In The Mood


With Love & Silk
Yep, this is about you know what! I posted on the Christian forum, because with this particular topic, I want the answers/wisdom/advice/counsel of my Sisters in The Lord.

So when I got married, I had been celibate for almost 9 looooooonnnnnnngggggg years! I thought that when I got married, I was gonna be all hot and bothered all the time. But most of the time, I'm just not in the mood. I don't turn my hubby down or anything, but I would like to be "in the mood" more often. I want to initiate more often than I do and rock his world!

A good friend of mine told me that men would do it all day, everyday if they could and sometimes you just have to "take it for the team!" :rofl: While I found her terminology hilarious, I don't wanna just "take it for the team!" I wanna want it for the team just like he does! :D

I'm on the pill and they say that will kind of mess with your libido.

Any and all recommendations please! Are there any books I can read? What can a sista do????

Love y'all!
I would love to be able to advise you, but I'm not married yet. What I will do though is keep you in my prayers. :):):)
I heard Shaunti Feldhahn talking about this subject. It's kind of deep what she discovered by interviewing men. It totally made me have a different attitude toward making my husband feel desired. Since most women don't have the same urges as men we need to make a point to remember his needs. Basically, schedule times to seduce your husband. Of course he doesn't need to know you have him booked for Wednesday night :p . Be enthusiatic. Be sincere. I've found that my desire has GREATLY increased by being willing to make the 1st move sometimes.
I'm pretty sure Shimmie will have a very good response. :) SG, have you been checking out her threads here on this forum?
Allandra said:
I'm pretty sure Shimmie will have a very good response. :) SG, have you been checking out her threads here on this forum?

:lol: Allandra, this is too funny. I'm home in Florida this week, and I decided to take some time log into the forum to see what's up...and I saw your message. :lol:

The thing is, I've been celibate for 24 years...yet I have all these ideas for Romance. It's a the purest form; for God has given me a heart for marriages.

(Stop teasing me Pebs :lol: about the 'double-dozens')

The first thing that comes into my spirit, is to quietly lie before the Lord and allow Him to minister to your heart. Why am I feeling this way?

You see, there are many ideas for Romance 'external', but we still have to deal with the Romance 'internal'. What's going on with me, spirit, soul and body? Lord, I surrender it all unto you, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Supergirl, as women in Christ, we have been so 'controlled' in keeping ourselves, when we are single, that much of it is still with us when we marry. It's a mindset that we become so good at, that it becomes ingrained in our spirits. It goes beyond our 'subconcious'...It's a part of what we literally live, eat and breathe...being sexually pure.

Selah that for a few minutes....:look:

'Selah' some more...:look:

Supergirl, we get 'locked' into being pure. And for many of us it has become an 'addiction'. I know it like this for me, personally. It's a high.

Mind you, I'm not accusing anyone of us of egos or anything negative. But as humans, we are prone to addictions...good, not always bad.

I only sharing a theory, for you are not alone with this issue. Many women who have been celibate for extended lengths of time, have a longer 'release' period once they are married. We're so used to being in 'lock' mode.

Am I making any sense? I can only imagine how long I'll need to 'release'...:lol:

Okay, that was my 'internal' evaluation. You are simply still in the 'release' phase of your marriage. Our minds have much control over our bodies... no big secret here.

Okay, here's something to help you release...

Minister to your husband in as many ways that you can think of.

Homemade butter massages...

Melt 8 oz of pure butter. When cool, add 2 tbsp. of EVOO or Johoba oil, to keep the butter from becoming solid.

Homemade Sugar Scrubs...

To 8oz of pure butter; add some vanilla extra and some raw sugar. Use this to give him a sugar/butter body scrub.

Just minister to his body... (Hmmmm, minister to his body and seeing his enjoyment will soften and release your mood to 'love' him.).

Now here is my very favorite tip from my Wive's and Romance thread. The Lord gave this to me back in June, just to share with each of the ladies here and it brought tears to my eyes...

For Wives Only....

I'm home early tonight. All of you were on my heart because I omitted something.

I needed to make this very important post for it refers to what every woman goes through.

How do we keep the Romance going when He wants to make love and we just don't feel like it.

