Inside The Mind of Men. THIS is Gooood!


Well-Known Member
YAAAASSSS! This video gives GREAT insight into the minds of SINGLE MEN! I know there have been countless other videos that try to do the same, but THIS ONE, imo, is the BEST YET!

Most of those dating books (The Rules, for example) are absolutely right.... Of course we already knew this.... AND I know someone will come in here talmbout "I KNEW THIS. I KNOW ALL. DUH!" :lol: ....but hearing it straight from the mouths of a couple of intelligent & levelheaded men really makes it sink in.

Watch the whole thing! :grin:
I'm watching right now... :-)

Eta: 20 min in...ty again for posting this link!!! I'm def saving this one...very insightful
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The conversation that starts at around 20.00 is exactly what I have been talking/thinking about during the last 24hrs.
OK so let me get this straight, if I act hood, hide what I have achieved and what I own I will get the type of man I actually want to attract. Those same men would be intimidated by the real me.

Oh and I would not date that guy chewing that tooth pick....He annoyed the hell out of me chewing and chewing and laying back in his seat.
The conversation that starts at around 20.00 is exactly what I have been talking/thinking about during the last 24hrs.
OK so let me get this straight, if I act hood, hide what I have achieved and what I own I will get the type of man I actually want to attract. Those same men would be intimidated by the real me.

Oh and I would not date that guy chewing that tooth pick....He annoyed the hell out of me chewing and chewing and laying back in his seat.

I agree... But I appreciate his HONESTY. A lot of men feel the same way. He was willing to admit that he was the problem. He's just not mature enough at this point in his life.... If a lot of other men were willing to admit this and work on it... The dating world would be a better place :yep:
The conversation that starts at around 20.00 is exactly what I have been talking/thinking about during the last 24hrs.
OK so let me get this straight, if I act hood, hide what I have achieved and what I own I will get the type of man I actually want to attract. Those same men would be intimidated by the real me.

Oh and I would not date that guy chewing that tooth pick....He annoyed the hell out of me chewing and chewing and laying back in his seat.

Nooo don't change you! You would not attract the man you desire to attract. You would attract men that are too insecure to deal with who you really are.

Like they said. There aren't many cowboys out there ;-).
I agree... But I appreciate his HONESTY. A lot of men feel the same way. He was willing to admit that he was the problem. He's just not mature enough at this point in his life....

Handsome guy...minus toothpick.

I also appreciate his honesty. Very open...poor guys. It's difficult for them too this whole dating/relationship thing...
Part ll...

lol @ women asking too much question. Ladies let's face it we do!

"Why ask the Q when you already know the answer" ... Why do
She was kind of annoying. I appreciated what the men had to say.

She was! I was thinking stop interrupting and whining dammit! :lol: She did ask some good questions, though. She should have just asked the questions and opened her ears to listen.
I'm glad that they at least owned that a lot these issues are about men's own shortcomings.

Like recognizing that wanting to have a lot of women isn't about some evolutionary, uncontrollable biological urge to procreate. It's about filling a psychological hole or not wanting to let go of an identity. THANK YOU!

Or recognizing that some men don't know how to handle a successful woman and it's. on. them. At least he's honest about his own lack.

Agree that dude needs to drop the toothpick.
^^^ I think it's so frustrating that women are expected to change/hide themselves because of men's insecurities. I think a lot of men ARE intimidated by successful, accomplished women and anecdotally, I have noticed that many men settle down with the girls they can control and/or make them look good.
^^^ I think it's so frustrating that women are expected to change/hide themselves because of men's insecurities. I think a lot of men ARE intimidated by successful, accomplished women and anecdotally, I have noticed that many men settle down with the girls they can control and/or make them look good.

So true! I feel like I've met the same woman over and over again....
So true! I feel like I've met the same woman over and over again....

