I'm new. |:

Thanks everyone.
I feel very welcomed. (:


and welcome:grin:

I was just wondering: Have you checked out the long hair community?

Its a similar forum but mainly for white people, so you may find people with your exact hair type and advice that will be best suited to your hair needs?


Hey sarah, welcome!:)

I was also going to suggest long hair community, you can use knowledge from both sites and you'll have long healthy hair in no time.

Yes I have had a look around The Long Hair Community site and I even joined, but I like this board better! Hehe. The ladies on there seem to already have really long hair, but on this site there are more of you with shorter hair and I feel I fit in more. Also, on The Long Hair Community they seem to be more into length rather than health-and I'm here for both. (I don't mean to generalise but that's how it seemed). Thanks for the suggestion though. (:

Welcome Sarahh! :)
And come on in! Our windoors are always open. BTW, what is the texture of your hair?

I am not too sure of my texture. I know that seems weird. When my hair was long it was quite curly so I guess that's a 3something. When it was shoulder length it was more wavy which I think is a 2something. Now that it's so short it seems to have changed again and is fairly straight with some wavy parts. So anyway, when my hair grows a little and gets some texture back maybe I could post pictures and ask you guys!
Wow - welcome. I think it makes me proud as a member of this board that you (not being a woman of color) would want to join. I hope you find this site as helpful as I have. Take care...
Wow - welcome. I think it makes me proud as a member of this board that you (not being a woman of color) would want to join. I hope you find this site as helpful as I have. Take care...

I totally agree with this!:yep::yawn:

Welcome again sarah, now hurry up girl and take some pics and put up your fotki, lol.:grin:
Welcome!!! Everyone is so responsive, friendly & encouraging. I'm fairly new - I haven't even gotten a fotki yet. But I've been snapping pics weekly so when I finally figure it out I'll be ready. :grin: HHG!
Welcome!!! This is a really great site, and as you already know, there is lots to learn here.

Oh, and the fotki is basically a place where you can keep track of your hair progress, and also allow others to see it. It's also a way to share tips and your regimen with others. People use it as a way of teaching, sharing, and learning from others. That's how I look at it!!!