Introduce Yourself Here

Hi, I've been a member since 2004.I thought it was time to introduce myself. I live in Holland BUT my country of origin is Surinam. I'm an Anthropology student.I was a natural for 5 years and a couple of months ago I decided to relax. I'm working on my fotki right now.I'm very excited to grow my hair long and healthy!!!
pw in profile
hello everyone i just became a memeber a few days ago i am from the midwest. i am learning so much from this website.

there are a few problems i have with my hair and i am hoping to resolve them by the time i get married next summer.
currently i am mid back about 19 inches for me and i want to get to around 24-25 inches i dont have a realxer so i am interested to know tips on caring for natural hair. but so far this website has given me alot of tips and things are starting to "click" for me about hair care.
Hi everyone
I joined up yesterday and I'm happy to be here. I have been lurking for about a week now and I'm fascinated with all your hair care tips. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all and growing my hair!
I'm napptural and have about 8 inches of hair - I would love to grow my hair to APL. I have just started to take Omega 3-6-9 supplements, biotin and Mega Hair vitamins. I look forward to sharing my progress and sharing ideas with you
Coco x
hello everyone,

This seems to be a really great site for learning about hair and I'm so excited. My hair has always been a mess, so i'm hoping that i'll learn a lot of new things.
My goodness! Look at all the newbies!! Welcome everyone! :wave: It's really great to have you all hear with us! :trampolin
Hello I am new here also. I love this site. For the past couple of weeks I have become very interested in all things about black hair. I visited a lot of websites, many for natural hair. But my journey lead me to LHCF. I am so happy to have found this place. Anyway I just recently cut my hair the back was a little passed my shoulders, the front below my cheeks. I did it because my ends were unhealthy, I got the courage from reading other girl's posts on this site. It is probably now a little above my shoulders. Anyway happy to be here!!!! I never knew so many black women could have such beautiful hair!!!
Hi I'm also a new member. My long term hair growth goal is mid-back:eek: I have a ways to go, currently I'm just at shoulder length with some uneveness on the left side. Oh well, we will see how it goes. This week, I washed my own hair for the first time and loved it! So, the last relaxer was 9/2/06 and I am going to try to stretch a minimum to 8 weeks. I will gradually increase that, I would like to to evenually transition with out a big chop. I think I have 3b hair but I have forgotten.:lol:
Hello everyone,
I am a newbie but long time lurker. I started my long hair journey 2 years ago quite by accident when I found, and Those websites led me here, and I was quite intrigued with the idea of growing my hair long. I have always been natural, except for 2 two-year intervals when I relaxed and texturized my hair.
My hair has always hovered around shoulder length for most of my life. I always had to cut back to that length because of terrible ends. This site has helped me grow my hair from shoulder length to brastrap (stretched) and I would like to thank all the ladies for all the knowledge and experiences they willingly shared. In the future I see myself growing my hair to mid back and possibly waist length.
Hi. I'm northernbelle. I am not a newbie. Rather, I have been off the Forum for about a year. I first discovered and joined LHCF during a time when my hair was a MESS! During my two year association with the forum, from August 2003 to Ocotober 13, 2005, my hair has experienced many positive changes, inlcuding growth. My hair is currently shoulder length, which was one of my goals.

Additionally, I have re-discovered and re-committed to a daily exercise regimen. I treadmill 30 minutes a session, five to six days per week, in the mornings. I am also eating much healthier foods, and drink water almost exclusively, except for Silk Soy in my cereal.:)

Anyway, it's nice to be back on.

Any members still on from 2003-2005?

Wassup I'm brownbrown

I'm new and just figuring out how to work this.
In 2004 i was still in and out of an abusive relationship with my then a few months old daughter,now almost 3yr old daughter's father. By November of that year my hair was the longest it had ever been btwn my arm pit and bra strap.

I had colored my hair becuz I seen his side thang had had the same color hair as me And carried the same name. The color was Fabolous and breakups seems to make women look great, so I was lookin Fab too. Ofcourse btwn the color and my hair being pulled at and him wimpin my tail in 2006 my hair is barely touching the bottom of my neck. Earlier this year it was shorter.

Well with her dad out of our lives (:p Yeah we will have peace:cool: ) I am trying to pull myself back together again and feel good about myself again. And so I have joined LHCF
Hello all! :) :) :) :D
Been lurking for quite a while, but decided to become a registered member. When I thought about it, $5 a year is nothing for the wealth of information available! I'm a NYC girl, born and raised. I work as an Asst Dir. at a University and I am looking forward to returning to school to pursue my MBA very soon. Married, 2 boys. Enough about me!!!

