I'm new. |:


New Member
Hey everyone.

I've been 'lurking' for a few months, and finally decided to join.
I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and continuing my hair journey.
To be honest, I was hesitant about joining as I am from Australia and am white and I know this is a site for 'women of colour'.
I figured, I want healthy and long hair too-so why not join! (:

I did the BC a month ago, and am trying to grow my hair to bra strap length.
It was almost BSL, but I got a section of my hair bleached and it the hairdresser severly overprocessed it.
Even with lots of TLC, that section of hair broke untill it was up to shoulder length.
A month ago, I decided to get the rest of my hair cut to shoulder length but I went to a very scissor happy hairdresser who cut it all up to my mouth.

So anyway, here I am trying to get my hair healthy and long.

and welcome:grin:

I was just wondering: Have you checked out the long hair community?

Its a similar forum but mainly for white people, so you may find people with your exact hair type and advice that will be best suited to your hair needs?

Hey sarah, welcome!:)

I was also going to suggest long hair community, you can use knowledge from both sites and you'll have long healthy hair in no time.
:clapping: Congrats for taking the step and joining and welcome to the forum.

I am sure you will find many helpful hair care practices here that are universal to all types of hair textures.


It's great to have you Sarahh.

We are a board that is very familiar with the BC, whether you are cutting off bleached hair or relaxed hair. I'm sure you'll find lots of support here.

I really wanted to travel to Australia when I was in undergrad. I didn't do it but I still hope to go one day.

I hope you will delight us with some pictures from your wonderful continent. Feel free to post a thread in the off topic section of the board when you are up to it :-)
WELCOME! Like others have said you will find a ton of great info to help you out, LHCF helps everyone and can hunt down info for you. I to can't wait to see pictures. Good Luck on your Journey. We are all about HAIR not the color of your skin.
Hi Sarahh -

Welcome and good luck on your hair growing journey. I'm fairly new also and have learned tons of helpful hair growing info! You will also.
Welcome Sarah!!!! You will definetly get a loooooooad of info on products AND techniques that will work with your hair. We all share a common interest and goal which is long hair! WELCOME ONCE AGAIN!!!

welcome Sarah..although a site for 'women of colour' i don't see why you will not be able to benefit from the products, techniques and recipes that many ladies use on here..form Indian oils to dominican products not too mention homemade products etc etc, soooo much info...shessh things I would of not even considered....it's all good :grin:

Heeeeey girl, welcome :-). Shoot hair is hair, and we all have info to share to better retain length and gain health. We're all in this together.
Good luck and welcome!!! There is plenty of information and love on this site to get you to your goal in no time!! Stay away from the bleach!! That's what got me on here....