Is anybody else SICK of the "ethnic hair care" section in stores??

I went in CVS today, and I was looking for some conditioner, and I noticed the "ethnic hair section" was like a 1/10 of the entire aisle on one side. Then I had to realize how many of us actually go into a drug store to buy hair products. That made me feel a bit better.
i think ur taking me the wrong way. im all pro-black everything, but i dont believe we should be isolated to "our own." i believe we should be seen as equal. it seems as if this thread is going elsewhere. black history is wonderful, but they have given us the shortest month of the year to tell 28 random facts about the most popular black people. instead i would rather them incorporate black history into the history they teach in classes everyday. its like its a pity thing. im glad we have what we have, but it doesnt feel equal to me.

nonetheless, my point is, i would rather all the hair products be where they belong, whether they be "ethnic" or not
same with BHM, teach history, whether it be black or white

This is OT but the reason February was chosen (and chosen by a black man) for Black History Month had nothing to do with the number of days. It was chosen because Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln's (both abolitionists) birthdays were in that month (well week it wasn't a whole month at first). Much like putting President's Day in February.

I don't have a problem with the ethnic hair section. I still use some products from that section and others I buy from the regular section. Some things I have to go to the BSS to get. I don't see what the issue is. I'd rather it be called Ethnic than the Black hair section. Sometimes it bothers me when the section is small and has only a few products and then there's aisles of "other" shampoo and conditioner but I've found that really depends on your location.

Don't have a problem with the Ethnic or African American Literature section either. It makes it easier to find books instead of having to look through every book in the fiction section starting from A to Z. It's too hard to find the books when they're mixed in unless you know exactly what you're looking for.
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This is OT but the reason February was chosen (and chosen by a black man) for Black History Month had nothing to do with the number of days. It was chosen because Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln's (both abolitionists) birthdays were in that month (well week it wasn't a whole month at first). Much like putting President's Day in February.

I don't have a problem with the ethnic hair section. I still use some products from that section and others I buy from the regular section. Some things I have to go to the BSS to get. I don't see what the issue is. I'd rather it be called Ethnic than the Black hair section. Sometimes it bothers me when the section is small and has only a few products and then there's aisles of "other" shampoo and conditioner but I've found that really depends on your location.

Don't have a problem with the Ethnic or African American Literature section either. It makes it easier to find books instead of having to look through every book in the fiction section starting from A to Z. It's too hard to find the books when they're mixed in unless you know exactly what you're looking for.
oh. thanks! learn something new everyday. and i definitely feel u on it called "ethnic" as opposed to "black"
Yes it annoys me. Everytime I have to go in that colored aisle to get my ORS replenishing pak :lachen:

To be honest, the 'ethnic food' aisle in the grocery store annoys me too. I hate having to walk all over the store. D*mmit put my oyster sauce next to the bar-b-cue sauce :lachen:
This is OT but the reason February was chosen (and chosen by a black man) for Black History Month had nothing to do with the number of days. It was chosen because Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln's (both abolitionists) birthdays were in that month (well week it wasn't a whole month at first). Much like putting President's Day in February.


It is because Black people don't know much history that we spread rumors, that when told often enough, become truth in the mind of some folks. Hence, the feeling that we got shafted for getting the shortest month of the year instead of focusing on the real reason A BLACK MAN first chose to celebrate Black History in Feb. :rolleyes:
I don't care at all. It acknowledges that ethnic hair has special needs (pls don't front like it doesn't lol) and it makes things easier to find if "black hair products" are all you use. . .like the majority of black women outside of this forum. Now if they put up a barricade preventing me from going in the other isles or put a COLORED FOLKS ONLY sign in front of the section, then we will have some problems.

FTR, I don't get mad at the "African-American lit" section in Borders/BAM either. Sooooo much less time than at BNN where I have to search through all the damn authors in the free world. I get their point tho.
I don't care at all. It acknowledges that ethnic hair has special needs (pls don't front like it doesn't lol) and it makes things easier to find if "black hair products" are all you use. . .like the majority of black women outside of this forum. Now if they put up a barricade preventing me from going in the other isles or put a COLORED FOLKS ONLY sign in front of the section, then we will have some problems.