We have ALL had those days, weeks, months...(no years :eek:, please). :lol:

But ladies it's true and it happens for many reasons...hormones, emotions, he didn't take the trash out, again...:mad: Yes, we get mad at them and we 'lock up' and at times we lock up good and tight and hide the keys. :lol:

Whatever the reason, we are just not in the mood. We actually haven't given it a thought, let alone made plans for it. Too much going on and then, 'Here he comes...our beloved, Mr. Frisky...full and raring to go and we want to give him a look..."Man you MUST be crazy"...Stoooopppp...Get off me'. Baby, you see all this work I have to do...stooopppp. Don't pinch me either." (Ladies you know this scene all too well).

Okay, whatever it is that's in the way of the Romance, 'Drop it, Leave it, Let it Go!' Drop it, NOW !!!

This is what you do...

Whisper in his ear, "I hear you Baby. Come, help me get ready."

This is where you take him into the bathroom, ask him to help strip you down and the two of you relax in the tub together. Or allow him to bath and relax you. He'll be happy to. Also, whisper love words to him.

Such as:

"Hmmmm, thank you, Baby. You're helping me to feel better"

Reach up and touch his face, look into his eyes and say nothing. Just smile at him and 'blush' a little. LThen bury your head in his chest or shoulders and kiss him there and then, whisper, "I love you..."

Now, this is important. Please do not use bubble bath. It can be irritating; especially when you make love directly after taking a bubble bath. It's not worth ruining the moments that you are sharing in love.

Instead of Bubble Bath, use powdered milk. I love powdered butter milk and coconut milk. You can purchase these at and they are not very expensive.

Milk leaves your skin very soft and it's gentle on our 'tender parts'. It also makes the tub easy to clean after a milk bath. I have some other uses for this milk for skin care that I can share later.

This act of Romance is a bonding between you and your husband.

For instead of him thinking and feeling rejected when you say you are tired, you are allowing him to experience the joy of relaxing you. He is also able to see and feel what you are feeling and that you are sincere and it's not rejection after all.

After the bath, allow him to dry you off. Then the two of you just flow together in love. After loving him, always whisper these two words into his heart...


God bless you, angels. Truly be blessed. And know this, if marriage has to be work, then make it a job that you both enjoy doing. The benefits are as high as the sky...Heaven.

Hugs to all,

"Shimmie..." ;)

In Love and Marriage, there's always...More later.... ;)
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You don't know how RIGHT you are. There have been several times in my short time being married that I've said, DANG, I must've gotten too used to not doing it. :(

That was really good advice.

And yes cousin/sister Allandra (did you know you were my new adopted cousin/sister?), I stay on top of Shimmie's posts. She has many touching things to say which have benefited me greatly. :up:
Supergirl said:

You don't know how RIGHT you are. There have been several times in my short time being married that I've said, DANG, I must've gotten too used to not doing it. :(

That was really good advice.

And yes cousin/sister Allandra (did you know you were my new adopted cousin/sister?), I stay on top of Shimmie's posts. She has many touching things to say which have benefited me greatly. :up:
Aww, you're so sweet. :)
I'm on the pill and they say that will kind of mess with your libido.

Any and all recommendations please! Are there any books I can read? What can a sista do???? only advice is to get off the pill. That was the ONLY thing that helped my libido.

Biologically, we are most aroused right before and during ovulation. Then, the hormones gradually taper off, then you have your period. The pill chemically interferes with this process, so you aren't going to have the same surges in hormones that you would around that time.

When I got off the pill, I literally tired my dh out! When I was on it, I had NO desire. I had to force myself to make love, when I normally had a very healthy sexual appetite.

Anyway, that's my advice. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I just wanted to add some practical to the spiritual.;)
I would suggest setting aside time to just be close--like holding/hugging, kissing....without actually having to do "it". We (my man and I) do this all the time and it usually leads to more.

The closeness is so wonderful even without the act of intercourse, but sometimes the pressure to have it can put you out of the mood.

Remember for us ladies, sex starts in the mind. We sometimes need a little time and stimilation/motivation. A Christian author (I think it was Rick Warren) said that " Men are like LIGHTSWITCHES, as they can turn on really quickly and Women are like IRONS, as it may take them a while to warm up."

