INDIGO users I NEED your help!


Active Member
I am going to do indigo treatment today. I have been researching but cannot find out if indigo has the same protein affect as henna as I dont think it does so I was going to put some of my Aphogee 2 min reconstructor in the mix ( I need a protein treatment BAD) and do a extra DC treatment this week. I was going to add Keraphix and Emergencee but that might be overkill.

Does anybody know if the protein content of indigo is as affective as henna?
Hi Stella,

I have done indigo treatments with no henna added and my hair still turns out extra strong. I can not absolutely say that henna and indigo have the same protein effects but from my experience it left my hair needing a good moisturizer afterwards. If you decide to add the protein make sure you only use a small amount and use a very good moisturizing conditioner.