FTR, I don't get mad at the "African-American lit" section in Borders/BAM either. Sooooo much less time than at BNN where I have to search through all the damn authors in the free world. I get their point tho.

I think at times we forget how far we have come in have hit the nail miss nina!!!! and there are no signs saying FOR WHITE PEOPLE ONLY......maybe a few glances here and there........LOL!.....

but in all fairness to OP.....i do feel why you could be frustrated........Africans have had a long history in America so when is the segregation going to end?

At the same time i also agree that its more convenient trying to find products we may need that other races would never use.......our hair is ""

i wouldnt do well in a debate would i??? try to see the good in both sides of an argument.
5. i think instead of focusing on marketing to ethnic hair, they should focus on educating us on how to care for our hair. just like ORS, if u ever read the pamphlets, they say not to blow dry & stuff like that. at least its a start.

Why? Why would a company, whose primary existence is to make money, care about education? Shouldn't we be in charge of educating ourselves? Why leave it to corporations? They make what they think we want to buy.

Edited to add, similarly, grocery stores, discount big box stores, whatever, design their stores to make money. Shelf space is a premium--companies PAY to have their stuff at eye level, etc. They place products in way that is "helpful" to the consumer so they will spend money. The conspiracy is NOT segregation, the "conspiracy" is trying to entice the consumer to part with their dollars.

They put candy, soda, and small packs of batteries in the check out aisles b/c they are impulse purchases, etc.

It's all designed to get you to spend.

The consumer is responsible for their tastes and preferences and companies respond to what consumers DO (rather than what they SAY they want) in order to make money.
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First of all, if the aisle is called ethnic they should have vatika oil and all of the other ethnicities on that aisle. Why does ethnic always refer to black people??? Read the definition below, if it only pertained to being black it would say that, but it doesn't. I even highlighted their example...

/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [eth-nik] Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1.pertaining to or characteristic of a people, esp. a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.2.referring to the origin, classification, characteristics, etc., of such groups.3.being a member of an ethnic group, esp. of a group that is a minority within a larger society: ethnic Chinese in San Francisco. 4.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of such a group.5.belonging to or deriving from the cultural, racial, religious, or linguistic traditions of a people or country: ethnic dances. 6.Obsolete. pagan; heathen.–noun 7.a member of an ethnic group.
First of all, if the aisle is called ethnic they should have vatika oil and all of the other ethnicities on that aisle. Why does ethnic always refer to black people??? Read the definition below, if it only pertained to being black it would say that, but it doesn't. I even highlighted their example...

/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [eth-nik] Show IPA Pronunciation

–adjective 1.pertaining to or characteristic of a people, esp. a group (ethnic group) sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion, language, or the like.2.referring to the origin, classification, characteristics, etc., of such groups.3.being a member of an ethnic group, esp. of a group that is a minority within a larger society: ethnic Chinese in San Francisco. 4.of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of such a group.5.belonging to or deriving from the cultural, racial, religious, or linguistic traditions of a people or country: ethnic dances. 6.Obsolete. pagan; heathen.–noun 7.a member of an ethnic group.

That's the thing. Who says that others are not included in the Ethnic section?

It really depends on the racial make up of your area. Most places around here in New York do not even carry Indian products. If they do, it's one or two products. I've seen hennalucent hair coloring in the BSS, but that's it.

In an area with a high Indian population, I'm SURE it'd be different.

In Hispanic areas of NYC I see some stores that have Hispanic and Black products near each other. Sometimes not even near eachother, but the Hispanic/Domincan products are in their own separate place from the ethnic AND "white" products. Does that mean "they" have something against hispanics too?

I'm sure that if you go into a Russian Neighborhood, they are going to have Russian Hair Products in a little section on it's own... or Chinese neighborhood or whatever. :lol:

I'm sure if you go to Whitetown, Montana they won't HAVE an ethnic section because there is no one to buy it.

It's not only hairtype that makes us use what we use, but also our culture and the area we grow up in.