Let your husband hear your concerns and take the matter to prayer together.
lauren450 said: only advice is to get off the pill. That was the ONLY thing that helped my libido.

Biologically, we are most aroused right before and during ovulation. Then, the hormones gradually taper off, then you have your period. The pill chemically interferes with this process, so you aren't going to have the same surges in hormones that you would around that time.

When I got off the pill, I literally tired my dh out! When I was on it, I had NO desire. I had to force myself to make love, when I normally had a very healthy sexual appetite.

Anyway, that's my advice. Probably not what you wanted to hear, but I just wanted to add some practical to the spiritual.;)

I agree with Lauren :). When I was on the pill I also noticed a huge decrease in my libido. Getting off of the pill helped a lot!
Supergirl said:

so for my sisters that suggest getting off the pill--what bc alternative do you suggest?

Awww, why'd you have to ask that?! I'm having my second kid in 3 years, so...:lol:

I'm kidding. The rhythm method worked very well for us. I knew when I was ovulating, and during that week, we used condoms (not what most married women want to do, but it was worth it to me to have my drive back).

However, some women are more fertile than others, and have a bigger window when they can get pregnant. There's also the diaphram, but you have to insert it before sex, so there's room for slipups or forgetting. I'm not familiar with the IUD, but I don't think it involves chemicals. Also, there's withdrawal, but that's no fun.

Talk to your OB. If you can't find anything else you like, you could try a pill with a lower level of estrogen. That didn't help me, but I think I'm just one of those women who doesn't respond well to any chemicals.

The thing was, even when I was mentally and spiritually prepared for intercourse, my body would not respond, if you know what I mean. They make lubricants for stuff like that, but I didn't want to be dependent on that for the rest of my life. I weighed the options, and we both agreed that it was worth it to us to be on the same page sexually (well, as much as we can be. He's still got me beat!)
Supergirl said:
Yep, this is about you know what! I posted on the Christian forum, because with this particular topic, I want the answers/wisdom/advice/counsel of my Sisters in The Lord.

So when I got married, I had been celibate for almost 9 looooooonnnnnnngggggg years! I thought that when I got married, I was gonna be all hot and bothered all the time. But most of the time, I'm just not in the mood. I don't turn my hubby down or anything, but I would like to be "in the mood" more often. I want to initiate more often than I do and rock his world!

A good friend of mine told me that men would do it all day, everyday if they could and sometimes you just have to "take it for the team!" :rofl: While I found her terminology hilarious, I don't wanna just "take it for the team!" I wanna want it for the team just like he does! :D

I'm on the pill and they say that will kind of mess with your libido.

Any and all recommendations please! Are there any books I can read? What can a sista do????

Love y'all!

Oh GOD, Super DuperGirl! We need to talk! I am going through the same thing. I can even get to 'that point' but be like, 'okay, leave me alone. I got mine.' :lol: Thankfully, my hubby doesn't act like he's going to die if he doesn't get it. He understands. I have been to the Ob-gyn and she recommended switching me to Ortho-Tri (she said for young women who experience a drop in libido, she switches them to this and it gets better), but she wants me to talk to a sex counselor. I am going here soon:
When I first got married I was on Orthi-Tri Cyclen. My libido was SHOT! I only took the pill for 2 years. When I quit, things got better. We use condoms. So far so good. Except for that one time I mis-calculated, hence one of my daughters middle names is Lael, which means of God ;). Anyway, talk to your Ob/gyn, and check all your alternatives.

One more thing, stress and depression will also do it to you. Trust me. If you have any issues here, please have them checked out and tended to.
Supergirl said:

so for my sisters that suggest getting off the pill--what bc alternative do you suggest?

Natural Family Planning or a diaphram. Thats what I switched to when I got off the pill.
I was afraid to post something like this, but I am experiencing the same thing. I am on the nuvaring and I feel like I am Impotent.

I never ever ever ever ever ever have any desire...and I didn't have much to begin with:(

My DH wants it everyday and I sometimes feel like it is a chore and I think he knows that I feel this way. It really makes the both of us feel inadequate but I don't want to take any chances with pregnancy so I will have to pray and try to get rid of some of the stress in my life.

I hate that this is an issue, because I want to make him happy:(
BIG Question !!!

Is it married woman "ONLY' who have this problem with birth control?

