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Pooed today with Njoi Creations herbal poo bar. Did Emergencee treatment, followed with Shescentit Super Soft Honey Conditioning Rinse.

Still doing Aphogee every six weeks, followed by Emergencee every other week between treatments. I know it sounds ultra-weird for a natural, but I had literally ZERO breakage today, and this has a lot to do with it.
I am applying a henna treatment to my hair and maybe use some MT and CON reconstructor as my strengthening treatments today. Don't know what I will be using as DC treatment yet though.
Ladies, I need an intervention. I've fallen off the wagon. I haven't been doing my Protein or any type of DC's lately :nono: I haven't been sleeping with a scarf on either. :wallbash: Now I know I would be too through if my progress starting reversing itself. I need to get back on it!
I am applying a henna treatment to my hair and maybe use some MT and CON reconstructor as my strengthening treatments today. Don't know what I will be using as DC treatment yet though.


I henna'ed my hair today for conditioning and strengthening only - not for color. I cowashed it out with David Babaii Amplifying Conditioner and v05 Sun Kissed Rasberry Conditioner. I followed it up with a 5 minute protein treatment of an egg, evoo, MT, CON Reconstructor and honey. I am now DCing with Jason Naturals Biotin Conditioner and Joico Color Endure Conditioner and some hot evoo. I think I am going to leave it in overnight and wash it out in the morning.
Ladies, I need an intervention. I've fallen off the wagon. I haven't been doing my Protein or any type of DC's lately :nono: I haven't been sleeping with a scarf on either. :wallbash: Now I know I would be too through if my progress starting reversing itself. I need to get back on it!

Well jaf, the good thing is, you are up and moving again and that's what matters. Just stay on course honey, we will support you.
Hello, It seems like I'm joining every challenge -- do all Newbies do this? Anyway, I believe my hair likes protien, so I'd like to join this challenge. I'll be using Aphogee 2min weekly to start. I'll also be using Salerm 21 and Infusium 23 leave-ins every other day.

ETA: I'm also using MegaTek
No problem, Love to have you here. Keep us posted on how your regimen is working:grin:
Ladies I've been on a little break. Thanks for staying on top of the good conditioning practices. I've been on track with my conditioning. Loving my hair too! I'm thinking about not using direct heat until XMAS! I should be midback by then. Keeping my fingers crossed
Just checkin' in...did a dc on dry hair (overnight) with a combo of AO GPB/HSR ...shampooed next morning and followed up with Aphogee 2 minute
Is anyone using protein and henna together in their regimen. For example henna one week protein the next...or maybe both on the same wash day.
Is anyone using protein and henna together in their regimen. For example henna one week protein the next...or maybe both on the same wash day.

I am. I henna'ed my hair today and immediately after co-washing it out, I added some CON Reconstructor mixed with MT and an egg, evoo and honey for 5 minutes. Now I am doing an overnight DC with Jason Naturals Biotin Conditioner mixed with Joico Color Endure Conditioner and some hot evoo.

My hair felt super strong and the egg made my hair a little hard, but I wanted it in there. I should have only used the egg yolk for this session. Now as soon as that hot evoo touched my 6 months of new growth, it turned to mush - nice and soft again. I love it!

FYI, I almost always follow up a henna treatment with some kind of mild protein treatment, like CON Reconstructor, Aphogee 2 minute reconstr, Duo Tek, AO GPB, or even Mega Tek/OCT but I always do just a 5 minute treatment and DC overnight with something super moisuturizing.
Oh no, there's nothing wrong with the brand. Joico is an awesome product, however I see your dilemma here. You have been using too much protein and not enough moisture at all. This is a :nono:. What I would suggest is that you follow up every single protein treatment with a moisturizing deep conditioner fro about 30 minutes with heat if you can.

Also do not put the conditioners on your scalp but your hair only, if you do put them on your scalp, it would cause itching. Only shampoo goes on the scalp, okay honey?

First things first though, clarify your hair to remove any build up you might have, and only give yourself a moisturizing deep conditioner for a couple of weeks, no protein until you get the elasticity back in your hair. You can not use only protein poos and conditioners - you're setting yourself up for failure. You have to have a lot of moisture too. Do you moisturize your hair between washes with a water-based moisturizer? This is also a critical step with our hair.

