Introduce Yourself Here

Hi everyone,
I have been visiting this site for approximately a year, and it is truly a blessing to find such great info. regarding healthy hair growth. I thank God for you ladies. Keep up the encouragement.

I finally joined. I've been lurking for a bit and a few of your members have been talking this site up! I'm inspired by how great everyone's hair looks. I'm just starting my journey, looking forward to learning a lot.

Hi everyone! I finally paid my $5 and made least for a year. I am so happy to be apart of such a wonderful community. I've learned so much already and i've even ordered some products mentioned. I can't wait to see the results. I've been looking for hair help for a long time, thank god for the internet.

Just wanted to say hi....I'm new and definitely finding a wealth on info on this site to help myself and my 2 daughters.

Thanks for everything!
Hello! I am a newbie as well! However, I have been "peeking in" for several months now and I must say I have gotten some very GOOD tips and information regarding my "mane" :grin: As soon as I learn how to post pics...I will!
Hello everyone. I'm so glad I found this site!

I've come a LONG way to reach this point. I did the big chop about ten years ago and went through the natural thing. I loved it! I learned soooooo much about my hair. Namely, that I have different textures and different growth rates throughout my head...ANYWAY.

However, it was hard for me to keep it groomed as it grew longer... so I texturized it...and for some unknown flight of fancy decided to relax and color it....wore it short again (cause it was easy) but always admired long hair on others. I never thought I could have long hair myself because my hair kept breaking.

I went natural again... for a couple of years and now... finally
I've come to a point where I KNOW I want to relax my hair and grow it long. This site has been very helpful. Currently my hair is relaxed AND healthy and brushes a tiny bit past my shoulders. 2 years and counting since I decided to grow my hair....
What a relief to find you!

Hello everyone,
I never thought that I would find like-minded ladies of color. Bless you! Right now I'm wearing a partial sew-in. I live outside of Detroit. Stylists love to give relaxers every six to eight weeks. My hair finally comes to about 3 inches below my shoulder. I am devoted to growing bra strap length hair. My sides are a bit shorter than I'd like. Seems like every time a hairdresser gets near it, they do something that puts undue stress on my hair. I always thought that I could take better care of it. I was up for two extra hours reading the Fotki message boards and the newcomer hair tips on this site. I have lots of questions and compliments coming, ladies. So look for MONDI5!;)
I looked, I lurked, I learned, I joined. Hi ladies. I'm new to this forum as of today and just wanted to say hi to you all.
I'm 29 yrs old born and raised in small town VA. Have mad love for NC because thats where I went to undergrad (Fayetteville State BRONCO PRIDE!!!). Ending up in MD for grad school (Bowie State GO BULLDOGS!!!)
Now that I have my degrees and a good j-o it's all about getting me together personally. Looking forward to growing successfully and learning all I can from y'all.

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Hi people:lachen:
New here and still trying to find my footing. My hair is some inches shy of shoulder length and i'm already wearing it up....This i find annoying already:perplexed, because i have a roundish face and dont think many simple styles will suit me. Any ideas?xx:p
:) Welcome to LHCF...............

Hey Ladies -

Let me just start off by saying that I am sooooo happy that I came across this website. I too have been lurking and kinda staying behind the scenes... but only for a day or two. I just couldn't resist jumping in here :). There is alot of great info here and I can't wait to reach my first goal...APL. I've learned alot in just the 2 days that I've been lurking around and I can't wait to share my hair success with you guys. Thanx for all of the great advice.

Hi all- Im very excited about this forum. I hope to learn a lot from everyone and I hope I will have something to offer in return!;)
Hi all! I am not really new but I don't post often, if at all. I do love this site and thought I would at least say hi!

I am hoping to get my hair back to its healthy state maybe back to bra strap. It seems to be stuck right now and I need to get back on my job and give it some good old loving care.

Hi ladies,

I've been a serial lurker since February of this year. I have used several tips from this forum and seen substantial hair growth since then. My hair has always been healthy I'm just trying to make it grow baby grow!

My goal is BSL by Sept. '07.....

I would like to know where to purchase the cellophane rinses I'm seeing in some of the fotki journals and can someone explain the purpose of using serum?

Also, any advice for those of us who are 'frizz prone' would be great. My hubby calls me lion when my hair starts doing the poof thing.:lachen:

Hello everyone, my name is Dana and I have been a lurker here for a couple of months now. I have followed some very good advise that you ladies have given about achieving healthier longer hair. I am so so happy that I have found this site. I plan on posting here on a regular basis, because I have lots of questions. I know that you ladies would be able to help me achieve my hair goals in no time!

Hello All-
I'm new to the site... ::) My good friend SWEARS by this site, so I had to join. She quotes stuff from here all the time. :grin: Let me give her a shot out- "Hey royalty117!" I'm finally here!

Hope to chat with everyone soon :grin:
Hello everyone, i'm new here. I hope with your help and experience to be able make my hair grow more longer. I live in france and we belive that in american girl does eat or breath something, your hair are always beautiful. We don't have the same quality product but with all the tips that i and i'll learn from you my hair will be in better health.:)

ps: apologize my poor english:perplexed
Hi Everyone,

I joined last night, and was too tired to make an introduction.:) It was about six months ago when I first ran across this forum, and I've been semi lurking since then. I've finally decided to subscribe, because I must say "you ladies are da bomb" when it comes to hair care knowledge.:D I truly look forward to many good times here, and hope to get to know you all over time.

Happy hair care to you all!
Hello Everyone,
I have been browsing this site for a while so I decided it is time to introduce my self here. I have learned some very valuable info on this sight and have already begun to use them.I am looking forward to having long healthy hair.:lol:
I am currently 2 inches past the shoulder and looking for the day I will be BSL !!
Looking forward to sharing and learning how to care for my hair.
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Cool Site !!


I just joined today. I have been wearing my hair braided for years because I love to workout and I sweat my hair out terribliy!!! I took my twists down last night, was coniditioned, pressed and curled my hair. I love it!! But how long will this last?? I see that there are a ton of new products on the market that promotes long healthy hair both natural and relaxed.

I would like to know what other natural hair wearers do for workout acitivities? I have a very very tight curl pattern so I am thinking that I'm going to have to get some kinds of chemical process to keep my hair from reverting. I have "nappy hair" but I don't like the nappy look on myself.

I look forward to reading all the great posts and getting some great new ideas from you all!!

Have Blessed day!
Hello Everyone!!! I have been a lurker for a LONG time. Thank you for all the helpful suggestions. I have learned a lot and I hope to be able to help someone else one day.
Hi everyone,:D
I came across this website looking for products for my natural hair and I've been hooked every since. I wish I found this website years ago maybe my hair would be down my back by now. I'm so happy I found this website and I learned so much information for my hair and body. I also will be saving some money on products because everyone lets you know what products are good. Thanks again for sharing so much information for people like me who is just learning how to love their hair.:lol:

Hi - I have been looking for a forum where I could find helpful information and share insight about healthy hair. For the past 3 years I have been using a no-lye relaxer and washing/conditioning quite a bit. I have had a lot of success with limiting the use of heat on my hair and increasing the amount of times I wash my hair weekly. Although I am satisfied with my hair length, (sits nicely on my shoulders past my collar) rolling and wet setting is quite a bit of work. I want more freedom to exercise and live outside of working with my hair all day:p . My hair is thick (although starting to thin with age at the top). I am very interested in locking my hair (YES for good) and I am looking for more information about natural hair styles and hair care.