Indian oils, not sure if it's worth it. *Vent*


New Member
Ladies I went to the Indian store two days ago to buy oils, I have been there before and noticed they never say hi when you walk in. I bought some oils and some shampoos, and after she rung it up, it came up to $79 dollars. I was like *what did I buy for that price*, She said *didn't you look at the price?* :eek: I was about to go off, but since I had my little girl; I just said I looked at some of the prices, I assumed this is cheap stuff.

I tried their amla shampoo and it made my hair so hard, I looked at some of the dates and it says made in 2000, 2002 and 04. Some of them said best used within 36 months. I wanted to return them and called the store, and she told me to bring them back tomorrow. I jumped in my car and drove like a mad woman to the store. *how dare she tells me when to bring it back:lachen:* I put all my products on the counter for return, and she said those kind of stuff doesn't expire. I was like whatever, just give me my money back. I told her it made my hair hard, and she looked at me like my hair should already be hard. I almost slapped the fool:lachen: After all this, it got me thinking if this oils are really as good as we make it out to be. I'm not sure if I want to keep giving business to people that thinks they're doing us the favor. I have to look for other good oils.
awww i am so sorry. i go to a particular indian market and the man there is usually very nice.

did you ever try any of the oil? and did you get your money back? sorry again for what you had to go through, one thing i can't stand is horrible customer service.
LocksOfLuV said:
awww i am so sorry. i go to a particular indian market and the man there is usually very nice.

did you ever try any of the oil? and did you get your money back? sorry again for what you had to go through, one thing i can't stand is horrible customer service.

Thanks locks, yeah I used their vatika coconut and amla oil before. I went in to buy the amla lite and some coconut oil. I ended up grabing a few other stuff. I got my money back, thank God.
angie10 said:
Thanks locks, yeah I used their vatika coconut and amla oil before. I went in to buy the amla lite and some coconut oil. I ended up grabing a few other stuff. I got my money back, thank God.

that's good, thank goodness you got your money back!
I'm glad you got your money back...sounds like you need to find another indian store to shop at, somewhere decent where they'll appreciate your business and your money.

I love my indian oils...I think they are definately worth it, but I've never paid more than 4 dollars for a large bottle of any of those products. Dang, how much did you buy?! :eek: :lol:

Always look at the expiration dates before you leave the store, that's my one rule I never break! I bought some expired stuff once and it tore my hair UP. :mad:
I'm sorry you went through that. I've been to 3 local Indian stores, and though the employees have not overly friendly, they haven't been outright rude either. I get the "huh"/confused/suspicious looks as I browse and purchase the hair products though! The prices are low around here, however, you are right about the expiration dates; you really have to pay close attention.
Most of the black hair stores in London, are owned by Indians and so it's like a two in one.

As much as I detest going into them, they usually know exactly what you're looking for and a supplement and/or a complement.

My aunt sent me once, and all she had was the description. The guy knew exactly what I was looking for.
WomanlyCharm said:
I'm glad you got your money back...sounds like you need to find another indian store to shop at, somewhere decent where they'll appreciate your business and your money.

I love my indian oils...I think they are definately worth it, but I've never paid more than 4 dollars for a large bottle of any of those products. Dang, how much did you buy?! :eek: :lol:

Always look at the expiration dates before you leave the store, that's my one rule I never break! I bought some expired stuff once and it tore my hair UP. :mad:

:lachen: I was thinking the same thing, I was like how many items did I get to come up to that price. Most of the items were 7.99 and up, the only thing that was 4.99 was a small bottle of the amla lite. I'm not sure if they jacked up the price or what. A different lady returned my items and when I gave her the receipt, she was like this came to 79 dollars?:confused:
blac_quarian said:
I'm sorry you went through that. I've been to 3 local Indian stores, and though the employees have not overly friendly, they haven't been outright rude either. I get the "huh"/confused/suspicious looks as I browse and purchase the hair products though! The prices are low around here, however, you are right about the expiration dates; you really have to pay close attention.

