Inversion Challenge 2016 (consistency Is Key)

Going to start day 1 tonight when I get home from work. Won't be using oil this week since my hair was flat ironed and curled don't want to weigh down my hair and get product build-up. Trying to make this blowout last for 10 days at least before I go back to bunning and low manip styles. Question and sorry if it's a dumb one but does the hair need to be loose while inverting or is it okay if I go ahead and pin it up in a loose bun? I only ask because typically once I'm in the house for the night that's the first thing I do.

This challenge is new for me. I gave myself a test run in December. I know I want to do the first quarter of 2016 and see where that leads.

I'm natural. My current length between APL & BSB. My 2016 goal is to BSL with the upper layers closing in on APL. I big chopped September 20, 2013. The oils I will use will be something light jojoba. That is if I use oil.


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Don't you mean BSL first, then MBL @YellowMellow? MBL is just before waist but a little below BSL. MBL is between BSL and waist length. If you accomplish that this year, then your hair grows super fast. I sure wish mine did.
Huge goal right? I'm hoping inversion along with bunning will give me the boost I need to skip right past bsl. I wear my bra quite low so there's maybe a 2 inch if even difference for me. I'm really excited :)
Are you all inverting just one week per month? I did the challenge a whole ago and remember it being super relaxing
I believe we all are. I think you need to give it a break so your hair would not get immune to it and your hair stop growing quickly. Like anything else, the body soon adjust to whatever you're doing differently if you overdo it and we don't want that to happen to our fast hair growth.
Are you all inverting just one week per month? I did the challenge a whole ago and remember it being super relaxing
I do one week per month. It's recommended not to do it more than once a month otherwise, your scalp gets used to it and it won't give you the same results.