Hi, I'm a newbie


New Member
Hello Ladies!

I'm Chenai and I'm a college student. My hair type naturally is 4b. I had virgin hair until I relaxed at age 11. Up untill the time I was about 18 my hair was always about shoulder length. At this age I bleached my hair honey blonde and most of it broke off. The state was so bad my hairdresser recommended a halle. Since then my hair grew back to shoulder length, but was very thin and scraggly. I have now cut it into a chin length bob and want to grow it to bra stap length. It is still thin so, I would like advice on how to thicken it up. thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum. You will get great advice from these wonderful women. My hair has changed so much in over 3 mos I cant even begin to tell u. Soak it all up and dont worry if it takes a few trial and errors to find out what really works for your hair. Happy Growing
Welcome aboard:D ! So many ladies here have a wealth of information to share so I am positive you will get to bra-strap length and healthy hair with patience and consistency. Quick note, I don't know if you are still relaxed but you may want to try stretching your relaxers to prevent overlapping and add a deep conditioning treatment weekly to your wash routine. Lay off the heat and treat your hair like the fine silk it can be. Happy hair growing!!
Welcome! You've already taken a great first step cutting off the damaged hair, now you'll have healthy ends as long as you protect them and moisturize properly. Many of us have seen increased thickness from stretching relaxers. Take a day or 2 and visit many many old threads, you'll find a wealth of info here. And you can def. make your goal of bra-strap w/ a dose of consistency, dedication, and patience. Happy Growing :)
Welcome! I'm also relatively new around here, and I've learned SO much in the past 6 weeks since I found LHCF! Like another poster said, there are tons of threads on the forum that will steer you in the right direction. The forum's "Search" function has become my best friend.:)

Also, you may want to check out this thread & tutorial by dontspeakdefeat:
me, too... :) Welcome, I'm sure you'll like it here. I've found a ton of great information and inspiration here.
preciousjewel76 said:
Welcome! I'm also relatively new around here, and I've learned SO much in the past 6 weeks since I found LHCF! Like another poster said, there are tons of threads on the forum that will steer you in the right direction. The forum's "Search" function has become my best friend.:)

Also, you may want to check out this thread & tutorial by dontspeakdefeat:

We're glad to have you. I second her statement. You will definitely learn alot from DSD's info. Take it slow or you will become overwhelmed.

My thoughts are to establish a wash/condition schedule (maybe once every 5-7 days & deep condition weekly).

Protect your ends, try the baggie method if possible.

Stay away from direct heat, like blow fryers, curling irons, flat irons. Instead opt for rollersetting or air drying (which is working wonders for my hair).


My hair has become even thicker since I started using henna. You could do a search and read some of the henna threads, if interested. Also, www.hennaforhair.com is an outstanding henna site and has a forum, too.
Thank you, to everyone who has welcomed me to the forum. I had a day off from college today and I spent the whole day looking through the threads. I have learnt so much and I am surprised a lot of the information on here is not common knowledge. It is so addictive I can tell I will be spending a lot of time here. It is inspiring the transformations people on this forum have made with their hair. thank you again for the warm welcome and I hope I too can achieve my hair goals.