Thanks, If I decide to go back there, I'm going to start looking at the date. This part of VA where I live at, everything seems to be jacked up. I only know of one Indian store around here, So that could be a reason.
angie10 said:
:lachen: I was thinking the same thing, I was like how many items did I get to come up to that price. Most of the items were 7.99 and up, the only thing that was 4.99 was a small bottle of the amla lite. I'm not sure if they jacked up the price or what. A different lady returned my items and when I gave her the receipt, she was like this came to 79 dollars?:confused:

sounds like she tried to rip you off... *SMH*
I'm sorry that this happened to you.

The indian oil bandwagon may hate me for saying this but alma and stinky vatika aren't the only games in town. Hey, if you want to put Gooseberries in your hair, go ahead, but please don't kill the pocket. You probably have cooking oil in your cupboard... why don't you try that until you find another alternative (I use it). I hope you find stuff that works for you.
seraphinelle said:
Most of the black hair stores in London, are owned by Indians and so it's like a two in one.

As much as I detest going into them, they usually know exactly what you're looking for and a supplement and/or a complement.

My aunt sent me once, and all she had was the description. The guy knew exactly what I was looking for.

It's funny, because when I called about a product, a man answered the phone and was really nice and helpful. When I go in the store is mostly the ladies I see, and they're not that nice. They probably don't want me buying their hair products:ohwell:
anky said:
I'm sorry that this happened to you.

The indian oil bandwagon may hate me for saying this but alma and stinky vatika aren't the only games in town. Hey, if you want to put Gooseberries in your hair, go ahead, but please don't kill the pocket. You probably have cooking oil in your cupboard... why don't you try that until you find another alternative (I use it). I hope you find stuff that works for you.

Thanks anky, that's why I wanted to know if it's even worth going back. I was hearing a lot of good stuff about their amla lite and coconut oil, but I think I might end up looking into other things when I completly run out of the ones I have.
I sorry to experienced that. When I went to the Indian Store in Memphis the people were sooo nice and helpful I stocked up. We don't have on here or I'll prob. be in there every week.
dlewis said:
I sorry to experienced that. When I went to the Indian Store in Memphis the people were sooo nice and helpful I stocked up. We don't have on here or I'll prob. be in there every week.

It must be nice, because over here you don't see a lot of that. I live in VA Bch:ohwell:
I just drove out to Queens yesterday to stock up before the Christmas traffic becomes a heartache. I bought Amla oils, brahmi, bhringraj, coconut powder and coconut oil. {Gave some to my sis-in-law and niece, so I was short on supplies.} The first time I went, the reception was very friendly. I had a computer list from their on-line store of things I needed, the manager was very accomodating and understanding when he saw my sheet. Yesterday, mostly women workers who did not even know what Indigo was, gave me Ricketts clothing dye indigo, directed me to Lavender Talc instead of powder---akkkkk!!!!. The reception was not as friendly this time;{other customers were curious about my purchases, helpful with my searches.} I'd prefer a nice greeting as I am spending my money there but I like the products. The area has so many other merchants so I could always go elsewhere if they act the fool.
Indian oils are usually so cheap! My total for Amla Oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil is never more than around €10 ($13).

I don't usually ask for help though and the clerks are neither friendly or unfriendly, but definitely check the dates on their products.

Better luck next time.
anky said:
I'm sorry that this happened to you.

The indian oil bandwagon may hate me for saying this but alma and stinky vatika aren't the only games in town. Hey, if you want to put Gooseberries in your hair, go ahead, but please don't kill the pocket. You probably have cooking oil in your cupboard... why don't you try that until you find another alternative (I use it). I hope you find stuff that works for you.

Interesting how this is "Gooseberries"

Because some of us are putting Coconuts, Olives, Shea Nuts, Corn, or whatever else.... :)
Miss*Tress said:
Indian oils are usually so cheap! My total for Amla Oil, castor oil, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil is never more than around €10 ($13).

I don't usually ask for help though and the clerks are neither friendly or unfriendly, but definitely check the dates on their products.

Better luck next time.

