Imprtant Question re: Surge and Henna


New Member
Are any of you who "Surge" currently using Henna in any form and are there any cautions or know side effects re: using Surge on hennaed hair? Thank you. Please give feedback Bonjour

I used Surge last week (once a day) before I did my Henna treatment this past Sunday.

I was also worried about some type of reaction, so I have not used Surge since I did my Henna. I am going to re-start Surging tomorrow (again once a day).

I will let you know if I see any problems or adverse reactions.
Thank You. I think SassyGirl does monthly henna treatments but I will be hoping to hear from her. I did not read any cautions in that regard on the site or on any posts. I only want to use it on scalp anyway. I think it is a wise idea to give some space around the henna treatments though as is allows you to isolate concerns. Bonjour and MAY YOU GAIN MORE THAN 2 INCHES A MONTH.
I haven't had any problems. I've been using Surge 1x per day on my nape and hairline since mid December. I use the henna from once a month. I apply Surge at night. I've never used it right after a henna treatment.
Bless You with More Than 2" too, SassyGirl. I am so relieved to know that someone who is a henna user has tried this. I cannot give up the henna. And I have to try the Surge. Happy Hair Growing. Bonjour
Oh, I forgot!...SG. Do you only surge right after a shampoo and condition on wet hair or do you do it between shampoos or rinses. I was curious if anyone is successfully doing it like the second day if they shampoo every third day? What has worked best for you? Bonjour.
I use Henna and have been using Surge since Dec. 13. I decided to stop using Surge one week before the henna and to wait
a little while after the henna just to be safe. So I used my henna and waited three days before starting back on the Surge. It's been over two weeks since the Henna and I resumed the Surge--no problems! I was a little nervous but it worked out fine. BTW my hair is relaxed (Affirm) and my hair is 3c/4a and was 20 inches the last time I measured.
I apply Surge a few hours before bed. Usually around 6 or 7 pm. In the morning I conditioner wash or spray with distilled water/conditioner.

I normally do my henna treatments on the weekend. This gives me time to get all the crud out. (I did a treatment on a Sunday night once. The next day I scratched my head and some crumbs fell out!
) So it's probably 24 hrs between henna and Surge for me.

I never even thought about the two not being compatible before this thread.
lol, Sassygurl, I can picture if someone was watching that crumb of henna fall out..." this girl has got some serious flakes up in here!"...
Must be some of that "growin' dandruff"...
...go on SassyG...grow that hair!
Just wanted to updated you ladies and tell you that I have continued to henna and to surge and have had no negative problem. Thank you again for responding. Now I am trying to find out if any of you who are hennaeing, started relaxing afterwards and if there were any negative effects. I know some relax then henna but I want to know what happens the other way around. Have you ever overlapped the relaxer when you are doing a retouch, and the relaxer got on the hennaed part...any breakage or shedding? Bonjour.