i'm transitioning


Well-Known Member
hi ladies! i've decided to transition, and stop getting relaxers. this originally started off as a 3 month, then 4 month stretch, but i've decided to transition. i don't want to do the big chop, and my ultimate goal is bsl. and i was at apl, but after my "trim" im now a little past sl now. i'm hoping to grow my hair out, and just trim off the relaxed hair gradually, and possiblly be at my goal in 2 years. guess i should change my siggie. lol i'm a little excited, but know there will be alot of hurdles. any advice? i've read the transitioners support threat, but it's soooo long, but hopefully will get through it eventually.
Welcome to the club :)
I love the transitioner's support thread, it's very helpful.

How do you intend to transition? What do you plan to do with your hair? What's your regime?
hi ladies! i've decided to transition, and stop getting relaxers. this originally started off as a 3 month, then 4 month stretch, but i've decided to transition. i don't want to do the big chop, and my ultimate goal is bsl. and i was at apl, but after my "trim" im now a little past sl now. i'm hoping to grow my hair out, and just trim off the relaxed hair gradually, and possiblly be at my goal in 2 years. guess i should change my siggie. lol i'm a little excited, but know there will be alot of hurdles. any advice? i've read the transitioners support threat, but it's soooo long, but hopefully will get through it eventually.

Don't get rid of products that are working for your hair (regardless of whether it's marketed to naturals or not). I still use things that worked for me when I was relaxed, and they are still working. If ain't broke, don't fix it. ;)
Congratulations on your decision to transition.:congrats: I know the transitioning support thread is long but there's alot of good info there. The long-term stretch thread is a really good one as well. You may want to start checking out youtube vids on transitioning and check out fotkis of other transitioners and naturals. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions, I'm sure these ladies don't mind helping you.

Good luck.
Welcome to the club :)
I love the transitioner's support thread, it's very helpful.

How do you intend to transition? What do you plan to do with your hair? What's your regime?

honestly i'm not 100% sure right now. lolol. but, i'm thinking a combination of buns, and braids, and just rotate between the two, when i'm letting my hair breath from braids, wear it in a bun. and then just trim off the relaxed ends as my hair grows. i'm thinking it will probably take me about 2 years to be completely natural with this method. i'm taking vitamins, and using topical growth aids, as well. i'm definently reading as many threads as possible concerning trasitioning, including the long term stretchers challange thread.

as far as my current regimine, i really don't have one. lol. i get my hair rollerset every 2 weeks, thats about it. i had disastrous results when trying to become diy, and lost and damaged my hair. but, i did learn that my hair is very protein sensitive, and it took a month before my hair stopped breaking.
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