I haven't heard about Single women having problems with sexual desire.

I've been out of the sexual 'loop' for quite awhile, so I have not had any need for the use of Birth Control. The last method I used was a diaphram and this was quite a while ago.

I know that this is the Christian forum, but we still know single women who are having sex and are on birth control. Do they share the same problems with low or no sex drives?

I've heard many Pastors say, that they have a hard time encouraging the Married couples to get IN the bed with each other and have sex and a challenge trying to discourage the Singles to not have sex. They've shared that it's harder with getting the married couples together than it is keeping the singles apart.

Now, I clearly see the adverse reactions as a result of hormonal balances with Birth Control methods; I sincerely realize that there are valid physical and natural reasons for lack of sexual desire.

But I"m still wondering if it has be tied to the emotional realm as well.

I only ask because I don't hear Single woman sharing that they have these problems.

Perhaps, they (Single women) are having these problems, but don't want to appear 'untouchable' to the man in their life...:confused:

I want to add 'Single Woman' who are cohabitating and Single Woman who are not living with someone. There may be a difference in the emotional realms.

Just a thought :look: ...and this issue needs to be addressed in order to 'fix' it for many women. I applaude each of you for your boldness. You are truly courageous woman and you are victorious for God does have a plan to work this out.

I know for me, I'm not having anymore children when I remarry. But I don't have a clue about current Birth Control methods. You are each helping me far more than you realize. So, thank you...from the bottom of my heart.
trimbride said:
I was afraid to post something like this, but I am experiencing the same thing. I am on the nuvaring and I feel like I am Impotent.

I never ever ever ever ever ever have any desire...and I didn't have much to begin with:(

My DH wants it everyday and I sometimes feel like it is a chore and I think he knows that I feel this way. It really makes the both of us feel inadequate but I don't want to take any chances with pregnancy so I will have to pray and try to get rid of some of the stress in my life.

I hate that this is an issue, because I want to make him happy:(

Just wanted to say that you are one of my favorite hero's here. :yep: You truly are.

Your posts are helping far more people than you realize. You may think you have problems, but you are actually solving so many for women. For you have the wonderful courage to just speak out and share and God is using you to address subjects that we find so hard to share and deal with.

You are our "Lady Moses'...leading us out of bondage. And we love you, Trimbride. :kiss:
Before I re-married, just about all I thought about was sex. I would fall on my knee's in tears and beg God to control my sex drive until He sent the man that He wanted me to marry.

Fast forward to my husband who has a high sex drive. In the beginning, I did too. Now, once a month is good and plenty for me.

I don't know what happened, but after 5 and a half years of marriage, sex is the last thing on my mind.

As a stay @ home wife, I have no excuses.

I literally tip toe into our bedroom most nights so that I don't wake him up. But, as soon as I quietly and very, very gently enter our bed, he's all bright eyed, bushy tailed and READY FOR ACTION. My reaction to him is, I thought you were sleep.:eek: :confused: :eek:

So, knowing the temptation he endures on a daily basis from all of the willing women that he comes into contact with, he's a very attractive man, I give in (most of the time).

I've had a physical check up and nothings wrong with me, so I can't figure it out.

I started out as a roaring lion but lately I've been feeling like an itty-bitty kitty when it comes to sex.:perplexed

Am I selfish or what?

Pray for me.
meek&quietspirit said:
Before I re-married, just about all I thought about was sex. I would fall on my knee's in tears and beg God to control my sex drive until He sent the man that He wanted me to marry.

Fast forward to my husband who has a high sex drive. In the beginning, I did too. Now, once a month is good and plenty for me.

I don't know what happened, but after 5 and a half years of marriage, sex is the last thing on my mind.

As a stay @ home wife, I have no excuses.

I literally tip toe into our bedroom most nights so that I don't wake him up. But, as soon as I quietly and very, very gently enter our bed, he's all bright eyed, bushy tailed and READY FOR ACTION. My reaction to him is, I thought you were sleep.:eek: :confused: :eek:

So, knowing the temptation he endures on a daily basis from all of the willing women that he comes into contact with, he's a very attractive man, I give in (most of the time).

I've had a physical check up and nothings wrong with me, so I can't figure it out.