People will sell what is in high demand. People will also organize and group like things together - which is NORMAL and CONVENIENT. In my opinion.

Say you went to the grocery store and you wanted some soy sauce, noodles and some kind of Chinese seasoning. Well, you just go to the Chinese section instead of going to the season section, then the sauce section, then the noodle section. Since they usually are all going to be used together anyway.

Same idea, but with hair products.

Also, what would you call such a section without offending anyone? Having a "black" or even "African American" section would probably be offensive to some... you can read through this thread to get a hint of that.

It's easy to see just how SENSITIVE people can get when it has anything to do with race. You can be the most politically correct person on Earth and STILL manage to offend someone. I've seen people who are afraid of simply stating someone is black for the fear of offending someone. Seriously.

There is such a thing as being TOO politically correct. True equality is RESPECTING our differences and realizing that despite our differences, we are mostly the same. Equality is NOT pretending that we are all exactly the same. IMO.

There is no good reason I should be compelled to write so much or think so deeply about the way shampoo and conditioner is organized on store shelves :lachen:

That's all I'm going to allow myself to say about the subject because I feel a little ridiculous now :lol:
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Neith I love the way you come into a thread and shine your light!

This just had me thinking about seperation of hair products and I really that here there is no seperation like this. In most store products are seperated by function (shampoo, conditioner, gel, etc.) and in stores where there is actually a whole aisle or more of products (please do not laugh at my pain) they are seperated by brand -elasta qp all together, herbal essence all together, etc. But still most of these products are ethnic products because most of the people here are black.

I wonder if the people of whiteness (especially the foreigners) are shocked when they see this or wish they had a whiteness section so they can find all their products easier?
Ahhhhhhh...the all-inclusive argument...that stores should carry everything under the sun theory. when you walk into a drug store to buy candy, do you expect that every kind of candy will be in the candy aisle? That every candy known to man will be there, including the green tea mints from China and tamarind balls from Jamaica?

So because there is an ethnic hair care aisle, they should have every hair care product for all ethnic folk, including seal blubber for inuit indians because they are ethnic.......

Really. :rolleyes:
I dont mind the 'ethnic' hair care that much, it's the products i don't like!

I agree...I never shop the "Ethnic" aisle in stores. It's actually commical to see the way the products are designed and named. Kente Cloth and African Colors with names like "Do-Gro"!
:yep: I feel where you coming from, the only time I would buy in the regular stores is when the Beauty Supply places I go to such as: Kings,JD,Kims and Sally's is closed,lol.
u know what? i understand that there are some products that are not as useful for other hair types than "our" hair type, but c'mon! why does it need to be labeled "ethnic"? why cant it just be in the same section with everything else?? are those with "ethnicity" not smart enouh to find it?? this just gets me. its even like that on :angry2:
feel free to speak freely, whether or not u agree

Right next to the cash register with a huge camara shining down on it or way in the back on the dusty shelf on the bottom and the oh-so-just-happening-to-pass-by-employee spying on you, "oh, do you need help?" Yeah, getting outta here without catching a case!

I used to get Mexican products real cheap at Dollar General and one day, they moved them, right facing the cash register. I was looking for something specific and asked the lady where they were. I wanted to know in addition why they moved them there. She told me that they put the Black and Mexican products up front because people were stealing them. Okay, what about the rest of the **** that White people were thieving way back? Stuff that costs much more than a 1.00 jar of brillantina?
And i actually STOPPED shopping at Barnes & Nobles and BAM because i got sick of not being able to find my black authors....I actually PREFER to be seperated rather than spend an hour trying to find a black author amongst 20 aisles of white ones.

Everytime i go in the bookstore.."excuse me, where is the African-American section"...You dont have one? That means i have to sit and figure out the title AND author of the book & track it.

I agree:yep:
:yep: I feel where you coming from, the only time I would buy in the regular stores is when the Beauty Supply places I go to such as: Kings,JD,Kims and Sally's is closed,lol.

Interesting. Is Kims a typical BSS run by Asians?