A lot of my guys friends growing up that are younger than 40, but older than 25 have all either married homely girls that they can control or super hot girls that make them look good (that they can still control). Mind you, this is all while they drool over the women they really want (the beautiful, accomplished, confident women):nono:. It makes no sense. Why lock yourself down to something that strokes your ego and keeps up appearances if you still emotionally seek something else:spinning::drunk:? The older I get, the less appealing all of this stuff becomes. I'm not cut out for the pretending.
^^^ the pattern I see are men with women with zero personality...just nothing interesting about them at all. I think they pick these women because they can project anything on them because they seem to not exist but to be what their man wants them to be.
^^^ the pattern I see are men with women with zero personality...just nothing interesting about them at all. I think they pick these women because they can project anything on them because they seem to not exist but to be what their man wants them to be.

:yep::yep::yep:this is exactly it. The ones that are just a blank canvas and exist to cater to his whims:look:. I don't get it.

One of my relationship ended for that very same reason. When we broke up, he said this is not what I signed up for. I asked him what do you mean? lol. Basically when we met, I was a very laid back, quiet, easygoing "Haitian" girl:look: However, when he realized that I had a life outside of him, was feisty, and very stubborn: then it all went downhill... He also could not take my success and that it rendered me too independent. You have a point..

One of my relationship ended for that very same reason. When we broke up, he said this is not what I signed up for. I asked him what do you mean? lol. Basically when we met, I was a very laid back, quiet, easygoing "Haitian" girl:look: However, when he realized that I had a life outside of him, was feisty, and very stubborn: then it all went downhill... He also could not take my success and that it rendered me too independent. You have a point..

sweetvi I'm Haitian too so I understand where you coming from. It seems we have similar personalities. :grin: I refuse to let anyone control me. Period.

Back on topic, the videos made sense. I agree 100% with what they said. It annoyed me that Lexi the host kept arguing with them and seemed hostile in some instances. You asked the questions, just shut up, listen to the answers and quit interupting. Geez.
I'm watching this video. I like it so far, I just passed the part about Love Languages and making sure your man knows yours.:yep: The married guy kinda gives me a gay vibe.:look: The single guy is handsome but the toothpick has got to go.:nono:

ETA: The convo on successful women was interesting though it's nothing I haven't heard before.:look: I like that the single guy admitted he can't do it. If more men admitted their limitations it would make dating a little less painful.
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I was wondering the whole time who would even want to date those clowns.

This film did give me another perspective on what i always knew. There is no benefit to dating a man with "potential" or giving a less educated or successful man a chance. They generally don't seem to have the balls to handle successful woman anyway. Every successful woman I know who dated down was horribly betrayed in some way by her man.

I always date men more successful than myself- graduate degree plus extra or extremely successful entrepreneurs .

To some it seems that I am a gold digger. Actually , it's just that wildly successful men are the ones who are most interested in me and care about my happiness and well being .
I enjoyed it. Reid's thoughts especially reminded me of the book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

What they spoke of wasn't surprising at all. It is knowledge gained after years of personal experiences and experiences of others. This is why I refuse to be in a relationship with a man who are products of single mothers and why a man must bring what I bring to the table (especially education) and more.

It was a good discussion though. I have these types of discussion with my male friends randomly. It's interesting to see how men think.

What I find as well is that men who do not have it together now, in terms of education and success, may not initially pursue the relationship, get what he needs to get, and come back.
A lot of my guys friends growing up that are younger than 40, but older than 25 have all either married homely girls that they can control or super hot girls that make them look good (that they can still control). Mind you, this is all while they drool over the women they really want (the beautiful, accomplished, confident women):nono:. It makes no sense. Why lock yourself down to something that strokes your ego and keeps up appearances if you still emotionally seek something else:spinning::drunk:? The older I get, the less appealing all of this stuff becomes. I'm not cut out for the pretending.

Because that type of woman is dominating and won't stroke their ego .They won't feel special next to her cuz she s at a higher level ,that s why its important to be confident AND soft at the same time
I enjoyed the videos...and yes, Lexi was too annoying!! I just wanted her to shut up already! dang! She was surely messing up the flow.
I just think it's a sad state of affairs, the video's insightful but it doesn't leave you feeling like there's an actual solution to the problem, other than waiting for men to get over themselves..

I'm not single but I would feel sorry for myself if I was after watching that video.