Anyway, it's good to see people working together for SOMETHING ;)
I have learned tremendously from the people on this board. A year ago my hair was in horrible shape, and I thought I was doing all the right things. It is sooooooo much healthier now, thanks to the suggestions/information given on this site. I can't help but to smile every time I feel my hair. Now for more length...........................................
I have been reading the boards for quite some time and decided to finally join. My quest for helathy hair has been quite a battle.. I have always gotten my hair professionally done because when it come to hair I have two left hands.. I have a soft, fine grade of hair that grows rather slow. Two and a half years ago, I gave birth to my first child and during my pregnancy my hair grew from a chin length bob, to shoulder length. Four months after giving birth my hair started shedding severely and just stopped about 3 months ago. Now my hair is short, thin, and brittle at times. So, I know it going to be a long road but I look forward to much progress w/the help of this forum.
Hello. I just joined today. I was referred by a member. The site looks like a great place to discuss hair care. I am Afro-American with very thick type 4 hair that grows pretty quickly. I wear it as it's natural texture. I primarily use Carol's Daughter to enhance the shine/sheen and to cut down on static. I don't worry about making ringlets, I just rock the bushiness :) . Thanks for creating this forum, I look forward to reading and posting.
Hello Everyone,
I've been lurking for a month then decided to become a member. Let me just say that this is the best $5 I've ever spent in my life. I've been learning a lot from you beautiful supportive people. My main goal is to be healthy from head to toe. I hope to get more involved.

Hello all!
I am glad to be a member here! There's a few challenges that I want to be a part of! Can't wait to get to my first goal of APL next year!
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum. I've been lurking around for months. You guys give so much infomation, that I had to sign up. I have so many questions. You all have amazing hair and I'm encourage to take care of mine so I can have amazing hair also.
Hello Everyone,

I am new.. I am so happy that I found this site. I am trying to regrow my hair. I had almost bra strap length hair. I had to cut it in July to shoulder length because of microbraids.
Hello Everyone,

I've been a member for a while but I never post. I've been gaining so much valuable hair info. and I'm finally getting my hair regimin together.

I am new to this website and just wanted to say hello. I think this is a great site and I am looking forward to growing healthy, long hair.
Hello everyone! I'm a newbie also, i've also been lurking around this website for maybe a couple of months now. I have finually paid my $5 sooo i was thinking "hey, why not start posting?"Lol. I currently have a little past shoulder length, relaxed, 4b type hair. I really would like to acheive healthy, longer, stronger hair. So i am here, hoping to achieve my desired lengths. I look forward to gaining knowledge and tresses buddies.:lol:

I've been lurking off and on for a while and just registered. My hair has been chemical free for the past 2 years YAY! I'm still learning about the best ways to manage it though. I've lived in England just over a year so that presents a whole new set of challenges. Currently my hair is between 6 and 9 inches. I had a trim over the summer that I am now regretting so I'm looking forward to sharing with everyone here.
I've been on the forums for a WHILE and decided to pay the membership fee a few days ago. Currently I'm in Peru studying abroad while watching my formally BSL hair break off to about Shoulder length. I'm hoping to find some protective, no heat styles so that I can save the rest of what I have. So that's me!
Hi Ladies, I have been observing for about a month now and decide to join this week. I'm addicted already! I can't wait to see how I progress throughout this journey.
Hi All!!

I'm a little late with my intro (paid member since 8/16/06) but I've lurking for a loooong time (yrs!) reading all I can to help my poor hair:ohwell: . There's so much info, I don't really need to post that much, IMO. Besides I'm a bit shy. One day when I'm a bit more "hair confident" I'll post pics....

Anyways just saying howdy.:)

ETA: Ready to step out there and unleash the fotki :) Updated profile and siggy! Stop by and leave comments :)
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I am new to the site. I joined last week. I am trying to figure out what some of the acronyms are, so bare with me. I am ultimately trying to get my hair to my waist or butt. I want to make up realistic goals, but I don't know where to start. HELP!!!!! :wave:
Hi all,
I wanted to introduce myself, i'm CBGO and I have been lurking off and on for sometime. Hoping to get some great tips from all. :)
Hi.. I joined sept 06 and I have learned sooo much about hair and products in such a short time..I'm ADDICTED...My hair has recently fallen out due to my work area....ITS TOXIC:eek: :eek: I'm grateful for all this wonderful information.....thanks so much ladies!!!! :) ;)