Hi Aggie, I'm making my way through this entire thread- I think I'm on page 6 or 7 now and have a long way to go so bare with me if this has been covered.

I just started using Megatek and the instructions in that thread said to put it on the scalp, but you said only shampoo should go on the scalp. Do you recommend using MT on the length of the hair instead of my scalp? If so, will it still help w growth?

Also, you recommended a water based moisturizer. I've been using Hawaiian Silky 14n1 for a few weeks and I think it's been drying my hair out. Could it have been something other than the fact that it's a water based moisturizer? How do you know if you should use a water vs non water based moisturizer?

Thanks for your help.
i have still been doing protein treatments at least once a week. i meant to co wash today with AOGPB but i needed to shampoo because the front of my hair keeps getting flakes for some reason. so tomorrow i will co wash with it.
when i tell you that gpb is one of my fav conditioners it is no exageration. not only does it give me a boost of protein but it also defines my curls like no other.
I did my entire ayurveda regimen last night and then DC'd with MT, Keraphix, Back to Basics Honey Hydrating, and Salon Care Honey Almond all mixed together for 40 min with my heating cap. My hair came out feel great as usual.
Hi Aggie, I'm making my way through this entire thread- I think I'm on page 6 or 7 now and have a long way to go so bare with me if this has been covered.

I just started using Megatek and the instructions in that thread said to put it on the scalp, but you said only shampoo should go on the scalp. Do you recommend using MT on the length of the hair instead of my scalp? If so, will it still help w growth?
You know many ladies were using MT on the scalp and the problem with that is that it was causing a tremendous amount of shedding so I would suggest using it on the hair only. I learned this the hard way. If you must, use a protein shampoo on your scalp intermittently with a moisturizing/hydrating shampoo. David Babaii has a great hydrating poo you can find at Sally's and it's sulfates free, which makes it doubly good for your hair. Your hair will grow no matter what but what will stimulate it further are scalp massages. If you want extra stimulation, add a few drops of essential oils of rosemary, or lavender, thyme or even cedarwood oil to your conditioners and shampoos.

Also, you recommended a water based moisturizer. I've been using Hawaiian Silky 14n1 for a few weeks and I think it's been drying my hair out. Could it have been something other than the fact that it's a water based moisturizer? How do you know if you should use a water vs non water based moisturizer?
It's possible that this moisturizer may have cones or other proteins in it that might be causing the dryness. If you haven't clarified your hair for a while, then that could be the culprit as well. You should clarify your hair at least once a month. Our hair is ethnic and naturally dry and the one thing we need is more and more moisture in our hair to keep it from constantly breaking. I do use some protein moisturizers on my hair (I am newly texlaxed by the way) but I'd choose one that I can spritz on rather than rub on - like Joico k-pak liquid reconstructor for example if you have fine hair.

Water-based moisturizers keep the dry hairs from breaking excessively. If you can get your hands on some Lacio Lacio or Salerm 21, that would be great because they both have a balance of moisture and protein in them. Unfortunately you would definitely need to clarify your hair once or twice a month because they have cones that coat the hair over time. They are not bad in and of themselves because they have the ability to keep moisture in but they also can keep moisture out once they build up on the hair. So if you do not use poos, then I'd stay away from them.

If you are a no-poo person and even if you're not, do this:

Take a bottle and fill it up with 50% water, 20% v05 Moisture Milks Conditioner, and 30% extra virgin olive oil, shake it up, put in a spray bottle and spritz your hair and sclap with it daily. The v05 moisture conditioner is cone free and can be left in the hair.

Thanks for your help.

Hope this helps a little
Hope this helps a little
Thanks. I actually do have Salerm 21, and it's the best leave-in for me ever -- I use that and Infusium 23. When my hair dries with these, it feels great. I do use shampoo once a week, but I joined the DC every other day challenge, so I hadn't been using shampoo for the in between DCs. Maybe I will now that I know I need to wash the Salerm out w/ shampoo often.

