my natural hair reaches APL. If I can't, then at least I know that I really am not ready at this point..
I'm six weeks post. This will be my second time attempting a transition. I made it six months, but in June, I folded. I regretted it the same day. My hair suddenly felt limp and lifeless. I would definitely be a long term transitioner because I'm about 1.5 in from APL in the back (shoulder length in front - long layers) and I don't want to lose all my hard work!
I've been going back and forth about being natural for a long time and I have finally decided to transition. The only draw back is that I am about 3 inches from APL and I do not wanna lose all this hair.
I'm gonna need so much support cause I know its gonna be hard. I can barely stretch longer that 2 months.
I have to be honest, one MAJOR concern is how im going to style my hair in the meantime and look presentable... hell even sexy if i go out.

Ditto. Same here. I'm about 4 months post and I'm thinking about transitioning, but I've been natural before. However, the last time I transitioned I big chopped at 5 months... and I just never got use to short natural hair.

But to be truly honest, I'm not sure if I'm going all the way this time because I don't want to sacrifice length, and I don't know how long I can deal with the two textures while looking presentable and sexy.

Idk OP. I might be there with you, I might not.
I'm sooo undecided about what i want to do with my hair!!! Relaxing is old news and im not one of those people who has ever had great results relaxing anyway, so i might as well bite the bullet.

I have to be honest, one MAJOR concern is how im going to style my hair in the meantime and look presentable... hell even sexy if i go out.

Braidouts cause major tangles and matting, CO washing does the same :ohwell:

I dont like the thought of wearing fake hair during my transition... i'd be too self concious. :look:

I'm 4a/b so the difference in texture means WAR

I'm 10 weeks in (usually strecth to 10-12 weeks) so its business as usual at this point. The GOOD thing about transitioning is that its a one time thing, and once its over, its over. If i could snap my fingers and replace my near APL length hair with 6 inches of natural hair.. i'd do it in a heartbeat.

This is me all the way. As far as the fake hair, I don't too much care for it, but it gets the job done without having to deal with my real hair.