Is a braidout a protective style?


Live, Laugh, Love
My ends were in bad shape so I cut 2 inches off. Bunning just did not protect my ends enough so I'm trying the baggie method. But I think I want to do braidouts for a month or 2 and see how that works. Since it's low manipulation and no heat I think my ends will get stronger. I'm just wondering if any of you have gotten stronger hair by using braidouts or twistouts and if it's a protective style or semi-protective?

I think of protective styles as ones that cover and protect your ends. In the last few months I've decided semi-protective styles like braidouts work as long as your hair is shorter than SL or longer than SL. Anything that isn't brushing directly again your shoulders is semi-protective; anything that protects your ends is protective IHMO.
Nope, sorry a braidout is not a protective style. Your hair and ends are all exposed to the elements and friction with your clothes. It is a low manipulation style tho. Now if you put it in braids, then it would be a protective style. HTH