Indecisive spirit


Well-Known Member
I've always been an indecisive person. It pains me to consistently change my mind, never knowing what I truly want. I've been praying about this for years and I am STILL the same way. I don't know what to do anymore. Any thoughts on people who are always confused? what exactly does it signify? Also I have a tendency to take forever to complete a task, I'm not good with deadlines- I become very overwhelmed. Please help, I need some insight.
I've always been an indecisive person. It pains me to consistently change my mind, never knowing what I truly want. I've been praying about this for years and I am STILL the same way. I don't know what to do anymore. Any thoughts on people who are always confused? what exactly does it signify? Also I have a tendency to take forever to complete a task, I'm not good with deadlines- I become very overwhelmed. Please help, I need some insight.

I can identify with you on this. Sometimes I find myself being indecisive. I have discovered the root of it and its quite simple for me...its fear. Fear of making the wrong decision. Fear of building expectation only to be disappointed. Fear of limiting myself to one option when their may be a better option. Its fear and fear is paralyzing.

Read this snippet of an article below and maybe it will help you understand a bit more:

1. Indecisiveness
Indecisiveness is the inability to take a reasonable risk, to make a decision in a timely manner with limited information. The classic image is the 35-year-old guy who can't commit to marrying his girlfriend of three years, but the pattern generally extends to other areas, like church membership or employment.
Commitment involves the cost of investment, the creation of expectations on the part of others who can then be disappointed, and, at least in the case of church membership, lifestyle and even financial implications.
Regardless of the context, to make a decision is to intentionally limit oneself from other, potentially good options. As a single guy, it was a challenge to think of marrying the woman God had clearly given me, since I would no longer have the option to pursue the women I might meet someday. An indecisive man is recognizable by a perpetual inability to make and keep commitments — a failure to "swear to his own hurt and not change" (Ps. 15:4). A decisive person, by contrast, can choose what he loves, and later (when the going gets tough) nurture the love he previously chose.
Indecisiveness renders significant accomplishment (and the deep joy that often comes with it) out of reach. It hinders our progress in the Christian life, because God calls us to steward our gifts and talents. Non-growth is not an option.

The Fruit of Immaturity
I can identify with you on this. Sometimes I find myself being indecisive. I have discovered the root of it and its quite simple for me...its fear. Fear of making the wrong decision. Fear of building expectation only to be disappointed. Fear of limiting myself to one option when their may be a better option. Its fear and fear is paralyzing.

Read this snippet of an article below and maybe it will help you understand a bit more:

1. Indecisiveness
Indecisiveness is the inability to take a reasonable risk, to make a decision in a timely manner with limited information. The classic image is the 35-year-old guy who can't commit to marrying his girlfriend of three years, but the pattern generally extends to other areas, like church membership or employment.
Commitment involves the cost of investment, the creation of expectations on the part of others who can then be disappointed, and, at least in the case of church membership, lifestyle and even financial implications.
Regardless of the context, to make a decision is to intentionally limit oneself from other, potentially good options. As a single guy, it was a challenge to think of marrying the woman God had clearly given me, since I would no longer have the option to pursue the women I might meet someday. An indecisive man is recognizable by a perpetual inability to make and keep commitments — a failure to "swear to his own hurt and not change" (Ps. 15:4). A decisive person, by contrast, can choose what he loves, and later (when the going gets tough) nurture the love he previously chose.
Indecisiveness renders significant accomplishment (and the deep joy that often comes with it) out of reach. It hinders our progress in the Christian life, because God calls us to steward our gifts and talents. Non-growth is not an option.

The Fruit of Immaturity

Just wanted to loudly THANK YOU for this. It is good to face the truth about ones self and your post did it for me. I could have been so far ahead but for not making a quality decision and sticking to it. I have been praying for God to change me and He has begun by showing me my ways and the effects.
Me too...I wasn't even thinking about indecisiveness, but reading that article actually answered a question I had been wondering about. I realized my hesitancy was simply indecisiveness. Like the parable of the talents instructs us, we must be willing to risk for the Lord.
I believe that at some point, everyone has been hit with an indecisive spirit. Satan had me thinking at one point that I wasn't really a believer in Christ. Everytime he starts with "you're not saved" the remembrance of December 16, 2001 comes back to mind and I say " I am saved because I receive Christ as my Lord and Savior on this day".

The attack is harder on Christians because Satan wants us to fail in every way possible so one of his tricks is the demon of indecisiveness, not just about our salvation and our relationship with the Lord but about everything.

This is when we must do as the bible says and "pray without ceasing" (1 Thes 5:17) and "study to show thyself approve unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God" (2 Tim 2:15)

Here is a verses on being double-minded/indecisive:

James 1:5-8

1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

1:7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.

1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

So, when we feel indecisive at anytime about anything, our first thought as believers in Christ should be to go to our Lord and Savior in pray and talk to him about it. He loves us all very much and he knows what's going on but he just want us to be upfront with him about everything.

Also, here is an article about a double minded man

A Double Minded Man

Lets continue to keep each other in prayer and continue to come together as sisters in Christ when Satan throws his arrows at us.

God Bless you ladies and I love each and every one of you. :grouphug:
The attack is harder on Christians because Satan wants us to fail in every way possible so one of his tricks is the demon of indecisiveness, not just about our salvation and our relationship with the Lord but about everything.

Something very disturbing just came to mind: Satan DOES NOT CARE how you fail, just as long as you do it so he can KEEP you in a cycle of failure. As long as he can get you not to give God glory, he believes he has won. He will use seemingly innocent (or worst, seemingly godly) tactics to distract you. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

But what the tricky devil don't get is ALL things work together for good. ALL!

Thank for sharing.
Something very disturbing just came to mind: Satan DOES NOT CARE how you fail, just as long as you do it so he can KEEP you in a cycle of failure. As long as he can get you not to give God glory, he believes he has won. He will use seemingly innocent (or worst, seemingly godly) tactics to distract you. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

But what the tricky devil don't get is ALL things work together for good. ALL!

Thank for sharing.

Good post and you're absolutely right, Satan doesn't care how we fail. He gets tricky each time because he knows the body is weak.
That was a great article. It cleared up some stuff for me. My issue is definitely fear. Fear of making a big mistake and having to live with it. And of course, not knowing what I want plays a huge part in not getting anywhere.

I also struggle with if the decision I am making is the right one. Someone once told me, you know it's the right choice when you try to change your mind but come back to the same decision. There's a feeling of ..peace. That has helped me tremendously.
Something very disturbing just came to mind: Satan DOES NOT CARE how you fail, just as long as you do it so he can KEEP you in a cycle of failure. As long as he can get you not to give God glory, he believes he has won. He will use seemingly innocent (or worst, seemingly godly) tactics to distract you. "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

But what the tricky devil don't get is ALL things work together for good. ALL!

Thank for sharing.

I'm grateful all things does work together for good. The cycle of failure is a real thing. I've even had times when I succeded beyond expectation but couldn't enjoy it for the fear of failure around the corner. A way out of that mindset was giving God the glory when I did well and learning scriptures that point to God wanting us to triumpth.

Good thread.