Same for me... I can take a $20 dollar bill and CLEAN UP!!
angie10 said:
It's funny, because when I called about a product, a man answered the phone and was really nice and helpful. When I go in the store is mostly the ladies I see, and they're not that nice. They probably don't want me buying their hair products:ohwell:

I' m not sure why they can be that way sometimes, but I guess it is because it is *their* products and part of their culture. Indian women are known for their and when secrets escape, especially when some "Black Untouchable" finds out they may get a little disgusted...not sure just a guess.:look:
I am so sorry that happened to you:(! I'm sooo glad you got your money back! When I went to the Indian store it seemed a lil akward but I noticed other ethnicities in the store so it made me feel better. The last time I went the guy (I agree about the women, sometimes I find that they are not as helpful) in there was soo nice. Anyways I do hope that you get a chance to try the oils and see how you like them. :) Thanks for bringing up expiration dates...that's something I need to remember when buying these oils.
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WomanlyCharm said:
I'm glad you got your money back...sounds like you need to find another indian store to shop at, somewhere decent where they'll appreciate your business and your money.

I love my indian oils...I think they are definately worth it, but I've never paid more than 4 dollars for a large bottle of any of those products. Dang, how much did you buy?! :eek: :lol:

Always look at the expiration dates before you leave the store, that's my one rule I never break! I bought some expired stuff once and it tore my hair UP. :mad:

First off, I'm so sorry for that having happened to you. They know better, I can't believe they keep that out dated crap on their shelves, just exactly who do they expect to buy it and be happy?? (remember most of their own shop in those stores so it seems they don't care one way or the other....)

I am an expiration date fanatic... I saw a store that had alma powder on the shelf that expired in 2002 when I asked the store owner about it, he gave me some long story about it being fine, and that he just had to put a date for customs, etc, etc... I just smiled and walked out, thinking to myself...this fool will never see my face again....
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dlewis said:
I sorry to experienced that. When I went to the Indian Store in Memphis the people were sooo nice and helpful I stocked up. We don't have on here or I'll prob. be in there every week.

THey were very nice here when I went in also. I dont mean to start anything but I tend to think these oils are a lil overated. My Alma oil still stinks (after adding EO) and the coconut oil is no better than what I picked up at the health food store. I will use what I have but I dont think I will repurchase again.
It's funny that you mention expiration dates b/c I went to an indian store yesterday to purchase the dabur coconut oil. I had gone one other time and it was just an initial visit to see what they had. I saw a lot of the products mentioned here on the board, but I also noticed that a lot of the stuff was manufactured in 2002, 2003, and I never probably would have looked at the expiration date if the boxes weren't so banged up.

Nothing had prices on it and even though they didn't, when I inquired about the prices, it was still really cheap. The guy asked what I was looking for and I did tell him hair products and he pointed to all the hair products and told me they were excellent. It was even a younger guy at the counter when I was paying for my coconut oil that commented "that's good stuff". I asked him if he used it and he said he did.
angie10 said:
Thanks, If I decide to go back there, I'm going to start looking at the date. This part of VA where I live at, everything seems to be jacked up. I only know of one Indian store around here, So that could be a reason.

angie, which one did u go to??... i think we're in the same general area so if it's not the one i went to yesterday, i think i can give you an alternative...
SqrpioQutie said:
angie, which one did u go to??... i think we're in the same general area so if it's not the one i went to yesterday, i think i can give you an alternative...

Hey SqrpioQutie, I went to the one on VA BCH BLVD. It's on aragona blvd, next to hair design by pam.
I guess that's why i prefer to shop on-line. When i called on the phone looking for a place locally that carry henna- they were very helpful. When i arrived i found out that it was Asian owned and they did not have what i was looking for at all. I haven't had any on-line issue. I use
Thank you ladies for all your comments, you guys are so funny. I learned my lesson to always check expiration dates:lol:
carameldiva said:
I guess that's why i prefer to shop on-line. When i called on the phone looking for a place locally that carry henna- they were very helpful. When i arrived i found out that it was Asian owned and they did not have what i was looking for at all. I haven't had any on-line issue. I use

Thanks carameldiva for the link, I saved it:)
I'm so glad you got your money back! I've been to 3 indian markets in my area and all have been accomidating. I check ex dates no matter where I shop - but I've been very pleased with the quality and quanity of what I can get for $20:grin: