"I'm not a stalker, but I go after want I want.."


here.... but i'm not here
So this was how I was approached by some guy at Walmart.

There were a a couple of reasons why I didn't want to give him my number outright. One: physical attraction: not there, he's a tad bit shorter than me. Two: Whack approach. I'm grown, I expect to be treated as such. Three: I'm interested in someone else right now. And while I'm interested, I'm not actively dating, just because I'm focusing on myself while I wait.

So anyway, after politely turning him down, I go to check out. Before we went our separate ways, he made mention that he was heart broken, and I'm like awww, *eye roll in my mind*.

So right before I pay my stuff, his guy friend approaches me, and was like, "hey you really broke my friends heart," and I go to laugh it off, but he was like, "no really you did", and goes to explain how guys are.

Meanwhile I'm like :huh:, and started to feel some type of way.

Now I'm feeling some type of chastised way, even though I feel as if I don't owe anybody an explanation.

Has this happened to any of y'all?
He seems kinda entitled. Like he can't take no for an answer. I really don't like guys like that because they seem like they have some type of ownership over women. As if women are just supposed to be with them just because.

Not to take it far but I think this is a part of rape culture when a woman's "no" isn't enough. Like you rejected him a couple times, he needs to respect the fact that you don't want it. Like dude, back off, it's weird.

And I think you're right you don't owe anyone an explanation.
He sounds like a loser .You should have said you have a bf and 5 kids and watch him disappear lol
Once a guy approached me on behalf of his friend. I told him that I don't like shorties. He approached me again and politely asked if I could at least talk to his friend for a little bit because he feels bad to tell him that he's short. I did. I didn't see the big deal. Once the person isn't rude.
Some men out here have become some real softies....:look: Look, if you are a man, then you have to know that if you're going to "go after what you want", you MAY not always get what you want. That's just a fact of life. #shrug

Plus, how could you have "broken his heart" when he didn't even really know you from Adam? I swear.... :rolleyes:

Girl, don't feel bad...and don't feel "chastised" either. You didn't really owe them anything other than politeness and cordiality. You politely declined his advances more than once....you didn't do anything wrong imo.

He may need to toughen up a little bit for the world if a woman POLITELY saying "no" to his advances "really breaks his heart".... :perplexed
He sounds like a loser .You should have said you have a bf and 5 kids and watch him disappear lol


Yep I tried that before...Didn't work. :nono:

Me: I have 5 kids by 4 men.
Him: Well do those kids need a daddy?
Me: :look: (Walks away)
This is creepy. I've never experienced it before, but if I did, I would probably linger in the shopping center (in another store) so they don't see my car, license plate and try to follow-up. His reaction to rejection is very irrational, and irrational people will likely do more irrational things - like follow yo *** home.
Sounds like the kind of dude who will immediately ring the mobile number you gave him to see if the digits are fake :rolleyes:
it has.... this happened to me at the gym last sunday and I'm still salty about it.

this man followed me from my warm up to the machines... and as I was setting up he says "HI!" and stares....

I said hello, and continued setting up my machine as I was on a time limit...
(wasn't attracted either)

he then turns to his friend and says "Why do I bother??!" ...Since it sounded slightly rude/aggressive I got sharp with him...

saying: I don't know why you bother-only you should know that...especially if you walk up to someone.

he was surprised and said he was toungue tied and that's what happens when he sees a pretty woman..blah blah..

but end of story. .. he still tried to get my number-i had to stress I was on a time limit... so he said he'd see me around.

his friend then made sure to hog the machines I specifically needed and just was generally evil after that.