I was wondering more about a daily moisturizer. I will try the Joico K-pak reconstructor that you referenced and will make that spritz and see how those two work. I take it using the Salerm as a leave in and daily moisturizer might cause build up.

I haven't yet officially purchased a protein conditioner (except for MT and the Aphogee 2 step which I can't do often), ETA: because I havent figured out which one to buy (Aphogee 2min, Joico, Nexus, etc.), so my only regular sources of protein are my Salerm and Infusium leave-ins (and the MT on my scalp) -- I've always had shedding so it doesn't bother me --I think it's actually lessened --hopefully because I've been using AE Cren, AE Garlic Condish, and eating fresh garlic whenever I can. I'll get an essential oil for scalp stimulation. When you say my hair will grow no matter what, do you not think that the MT has any added benefits?
Hope I'm not asking too many questions. Thanks for your help.
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Thanks. I actually do have Salerm 21, and it's the best leave-in for me ever -- I use that and Infusium 23. When my hair dries with these, it feels great. I do use shampoo once a week, but I joined the DC every other day challenge, so I hadn't been using shampoo for the in between DCs. Maybe I will now that I know I need to wash the Salerm out w/ shampoo often.
All the DCing every other day can also cause buildup if you are using conditioners that are cone -ladened.

I was wondering more about a daily moisturizer. I will try the Joico K-pak reconstructor that you referenced and will make that spritz and see how those two work. I take it using the Salerm as a leave in and daily moisturizer might cause build up. Yes it will.

I haven't yet officially purchased a protein conditioner (except for MT and the Aphogee 2 step which I can't do often), so my only regular sources of protein are my Salerm and Infusium leave-ins (and the MT on my scalp) -- I've always had shedding so it doesn't bother me --I think it's actually lessened --hopefully because I've been using AE Cren, AE Garlic Condish, and eating fresh garlic whenever I can. I'll get an essential oil for scalp stimulation. When you say my hair will grow no matter what, do you not think that the MT has any added benefits?
I think it does for some people but not for all. It actually helped to add some thickness to mine and I only use it as a 5 minute protein treatment now - not on my scalp anymore. I don't think that it's worth the money actually so I will not be repurchasing it nor OCT.
Hope I'm not asking too many questions. Thanks for your help.

No problem - my answers are in bold print.
Is anyone using protein and henna together in their regimen. For example henna one week protein the next...or maybe both on the same wash day.

I am!:yep:

I henna religiously 2x's per month.....every 2nd and 4th Friday. But that does not stop my "Every-Wednesday-is-Protein-Day" regimen. I use mild proteins only. My relaxed hair loves protein to keep it stong :lick:
prepoo/dc/cw for 2.5 hrs. with moisturizing & mild protein conditioner. I definitely made a 10....getting ready to baggy now and head to bed. have a great night ladies.
Just checkin' in...did a MT prepoo mixed with a moisturizing condish ...left in overnight - rinsed this morning washed with Kenra MS and used Kenra MC....
DC'd today with mix of Miss Jessie's Rapid Recovery Treatment, CON Reconstructing Conditioner, Bragg's Amino Acids, JBCO, and avocado oil. Left on for hour without heat (mom called), then 10 min with heat. Should have processed under heat longer, but hair still feels good.
This weekend, I failed at all my challenges, including this one...
This week, I will either purchase a protein DC (Aphogee 2min or Joico K-Pak) or will use Megatek on the length of my hair at least once.
i did a hardcore aphogee treatment 4 days ago, but i want more protein!!! i love the superstrong feeling my hair gets when it's been drenched in protein. thinking of DCing with an egg & aveda damage remedy later this evening :)
So, I finally conditioned with Aphogee 2min. I clarified with Avalon Organics Lemon shampp and then did the Aphogee 2min, followed by an ACV rinse. My hair was definitely not feeling good and was still tangled, but it was strong. Didn't have much time afterward, so I put in a lot of moisturizing leave-ins, and put in a bun. As it dries, it's feeling much softer now. Because of that, I'll give it a 6.
Just checking in ladies.....prepooing/dcing now for 1-3 hrs. with mild protein conditioner & oil.

Will shampoo and do a quick cw/acv rinse in the shower.
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