inversion method

Will begin this on Sunday 10/27/13... And will stay positive about it. I think that is very important during this or any process.
HairPleezeGrow do you already have thick eyebrows? I had mine threaded about 6 weeks ago very thin and now, they have grown in places where they were thin. My eyebrows usually take a long time to grow.
HairPleezeGrow do you already have thick eyebrows? I had mine threaded about 6 weeks ago very thin and now, they have grown in places where they were thin. My eyebrows usually take a long time to grow.

No my eyebrows are not thick at all. They have always looked as if I get them done just not touched up, since I don't get them done if that makes sense. I wish my eyebrows were thick. :-( I wonder what's the reasoning behind the eyebrows growing in faster and thicker? You think it's bc of the stimulation to the area above?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
I have always had thick eyebrows until I began waxing and then they did not seem to grow back as thick. I get them from my dad! lol. Rubbing castor oil on them nightly can help. If you choose to use the oil, use a very thin layer and old pillow cases.
To answer your question, I think it is the blow flow to the area that helps it obtain the nutrients the eyebrows need to grow.
No my eyebrows are not thick at all. They have always looked as if I get them done just not touched up, since I don't get them done if that makes sense. I wish my eyebrows were thick. :-( I wonder what's the reasoning behind the eyebrows growing in faster and thicker? You think it's bc of the stimulation to the area above?


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF

HairPleaseGrow are you doing the inversion method every week i see you just posted an update and you're at it again. I've been asking if this can be done weekly but i've not had any positive responses yet.
No I'm not doing it every week. I was doing it once or twice (days) every so often at first until someone mentioned do it for 7 days str8 for 1 week out the month. I was supposed to start my 7 days on the 1st but decided to start it early.

ETA- the last time I posted I did it was on the 4th. Any posts after that was about me being excited for the 1st to come around so I could start it and do it the right way I guess bc I wasn't doing it the full 7 days. If you do decide to do it daily please let us know how it works for you.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
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who's starting the first?

I am going to start back on the 1st bc I think that would be easier for me to keep track. This month's 7 day inversion for me is up on Monday so I'm hoping it gives me enough time for the break we are supposed to have until the 1st.


Don't judge...Sent from my Galaxy Note II using LHCF
who's starting the first?

I am! I'm looking forward. I did it once for a week a few months ago in that other thread (1 inch in a week--or something like that) but didn't measure or anything. I'll make sure to measure this time.
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Disclaimer: I am not pushing this method. I am not trying to convince anyone to keep trying or starting practicing the inversion method. If it did not work for you, this is not to make you come back to it. I just want to share my experience.

To the ladies asking about pictures.
I don't know about anyone else, but it is very hard to capture accurate measurements on pictures. We are talking about an inch, sometimes less, of progress. It is very difficult to accurately show it especially if your hair is unprocessed ( no perm or color), has lots of shrinkage, or is short. All of which apply to me.
You all know your hair, and you know when it finally hangs a bit lower, or finally does things you ve been waiting for it to do ( fits in a ponytail, stays in larger twists etc. So you know whether you got increased growth pictures or not.
I tried to take these, and I started the 7 day session on Friday. I will try to repeat the pictures as closed to these as possible. Here it goes




Hello Ladies, D.Lisha here, reporting the results from doing my own personal "inversion method" challenge.
The picture on the left is my starting picture, and on the right shows my results. I'd say I'd gained roughly about an inch from doing this :).


I will admit, upon first mention of this method I thought it was complete bogus! However, my opinion has changed since I embarked on this mini challenge. I highly suggest everyone gives it a try at least ONCE! It's well worth it :yep:
This will definitely be a regular part of my regimen during my relaxer stretches.

Thanks for allowing me to share, ladies!
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Count me in for a November 1 start date. This will be my 2nd time trying inversion. First time I inverted was early Oct. I didn't take pictures that first time but it's exactly like ronie said, I know my hair and what its capable of and I tend to get 1/3 inch growth per month. With inversion I got 1/2 inch in a week. I figure if I do the inversion method once a month that translates to at least 6 inches of growth in a year. I'd be pretty happy with that since I now have a retention routine that working for me.
I'm in too! Even though my last inversion was less than a month ago, I rather start on the 1st of every month so that I wont forget.