inversion method

Just tried this!! I got a relaxer today so I felt like it was a good place to start and track my progress. I'm not using oil but I'm brushing my hair while leaning my head over the edge of my bed
D.Lisha, did you oil on your scalp prior to inverting? If so, what oil did you use? Did you warm the oil up?

Prior to inverting I would oil my scalp at least twice weekly. However, while doing the challenge, I used Njoy's growth oil and I would warm it up by placing the applicator bottle in a bowl of hot water before applying it to my scalp.

Ok, I'm in for the first too. It hasn't been a month since my last effort but it has been a few days if not it will be a week.
I'm starting back up on the first. I didn't see any results at the beginning of October, so I hope to see some this time. If I don't, I know it really doesn't work! lol I'll also be starting back on MN today, but that doesn't usually work in just a week for me.
I'm starting back up on the first. I didn't see any results at the beginning of October, so I hope to see some this time. If I don't, I know it really doesn't work! lol I'll also be starting back on MN today, but that doesn't usually work in just a week for me.

Froreal3, I feel the same regarding this method. I'm not too sure if it works or not as I really havent seen much length. But I did notice that my hair got thicker.

If this method works, I should be MBL or at least grazing it by Jan next yr. So I won't be doing any weekly checks anymore, I'll just wait until Jan.:yep:
My mom and I did the inversion for a week. We just hung upside down. No massaging or anything. I didn't take pictures but my mom did. She is growing out her hair color is it is easy to tell if her hair grew.

To my shock and suprise this method actually works. Both our hair grew at least a 1/2 inch. Here are her pitures. I think next time we will massage.



I think the angles are a little tricky but I think you can really tell by where the red is in the braid. In the first pciture the red starts way before it gets to the braid. In the after most of the red doesn't start unitil the beggining of the braid (if that makes sense).
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You know something. Now that I think of hair seemed to have a huge growth spurt when I was doing yoga every day back in April. And each session involved a head stand. That may very well be what did it. hmmm.
Ok so i've decided to begin my 2nd Inversion trial on November 1st.

For those starting on the first i hope we can keep each other motivated.
I'll be putting my hair in braids so i'll definitely better able to track growth (if any) and take pics.

Challengers for Friday November 1st-7th which is Thursday are listed

If i missed anyone i'll be checking periodically to update the list, don't want anyone feeling left out. Lets get that inch ladies. I'm excited and can't wait to start. Lets keep each other motivated. ChasingBliss you should just bite the bullet and join us.
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I think I'm going to go ahead and hendigo this week that way I'm starting out with fresh roots to be able to tell if I'm making progress or not.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I didn't start on Sunday like I planned. So I will start for November 1 with the rest of you ladies. Gives me a bit more time to get my oils together.
When I was a kid, my aunt came to visit us (my mom's older sister) . On this particular visit, she told my mom someone told her standing on your head makes your hair grows faster. We all laughed at her (and no...she never tried it) and teased her about it. After reading this thread, I guess she's got the last laugh.
When I was a kid, my aunt came to visit us (my mom's older sister) . On this particular visit, she told my mom someone told her standing on your head makes your hair grows faster. We all laughed at her (and no...she never tried it) and teased her about it. After reading this thread, I guess she's got the last laugh.

Nova you said your aunt got the last laugh, is her hair Long & Luscious? Just curious.
Ok, you're forcing me to date myself...I was born when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth! But no, neither my aunt nor my mother had long hair. The longest hair length for both of them I can remember, was neck-length. Their older sister's hair was shoulder length. However, all three are long deceased.
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When I was a kid, my aunt came to visit us (my mom's older sister) . On this particular visit, she told my mom someone told her standing on your head makes your hair grows faster. We all laughed at her (and no...she never tried it) and teased her about it. After reading this thread, I guess she's got the last laugh.

Nova you said your aunt got the last laugh, is her hair Long & Luscious? Just curious.
Nova you said your aunt got the last laugh, is her hair Long & Luscious? Just curious.

Hi PureSilver, I don't know if you saw my response to your question (forgive me, I'm not that computer savvy.) but here it is:

Ok, you're forcing me to date myself...I was born when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth! But no, neither my aunt nor my mother had long hair. The longest hair length for both of them I can remember, was neck-length. Their older sister's hair was shoulder length. However, all three are long deceased.
Hi PureSilver, I don't know if you saw my response to your question (forgive me, I'm not that computer savvy.) but here it is:

Ok, you're forcing me to date myself...I was born when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth! But no, neither my aunt nor my mother had long hair. The longest hair length for both of them I can remember, was neck-length. Their older sister's hair was shoulder length. However, all three are long deceased.

Oh, i'm sorry to hear, thanks for the update Nova
PureSilver, I'll join the challenge on the 1st. I was going to wait until Sunday, 11/3 and do the whole week, but starting a couple of days earlier won't hurt. My results from October were very successful. I gained a full inch in most sections. I intend to cut off about 3 to 4 inches on Friday, November 1, 2013 to get a fresh start. I'll post starting pictures with measurements then.
Day 7 complete...

I mixed up my hendigo and have it waiting to apply tomorrow.

PureSilver are you going to make a different thread for the November challenge or are we just going to be in this one? Thanks!


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
Just wanted to chime in that yesterday was day 7 for me. I didn't take measurements but wanted to say that my hair is definitely thicker! My hair is so jacked up right now that I welcome the thickness and will do this again starting Nov 22nd.