In A Divorce, I'm Going To Itemize All The Things She's Done For Me And Then She Can Get Paid That


Well-Known Member
My friend and I were discussing what was fair in a divorce proceeding. He said that if he and he wife were married for 20 years, he does not want to pay her alimony. He doesn't believe in it. He thinks she should just get a job. It doesn't matter if she was with him when he had nothing and he built his business while they were married. She didn't work towards the business so she shouldn't have anything to do with that when they split. Even if she was a SAHW/M.

He would just want his lawyer to itemize whatever services she gave him during the duration of the marriage and pay that. Like for example if they had kids, he would estimate the figure of whatever a surrogate would charge in the year she had the baby and give her that x however many children she delivered. Then they would figure the price of a nanny for however many years she was raising the children, etc, etc.

I just think it's a cold way to treat a woman you were with for such a long time. Very transactional. I've heard men say that even if his wife were to leave him he would always take care of her and make sure she was okay.

Maybe I'm too entitled or I'm expecting to much but I think it's a bit harsh.

But I've never been married or lived with anyone so WTH do I know?
Your friend might be better off just getting a surrogate and a nanny if he is interested in having kids, no need to have a wife as well.

TBH I am not so concerned about not wanting to pay alimony, I am more interested in the way he itemized her "services"....brings to mind that "Breeders" comment by Sojourner Truth person.. I have so many thoughts on this, like there is a possible future where a part of the male specie (both trans and CIS) who secretly resent women will try to phase us out...cloning babies etc. to make the "breeders" if that is the only thing that makes us a vital part of the human race:rolleyes:
He should not EVER get married. In fact, he shouldn't have kids either because he is probably the type that would say - "well child A was better behaved, had more A's in school than child B, so child A will get more of an inheritance."

He just needs to stay single and childless.
He's an idiot. I think most ex wives would have preferred that arrangement! The price of a surrogate for x amount of children, plus the average rate of a nanny for those kids until they are teens, a live in maid, chef... What if she homeschools? Does their taxes... After 20 years the amount he'll owe his wife will be astronomical. He'll be begging to just pay alimony.

Fortunately for his dumb ass, the courts don't care if he believes in alimony or not. He'll end up paying some woman well below her value just like the rest.
I just think he doesn't like the idea of him taking care of a woman if he's not with her.

Compared to single men, married men earn more money, advance faster in their careers, live longer, have better mental and physical health outcomes, and overall experience increased well-being due to marriage. The opposite is true of married vs. single women (on ALL aforementioned metrics). So if he were to get married and subsequently divorced, he should be happy to take care of his ex-wife, because if it weren't for her, he'd make less money and have less prestige at his job.

Sgold, PhD.
:rolleyes: He probably doesn't even have a woman. Or money to take care of said woman.

He's actually been in a relationship for about 10 years to his college sweetheart. He used to make VERY good money working and now he's starting his own entrepreneurial business which is taking off.

He would have no problem getting a woman to be on board with this because he's good looking, successful and charming to women. I'm SURE he could find someone to be on board with this.

I think he's a good friend but I wouldn't want to be with a man like him.
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He would have no problem getting a woman to be on board with this because he's good looking, successful and charming to women. I'm SURE he could find someone to be on board with this.

I think he's a good friend but I wouldn't want to be with a man like him.
Yeah, even opposite to the way yo described him are winning. Men are winning period. And they know it. They can talk all that bs and still be beating women off with a stick.
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Compared to single men, married men earn more money, advance faster in their careers, live longer, have better mental and physical health outcomes, and overall experience increased well-being due to marriage. The opposite is true of married vs. single women (on ALL aforementioned metrics). So if he were to get married and subsequently divorced, he should be happy to take care of his ex-wife, because if it weren't for her, he'd make less money and have less prestige at his job.

Sgold, PhD.
He's actually been in a relationship for about 10 years to his college sweetheart. He used to make VERY good money working and now he's starting his own entrepreneurial business which is taking off.

He would have no problem getting a woman to be on board with this because he's good looking, successful and charming to women. I'm SURE he could find someone to be on board with this.

I think he's a good friend but I wouldn't want to be with a man like him.

Yeah, even opposite to the way yo described him are winning. Men are winning period. And they know it. They can talk all that bs and still be beating women off with a stick.
You mind taking out where he worked in that quote? I don't want to blast him, there might be people on here he knows.
... I have so many thoughts on this, like there is a possible future where a part of the male specie (both trans and CIS) who secretly resent women will try to phase us out...cloning babies etc. to make the "breeders" if that is the only thing that makes us a vital part of the human race:rolleyes:

You don't think this isn't lowkey happening already?
Yeah, need to familiarize yourself with the law because this marriage ish can go south real quick. I understand his pain. I can't IMAGINE having to pay an ex-husband....
*Does Wayne Brady have to kill a mitch?*
Well, I think it's a bit different because men are expected to have the position of being a provider. I'm not sure what kind of man world feel comfortable taking money from a woman every month and I'm sure I wouldn't marry him.

But then again, I'm very young and don't have much life/dating experience.