I started out as a roaring lion but lately I've been feeling like an itty-bitty kitty when it comes to sex.:perplexed

Am I selfish or what?

Pray for me.

See this is what I'm trying to figure out. Something occurs 'after' marriage to lower the woman's sex drive. As I shared in my post above, I am not discounting the phyical raalm, nor the adverse side effects of birth control methods.

But angels, we have something going on here and we each know the word of God which freely gives us the 'go-ahead' to enjoy our husbands sexually. I think this is an excellent discussion, because the answers are in each of us as we come together in prayer and sharing.

Right now as a single woman, I'm a 'hottie :lol: Meaning, I'm still cute :yep: I still have the goods. But I'm not releasing my goods until I'm married. time goes on in marriage, will I 'decrease' as my husband continues to 'increase' in Desire?

Married ladies you are truly being a blessing by sharing this. There is a way to fix this and knowing what and why it occurs.

I love each of you...
I'm sure there are many factors. Hormonal, emotional, spiritual. It's so complicated.:(

Even among non-christians, husbands complain about the sex all but stopping after marriage. You need only watch sitcoms for endless jokes about that.

So, you may be onto something as it relates to marriage. One thing I do know...most men assume they will be able to have sex whenever and wherever they want it once they get married...they feel entitled. Then they get a rude awakening.

On the other hand, most women assume that they will have as much if not more desire for their husbands after marriage. They too get a rude awakening.

Is it the expectations that are the problem?

Shimmie, you said something that stuck out at me. Maybe it is possible that single women are more sexually accomodating.

Hmm, this is food for thought!

My problem was pretty much solved when I stopped the pill, but if you ask my dh, he will still say he would have more sex with me if he could.
My lovely ladies and sisters in Christ!

First we need to step away from how society views the sexual relationship in the first place and take a look at how God views it. For if we ask for His power (2 Corinthians 9:8), He will give it to us, but only to do His will, not society's will or trend.

A man is made to give, the word husband means Provider. A woman was made to receive. Hence his body part literally "gives" and we as woman "receive" with our body part. It works that way mentally also.

But we are all selfish, we all want to be pleased... and some husbands have adopted this mentality and want sex for their satisfaction, and not to please their wives.

But since we can't change anybody, whats a woman to do to have a man view sex as a providing of, not a taking of?

(I am going to have to do a Shimmie on you, and leave you hanging because I need to run) I want to share Song of Solomon with you and give you some good resources to help turn this situation around.

(Shimmie, dearest I love you, and you know you leave us hanging in other threads for inticement and anticipation, thats what I am referring too ;) )

BTW, I am married, and we have been using condoms... I have been celibate my whole life before I got married.

talk to you soon
I was given a book as a gift titled "Married and How to Stay That Way" A Treasury of Practical Solutions Based Solely on God's Word by Steve Carr. There are two chapters, "Building Romance" and "Building the Sexual Relationship" that really detail some of the common issues that interfere with romance and sex in marriage. There are several causes listed as to why couples experience issues with sexual relationships, but I will just quote a few paragraphs:

Building Your Sexual Relationship page 245

E. Sometimes sexual desire fades because of medications you are taking. Recent scientific studies have confirmed that prescrip­tion and non-prescription medications can have a profound ef­fect upon your sexual desire. If you are taking any medication on a regular basis, you should consult your doctor about the possible effects this medication may have on your sexual desire or potency.

F. Sometimes desires are different because of hormonal differences. Sexual development and drive in men and women are directly affected by the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen and the level of these hormones in your blood. There is' not a lot you can do about differing levels within a marriage. However, knowing this fact can keep you from some of the fundamental misconceptions. One spouse may say, "All you want me for is sex." Or, on the other side of the fence, "Why don't you desire me? Do you even care?" Both of these statements reveal a possible misconception. Could the problem be simply the affect of a hormone raging inside your spouse, or the lack thereof? It may not have anything to do with how much your mate loves you or of seeing you as some sex object. The conflict may simply be caused by the amount of hormones flowing through your mate’s blood stream.
This does not negate the fact that you or your spouse must still choose to love by initiating sex or restraining yourself. But having this knowledge of hormones will help you to understand why there is such a difference in your sexual desires.

