inversion method

HairPleezeGrow Can't wait to see your results!

Welp I did measure again this morning and my hair lands on the 9in. The first measurement I took the tape was bent some and just realized it so it should have been at 8in I believe. So I'm guessing I got almost an inch. It's hard to tell so I'm going to hendigo today that way I know for sure for the 1st week in November.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Just wanted to chime in that yesterday was day 7 for me. I didn't take measurements but wanted to say that my hair is definitely thicker! My hair is so jacked up right now that I welcome the thickness and will do this again starting Nov 22nd.

I too completed my 7-day inversion challenge last night, so guess I'm with you on the 22nd next month. As I mentioned, I am not measuring until after a few months (prob. March).

I am also taking vitamins everyday, hoping it will give the newer hair more strength, etc. Guess I'll see. :)
TheRealMe Just curious...why would you wait until a few months to see if something that is supposed to work in a +/- a week is working for you?
TheRealMe Just curious...why would you wait until a few months to see if something that is supposed to work in a +/- a week is working for you?

I have a lot of shrinkage, especially in back (more than 50%). It's tricky to see length unless stretched or straightened. I haven't straightened my hair since my 2nd BC (summer 2012).

Though I am growing my hair out, I try not to obsess over it with constant length checks, and possibly find myself discouraged at times, checking too frequently. Plus I have found this method super relaxing before bed, so I'd like to just enjoy that for now.

PLUS (lol) I like seeing a dramatic difference! It always gets me motivated to keep at it!
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TheRealMe I'm totally with you...on this one. I get so disappointed when I don't get anticipated results that I've learned to not length check like I use to. And yes, inversion is very relaxing so I also do it with relaxation as my 'supposed' main reason:look:

I plan to length check at the end of the year:sekret:
Sitting here with my hendigo on my roots. Will wash out in 4 hours and then 30 minute dc with shea moisture yucca & baobab anti breakage treatment. Then dc with SD raz affair. I will take pics of my roots later tonight or tomorrow as my starting pic for this challenge. I probably will not measure again until the end of December.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
First day doing the inversion method !
My main goal is to grow back my edges (weaving for a whole year ruined them all :wallbash:) ! I hope to grow at least 1/4 inch in this area (I'm being realistic and it would be a great result for me, since Id normally get that in 2 month

I massaged my edges, while upside down, with some fertilizing serum from ORS and JBCO ~ oc, my hair had previously been moisturized and sealed :)

Anyway, I can't wait to see the results :lick:
sunnieb, I swear I have a hard time keeping up with everything. It doesn't help that I have serious commitment issues. I'm good to start things and drop it quick. Nix08 and I have chatted on this several times.
Count me in for a November 1 start date. This will be my 2nd time trying inversion. First time I inverted was early Oct. I didn't take pictures that first time but it's exactly like ronie said, I know my hair and what its capable of and I tend to get 1/3 inch growth per month. With inversion I got 1/2 inch in a week. I figure if I do the inversion method once a month that translates to at least 6 inches of growth in a year. I'd be pretty happy with that since I now have a retention routine that working for me.

PureSilver ^^^^ please add me for a Nov 1st start :yep:
I think there should make an inversion challenge thread where everyone checks in one week out of the month for 12 months. I bet that will keep everyone on track :yep:
I think there should make an inversion challenge thread where everyone checks in one week out of the month for 12 months. I bet that will keep everyone on track :yep:

We should do a 2014 inversion thread! And everyone should start on the first of the month :)
I think there should make an inversion challenge thread where everyone checks in one week out of the month for 12 months. I bet that will keep everyone on track :yep:

I like this. I'm thinking of waiting until the first week of December so it can be easier to stay on track. :yep:
I did my inversion mid October, but I want to try and shoot for the first week monthly.

I'm in for November 1st.
I noticed a spurt 1 week post my 7 day inversion session from October 14th-20th.
I wonder if the key to growth is oil. I had tried this and I didn't see any results but I didn't use oil though. I did massage my scalp and invert.