Funny enough, I do not think a lot of women in here have a problem with the Black Beauty Supply stores that are run by Asians and that sell mostly ethnic products while excluding a lot of mainstream products.

I mean shouldn't the sistas who have a problem with the ethnic aisles at Walmart also have a problem with the Asian BSS? Do these same women only shop at Sallys (which seems to not have the ethnic aisle marked although obvious to me by product grouping :rolleyes:)?
I agree...I never shop the "Ethnic" aisle in stores. It's actually commical to see the way the products are designed and named. Kente Cloth and African Colors with names like "Do-Gro"!

Now this I don't understand. Why do they have to spell the product names all stupid? You don't see "other" products labeled like that.
Now this I don't understand. Why do they have to spell the product names all stupid? You don't see "other" products labeled like that.

I'm not surprised. A lot of Black folk take pride in spelling things different ways...not the least of which include people's names. Maybe they are appealing to that aspect of the culture. Maybe not.

The Do, Re, Me, La, Fa, Te--names....Lakeisha, ReJohn, TeSean...and the like.
It doesn't bother me. Probably because I usually don't buy anything from that aisle anyway.
LMAO you beat me to it

I dont mind the 'ethnic' hair care that much, it's the products i don't like!
Same here! The "ethnic" products are not hard to find anyway - most of the products are spelled incorrectly like DOO GRO :rolleyes:

I get what you mean OP, I went to Sally's site today and was like :rolleyes: when I saw 'ethnic hair care', I think it's like that too on Walgreens site. But like some ladies have said, at least they're aknowledging we exist:ohwell:. Honestly, people are getting more and more educated about hair types, when I went to this beauty salon that carries the Aveda line, the girl that worked there who had curly hair gave me such great advice I was stunned, she talked about 'our hair type' (including herself) and how curly, tight curly girls need to take care of their hair:up:.
Oooh there's an Aveda about 5 minutes from my house and I don't know what to buy. I'll have to take a look one day. Do they have Aveda Doo Gro? LOL
I agree...I never shop the "Ethnic" aisle in stores. It's actually commical to see the way the products are designed and named. Kente Cloth and African Colors with names like "Do-Gro"!

OMG I just said the same thing! :lachen:
OP, I forgot to answer your question. I don't care if there is a Ethnic section. heck I'd love for CVS to have a Dominican hair section, I'd be in heaven. What I DON'T like is when "our" stuff is in the back with 20 cameras watchin your every move :rolleyes:
Ahhhhhhh...the all-inclusive argument...that stores should carry everything under the sun theory. when you walk into a drug store to buy candy, do you expect that every kind of candy will be in the candy aisle? That every candy known to man will be there, including the green tea mints from China and tamarind balls from Jamaica?

So because there is an ethnic hair care aisle, they should have every hair care product for all ethnic folk, including seal blubber for inuit indians because they are ethnic.......

Really. :rolleyes:

Hahahaha! :rofl::giggle:
I for one see exactly what Jhunt-smith is trying to say. I have been in Walmart on a few occasions where I was in the "non-black" hair care section and folks had that puzzled look on their face like "Why is she over here?". It's cool if there is a "relaxer" section or a "grease" section, because like other have said, things need to be separated. I just get that "seperate but not equal feel" lol..if we have our own section can we get alittle more? lol ...

Ok I guess my response is purely off of my experiences and this is kind of a rant, but how is not being able to find hair products for myself in walmart any different from only being able to find crappy ones?:look:

rant over, thanks lol
Shoot I know I am!! I think I'm going to tell my school store about it being offensive. I know some of them are labeled other things but ethnic is what I see all the time. What the he** is ethnic hair care anyway. Why are we (aa's) ethnic and caucasians are "non ethnic" It's just silly I think they should all be put together and people should go pick out what they want and let that be the end of it and stop creating these divides. Also by this definition everyone is "ethnic": An ethnic group is a group of human beings whose members identify with each other, usually on the basis of a presumed common genealogy or ancestry. I just don't get how it makes sense or its relevance. Maybe we should all start going into walmarts and mixing all the "ethnic" and "white" products up to make a statement (just playing LOL)
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