It goes on to talk about how sex can become routine between couples and how you should sit down and calmly discuss your needs with your mate. Find a mutual agreement and ask God for the love to restrain your desires or the love to respond when you don’t feel like it. It can be difficult either way. Yet the Holy Spirit is very able to rule over you and motivate you to act lovingly if you will seek His help.

The book also gives examples of how you can compromise in this area and lists some bible scriptures:

1 Cor. 7:4-5
Song of Solomon 5:16

The cost of the book was $12.99
lala said:
I was given a book as a gift titled "Married and How to Stay That Way" A Treasury of Practical Solutions Based Solely on God's Word by Steve Carr. There are two chapters, "Building Romance" and "Building the Sexual Relationship" that really detail some of the common issues that interfere with romance and sex in marriage. There are several causes listed as to why couples experience issues with sexual relationships, but I will just quote a few paragraphs:

Building Your Sexual Relationship page 245

E. Sometimes sexual desire fades because of medications you are taking. Recent scientific studies have confirmed that prescrip­tion and non-prescription medications can have a profound ef­fect upon your sexual desire. If you are taking any medication on a regular basis, you should consult your doctor about the possible effects this medication may have on your sexual desire or potency.

F. Sometimes desires are different because of hormonal differences. Sexual development and drive in men and women are directly affected by the male hormone testosterone and the female hormone estrogen and the level of these hormones in your blood. There is' not a lot you can do about differing levels within a marriage. However, knowing this fact can keep you from some of the fundamental misconceptions. One spouse may say, "All you want me for is sex." Or, on the other side of the fence, "Why don't you desire me? Do you even care?" Both of these statements reveal a possible misconception. Could the problem be simply the affect of a hormone raging inside your spouse, or the lack thereof? It may not have anything to do with how much your mate loves you or of seeing you as some sex object. The conflict may simply be caused by the amount of hormones flowing through your mate’s blood stream.
This does not negate the fact that you or your spouse must still choose to love by initiating sex or restraining yourself. But having this knowledge of hormones will help you to understand why there is such a difference in your sexual desires.

It goes on to talk about how sex can become routine between couples and how you should sit down and calmly discuss your needs with your mate. Find a mutual agreement and ask God for the love to restrain your desires or the love to respond when you don’t feel like it. It can be difficult either way. Yet the Holy Spirit is very able to rule over you and motivate you to act lovingly if you will seek His help.

The book also gives examples of how you can compromise in this area and lists some bible scriptures:

1 Cor. 7:4-5
Song of Solomon 5:16

The cost of the book was $12.99

God is moving. Thank you so much for sharing this. We're getting some very needed answers for those married and single. Wives need this for healing; Singles need this for preparation.

The word of God says we perish for lack of knowledge. While we will never have all of the answers to any given matter, God still gives us Grace with what we acquire.

You know how the word admonishes husbands and wives to not withhold ourselves from one another, least we be tempted? Well, can you see how satan has used this area in marriages to cause many problems in marriages...hence satan's goal/objective to destroy whom God has joined together.

We as Christian wives KNOW the word and surely we are not out to purposely withhold from our here's a subtle strategy of the enemy to come in with another weapon...our physical, hormonal, emotional make-up...gradually catching us unawares.

It's almost like a hypnotic trance, we yield to the body (our flesh) instead of our husbands, not seeing what's really behind it.

But we are all here to serve notice, that no man or nothing will put assunder (separate) any of the marriages represented here and those near and dear to us.

While the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, we still recognize there is an attact against our physical make-up; for did not God say, "...and your desire shall be unto your husband..." (Genesis 3).

So it shall be...'Our desires shall be unto our husbands in the most beautiful and natural way in the fullness thereof AND they will love us as the loving hind...and they shall find no fault in us. "The husband and wife shall be naked and they shall not be ashamed." Gen 2:24

The devil is a liar!!!!
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meek&quietspirit said:
Before I re-married, just about all I thought about was sex. I would fall on my knee's in tears and beg God to control my sex drive until He sent the man that He wanted me to marry.

Fast forward to my husband who has a high sex drive. In the beginning, I did too. Now, once a month is good and plenty for me.

I don't know what happened, but after 5 and a half years of marriage, sex is the last thing on my mind.

As a stay @ home wife, I have no excuses.

I literally tip toe into our bedroom most nights so that I don't wake him up. But, as soon as I quietly and very, very gently enter our bed, he's all bright eyed, bushy tailed and READY FOR ACTION. My reaction to him is, I thought you were sleep.:eek: :confused: :eek:

So, knowing the temptation he endures on a daily basis from all of the willing women that he comes into contact with, he's a very attractive man, I give in (most of the time).

I've had a physical check up and nothings wrong with me, so I can't figure it out.

I started out as a roaring lion but lately I've been feeling like an itty-bitty kitty when it comes to sex.:perplexed

Am I selfish or what?

Pray for me.

I was celibate for over 15 years before I married. I knew I was made for marriage. Being celibate was a chore but I kept busy working and raising my daughter while traveling and enjoying life. I NEVER thought there would come a time when I wouldn't want sex, but it happened. I could not use birth control pills (break-through bleeding). The diaphragm caused painful intercourse. After I stopped BC, I began to want sex more. My menstrual period returned to normal after 1 year. As far as intimacy, we bathe eath other. I have learned to give full body massages. We take walks and play games and snuggle under a shared blanket while watching a movie or ball game. These are the things that create intimacy between lovers and help make your home a haven for each of you.
Good advice ladies, I have been wanting to post this but it is soooooo private for me and it makes me feel a little ashamed, I know it is not my fault but it makes me feel like a failure as a wife:perplexed . I will pray and try to work on all the things you ladies suggested.
trimbride said:
I was afraid to post something like this, but I am experiencing the same thing. I am on the nuvaring and I feel like I am Impotent.

I never ever ever ever ever ever have any desire...and I didn't have much to begin with:(

My DH wants it everyday and I sometimes feel like it is a chore and I think he knows that I feel this way. It really makes the both of us feel inadequate but I don't want to take any chances with pregnancy so I will have to pray and try to get rid of some of the stress in my life.

I hate that this is an issue, because I want to make him happy:(

Does Nuvaring have chemicals in it?

Also, you say you never had much of a sex drive. Did your dh know about that before you got married?
trimbride said:
Good advice ladies, I have been wanting to post this but it is soooooo private for me and it makes me feel a little ashamed, I know it is not my fault but it makes me feel like a failure as a wife:perplexed . I will pray and try to work on all the things you ladies suggested.

It really might not be your fault.

The thing I struggle with is married women who are free to enjoy our sexuality and our husbands, who says what's enough?

What I mean is, if I desire sex 3 times a week, and my husband desires it every day, shouldn't we compromise at 5 times (just an example). Should a married woman feel obligated to have sex every time even if she doesn't want to?

I know about what the Bible says, and I don't dispute that at all. But the Bible also says that a husband should love his wife as Christ loves the church. Christ made the ultimate sacrifice for His church (his bride), so shouldn't the husband sacrifice every now and again for his bride?

I'm just throwing this out there. I don't have the answer.
I love this an answer. It's beautiful to meditate upon. It's beautiful as a prayer.

Philippians 2

1 Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, 2 fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling;

13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.

14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

17 Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. 18 For the same reason you also be glad and rejoice with me.


The Lord has always placed the above scripture in my heart as a prayer for marriages. From it, I focus on the following. And the more I read it, the more I receive from the heart of our Father to focus on.
  • Fulfill the joy in the heart of Jesus.
  • Fulfill the love of Jesus in one another.
  • We pray to be on one accord with one another as husband and wife.
  • Looking out for the others interests, not our own.
  • Not for selfish reasons, but out of love and obedience.
  • We work out our marriages as we do our salvation. Not for 'appearance' sake, but from the pureness of heart.
  • Not out of complaining, conceit, nor obligation, but...
  • Humbling ourselves, even to the point of death...the old man has passed away, the new man now leaves in both as one.
  • For our marriage to shine, setting a light for the world to follow; a light for our children and families, a light for one another... a light which glorifies and warms the heart of Jesus...our Prime example of Love.
I'd love to see the prayers of others for marriage. Perhaps we could start a thread..."Marriage Prayers", where each of us add a prayer which flows from our hearts to share with each other. Prayers can be added by anyone, married or single (Wives to be). :yep: ;)

Blessings everyone...;)