I'm scurred . . .

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Everyone is recommending doing a protein treatment before my next relaxer (which is a week from tomorrow). However . . . I scurred.
I have never noticed much breakage when I get relaxed. (Then again, I've never looked for breakage . . . of course, it could be that I'm so accustomed to my hair coming out that I don't even notice.) Anyways, I'm scared to try something new before getting a relaxer . . . and I'm scared of using protein after getting a relaxer. I'm just scared. What if my hair falls out or I have some sort of negative reaction?

Reassurance requested, please!

Sweetie I care! :yep:

The only thing I can suggest at this moment is to get a conditioner that is not too strong and follow it up with a rinse to make sure your hair is soft afterwards. I suggest ORS Deep Conditioner. After using that, you might not even neet to use a rinse. It makes my hair really soft. I use it after a touch up too.

Sweetie I care! :yep:

The only thing I can suggest at this moment is to get a conditioner that is not too strong and follow it up with a rinse to make sure your hair is soft afterwards. I suggest ORS Deep Conditioner. After using that, you might not even neet to use a rinse. It makes my hair really soft. I use it after a touch up too.


Thanks hon. I'm so needy. *lol*

Does ORS DC have protein?
Umm GG your hair is not gonna fall out. Just use a mild protein like ORS Replenishing pack, Aphogee Keratin Condish or Motions CPR or something. It's just conditioner....take a deep breath and apply it. :yep:
Umm GG your hair is not gonna fall out. Just use a mild protein like ORS Replenishing pack, Aphogee Keratin Condish or Motions CPR or something. It's just conditioner....take a deep breath and apply it. :yep:


Oh, so it's just this stuff?


I can handle that . . . shoot I've been doing protein treatments and not even knowing it. *lol*

so, I guess that's considered mild . . . so I can use a joico pak reconstructor this week and then the ORS right after my relaxer next week? Also, I plan on using a clarifying shampoo . . . .

so, I guess that's considered mild . . . so I can use a joico pak reconstructor this week and then the ORS right after my relaxer next week? Also, I plan on using a clarifying shampoo . . . .

Sure. Your hair will need all the strengthening it can get. Just make sure to use a moisturizing condish to follow-up these treatments in the subsequent washings. Basically pay attention to your hair's needs. If it feels dry and rough...give it moisture. If it feels weak and stretches too much, give it some protein. Capiche? :lachen:
Sure. Your hair will need all the strengthening it can get. Just make sure to use a moisturizing condish to follow-up these treatments in the subsequent washings. Basically pay attention to your hair's needs. If it feels dry and rough...give it moisture. If it feels weak and stretches too much, give it some protein. Capiche? :lachen:

