Is age just a number?


Well-Known Member
We age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?

My 14 year old cousin was putting a touch up in her hair when I went over to my aunt’s house earlier today. I was shocked!!! I said something about it to my auntie and she said that my 14 year old cousin has been putting relaxers in her hair since she was 11. I was like WTH??:look:

What age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?
I started doing my relaxers about Jr. High I had to be about 13 or 14. I knew to apply it correctly also. Only applying to new growth, etc. I had a mother who took the time to teach me. I used to like doing my own hair b/c I would always have bad experiences at the shop. I still self relax. I still do not like people in my head.

On the other hand I have nieces that age and I would never let them do a chemical treatment themselves.
Go figure!!:nono:
I did my first self relaxer at 13. I was home one summer day and I was trying to straighten my hair with an electric curling iron! Needless to say, I just gotten rid of my jerri curl and my hair was breaking like crazy! (Speaking of age?) So I bought a Revlon relaxer and went for it! It came out really good. I had been doing my own relaxers ever since. (My mom wasn't happy :nono: but she got over it!)
I started styling (curling irons, rollers, colors, etc) around 12 or 13. Before that I would wash and put it into a pony.
i was 11. every saturday night she'd lay me down over the sink and wash my hair, and every sunday morning she'd wake me up all early to curl it with the hot metal curling iron of death.

until one sunday, when she just stopped. it was the 1st time i went to church with raggedy hair, and if that wasn't devastation enough, she told me that i'd be doing my own hair from then on.

I thought I was grown at 12. I mean come on, all the other little girls hard relaxers and I didn't. I lied and told my dad I had one and he took me to the shop to get a retouch (ON MY VIRGIN HAIR) and it came out a hott ****ty mess when my roots were straight but the rest was not) THEN I bought a set of curling irons and started styling my relaxed hair. My long hair fell out, got thinner, my mom stopped tryign to help me cuz I'm hard headed!:wallbash::perplexed... And I've been doing my own hair ever since.:grin:
We age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?

My 14 year old cousin was putting a touch up in her hair when I went over to my aunt’s house earlier today. I was shocked!!! I said something about it to my auntie and she said that my 14 year old cousin has been putting relaxers in her hair since she was 11. I was like WTH??:look:

What age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?

um, i was 11 and doing my own touch-ups, my mama's touch-ups, and my little sister's touch-ups. :look: but my sis always had me to do it for her, so all she ever did was pull her hair back into one big braid until she was a sophomore in high school. she didn't learn to do her own touch-ups until she was 18, and would still rather recruit me to do her texturizing.

guess it depends on if your mama makes you do your own hair or if you have someone else to do it for you (mama, sister, friend), and how motivated you are to do your own hair.
We age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?

My 14 year old cousin was putting a touch up in her hair when I went over to my aunt’s house earlier today. I was shocked!!! I said something about it to my auntie and she said that my 14 year old cousin has been putting relaxers in her hair since she was 11. I was like WTH??:look:

What age were you when you started taking care of your own hair?

Because my mother didn't know how to do my hair (4 older brothers) I've been going to the hair dresser since I was 7. Press and curl- Shirly Temple curls to be exact. I was about 12 when I really started styling my hair by myself- not perms though. I did do my own first hair cut in the 6th grade :lachen: I did it gradually starting from the bangs so my mom wouldn't notice. about half my head was short and the middle to the back was long. My mom was like "You cut your hair?!?!?" I was like "no." She knew I was lying, but by that time, it was too late. I also used to put Peroxide in my bangs to lighten the color.:grin: My friends at that age were dying their hair with kool-aid too LOL
With permission I was about 13 but no relaxers. Without permission I was 11 and I got into much trouble with my mother. I could not get a relaxer until I was 18 and I had to go to the salon. I was afraid to self-relax.

By the way, I really messed up my hair. There is a world of difference between the picture at 13 years of age and 14 years of age. I lost many inches. If I had done my own relaxer I would have been bald - I have no doubt.
I started styling my own hair (rolling at night then styling in the morning) at 12. My mother pressed my hair from age 3 to 11 or 12. She relaxed my hair from 11/12 to 14. I got my hair relaxed at the hair salon on and off for the next 15+ years. I attempted to self-relaxed at age 17 when I could not make a hair appointment in time for senior pictures. My hair was a mess. Thankfully, it did not fall out.
I started puting relaxers on my hair around 13/14 too :nono: not only did I do that I didn't know that the relaxer was only supposed to be applied to the new growth only...I was overprocessing my hair terribly....I was also using curling irons every day ...putting tracks in with glue... no deep name it.....when I think of all the crap I used to do to my hair :blush: