Impromptu Intervention at My Mother's House


Well-Known Member
Yesterday, WCG and I went to visit my mother. I had done a roller set over the weekend, and my now 24 weeks post-relaxer hair was in a pony tail. Almost as soon as I sat down, my mother was like let me put a perm in your hair today. I was kinda shocked, because I didn't know why she'd say that. I thought my hair looked pretty good. Plus, she knows that I'm going natural. When she last saw me, I had a blowout though. She was like if you're not going to keep going to Atlanta to get it done, you need to put a perm in it. My sister and WCG agreed. This went on and on for several minutes, and when they stopped talking about it, they'd come back to the subject. I was like, "Oh boy." My little sister was like, you look like you have an afro. Then WCG laughed and was like, "That's what I said." He thought it was funny. "I told my mama about it, and she said that she just has to let it grow out. My aunt said all her hair is gonna fall out. She either needs to cut it off or get a perm." He said that I was looking at Nay's hair on the LHCF and thinking my hair will be like that. He said that lady might have Indian in her family. I'm gonna kill him. He thinks everything is a joke. lol (Since he was trying to put me on blast, I told my mother that he said she couldn't do hair. After the visit, he was like why did you tell your mother that? She took offense to that.) Then my mother was telling me how thin it is. I don't think it's thin, and how can you really tell how thin someone's hair is when it's in a ponytail. Her other concerns were as follows:

1. I don't have good hair.
2. It's going to be knotty.
3. How am I gonna wear my hair?

I told her that I plan on getting braids, but I was told that my hair is so long and so thick that it would cost at least $400. Then I asked if she could do my hair like Alicia Keys. Both she and my sister said that braids take your hair out. Then my sister was like, "When you take them out, you're not going to have any edges." Surely, this can be prevented, I hope. Anyway, my mother said that she would give me some pin plaits and that she wouldn't do it tight around the edges. She did them on my aunt who works at the Pentagon and my little sister's hair and said that they turned out really pretty. When I go back home, I'm going to let her do them on my hair. I'm so happy that I resisted their efforts to take me back to the "creamy crack."
That's right, stand your ground! Family is wonderful but when they aren't on the same page as you, they get like the Navy SEALS trying to get you to change your hair.
Good for you. It is your hair so you should make decisions on it. WCG needs to support you in your decision. He is right though regarding your hair not being like Nay's. On your natural journey, you have to realize everyone's hair is different. My hair may look similar to so members but it is unique. It is what it is. Learn to love it. My ends were thin too because the new growth was so thick.
I didn't say that my hair would look like Nay's, but I've always had long hair and don't think it would be a problem to achieve that length.
MissJ said:
I didn't say that my hair would look like Nay's, but I've always had long hair and don't think it would be a problem to achieve that length.

I don't think it will be a probably growing it long again except it may shrink. My hair has grown but shrinkage takes away from the length.
the only think they said worth a thang is that u r risking breakage...but that can be prevented cuz some ladies on here transition for a year or more....

the rest of that stuff coulda been's a rarity for a black woman's family to actually support the decision to break away from a relaxer....
rosie, I think pin plaits are tiny plaits, sort of like micro braids. I really can't describe them. I'll post pictures after I get them.
MissJ, don't pay no attention to them. Family members think it's their job to give you their unsolicited advice and dumb comments. My brother to this day stares at my hair (not in a good way) whenever I wear it in a twistout or something. People get so used to seeing black folks with "straight" hair, that nothing else seems like it will do.

You just keep doing what makes YOU happy.

(By the way, tell them that, no, I don't have no Indian in my family's blood :lol: Hair growth can also come from lots of TLC as opposed to what is in your DNA.)