Do men really get intimidated by females?

I did try it out, but I also forgot to mention that I am REALLY shy. So although I may not have looked as mean, I couldn't get myself to look directly at the faces. Idk why but when I know a lot of men are around and I have to walk pass them, I look down or I just look ahead like they aren't even there. I guess that could pose a problem lol

But on the bright side, while I was standing outside of class yesterday, this one guy did approach me in a way. I was looking hella confused because I had no clue what I was gonna eat for lunch :lachen: and he was like "You looking for me?" In my mind I was like :rolleyes: But it did make me feel nice inside for once :grin:

:grin: Gurl, that's a first step :dance7:and you should feel awesome!!! Now try this, (I learned from one of my model type chick friend) when you know you have to walk in front of some guys, she say pick one from afar and when you walk in front of, wink, and if you get a smile back, just wave hello...small cute, flirty wave.

That head down thing is like saying "the floor is way more interesting." Which it really isn't. Also when walking in front of a group of people, think positive, laugh, keep it light.

Because I work in a call center I get to practice this all the time so when I am out and about its like second nature to me. So, in my head, I be telling myself "gurl you are too fine today!", hmph you handled that customer!, gurl did she wear them metallic leggings with that windbreaker jacket and them snow boots???no-she didn't...Something that has me feeling good on the inside seems to me to naturally show on the outside.

Its called put a smile in your voice! Have you ever called customer service and talked to someone who sounded like he/she had my life sucks face!?! That person because of their attitude can often times make you feel like I never ever want to talk to that person again...versus speaking to someone who sounds like their smiling and "enjoying what they do" face, its a world of a difference! I hear all the time "why in the hell you always smiling???" I feel that positive people gravitate towards positivity and I get what I invite...if I stay with an attitude, negativity and drama somehow thats what will attract to me but if I manage to stay positive, upbeat and pleasant thats what I get in return.

So the first step is to smile and work on eye contact as its gonna be key as you graduate and get out into the workforce/network. Practice with all the wrong ones, meaning if a "not your type" gives a compliment, say thanks and make small talk...then say well nice chit-chat and KIM. HTH
:grin: Gurl, that's a first step :dance7:and you should feel awesome!!! Now try this, (I learned from one of my model type chick friend) when you know you have to walk in front of some guys, she say pick one from afar and when you walk in front of, wink, and if you get a smile back, just wave hello...small cute, flirty wave.

That head down thing is like saying "the floor is way more interesting." Which it really isn't. Also when walking in front of a group of people, think positive, laugh, keep it light.

Gosh, I wish I could do this. I am so shy. And after the cat calls that have happened in the past, I would almost avoid it. (Just being honest - not saying it's best to be this way. Wish I wasn't so shy.)
I'm really beginning to think that they just might. Or maybe I'm not all that I thought I was. All my life I never really considered myself "pretty." I didn't start claiming it until I was a senior in high school, and it was at that time everything started to come out. Guys who I never would've guessed thought I was attractive secretly had a thing for me. But yet not ONE of them ever attempted to pursue me :ohwell:

Now that I'm in college, I'm having the exact same problem. No guys ever approach me, ever. Nonetheless, people are constantly telling me "OMG you're so pretty!!!!" and I give them a look like :look: It's hard for me to believe that just because 1) I've never had a real bf and 2) guys never come up to me.

So what exactly is it? Do guys really get intimidated by a pretty girl? I will say that it is possible that I can be a bit intimidating just because I carry myself so much differently than other girls. I believe I'm a very respectable woman and I know it shows by the way I walk and talk. I have this air of confidence whenever I set foot out the door. But when I'm alone, I don't have this confidence anymore. I feel like there's something wrong with me because I can't get or keep a man if my life depended on it.

I just want to get down to the bottom of this! It's really taking a toll on my confidence level. It's hard to feel "pretty" when you don't have a line of dudes just waiting to get at you. Or even just one person.

What do you think?

Hey, From experience, I don't think guys are intimidated by pretty girls ... I think the bolded might be the problem maybe. The way you carry yourself might unconsciously come across as maybe proud or arrogant or self-suffiecient in that you don't need a man or unapproachable maybe. Guys tend to approach soft women, more feminine, sweet, approachable, there's a certain vulnerabillity in a woman that attracts a man ... and in a pretty woman, even more. Guys are intimidated by strong women though.
Saving my spot till I can leave work, and really get into this, because I am having the same issue....I'll be back.
I've noticed in a few posts that the woman should be the one to smile first, what about the guy? He's supposed to just sit and stare until I smile :perplexed, he has a mouth and teeth (hopefully) and could always try flashing a smile, FIRST.

Granted, I do smile but I'm just sick of always having to change my whole entire demeanor to suit what I think he wants. Shoot, you know how many guys that I see walking around who look like they're going to haul off and slap the f*** out of someone yet some of them are intimidated by ME :nono:
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I don't believe men don't approach women because they're intimidated. I think it happens but not to the extent we think. IMO, it's something we say to make ourselves feel better. Supposedly men are intimidated by beautiful women yet I see beautiful women with men everyday. Supposedly men are intimidated by intelligent women yet I see intelligent women with men everyday. The list goes on and on.

I'm never approached or asked out by men and I believe it's some vibe I'm giving off, not because they are intimidated by my beauty, smarts, strength, dignity, :blah:, etc.
I agree with the poster. My close male friends have told me that I come across as an alpha female and that I'm very intimidating. When I go out clubbing and dress up I rarely get approached, but when I'm ultra bummy around campus or running to the grocery store guys try to talk to me.

I learned that I have to take the initiative and smile and start a conversation with the guys that I think are cute. If I wait around for Mr. Right to approach me, I'll be waiting forever!
I think men use that as an excuse often times....
It's funny how, once they get into relationships with these so-called 'intimidating' women, they are not intimidated to cheat on them????!!
I think men use that as an excuse often times....
It's funny how, once they get into relationships with these so-called 'intimidating' women, they are not intimidated to cheat on them????!!

no ma' will not turn this into a cheater's thread really was about really just having confidence and a little encouragement/get em gurl for each other...don't you do it
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